please explain some rap references to me...

a/k/a who are "Convertible Burt" and "O.G. Bobby Johnson"?As in Rick Ross's "I touch work like I'm Convertible Burt" and Jay-Z's "thug thought he was O.G. Bobby Johnson/had to play him like Benny Blanco/mano a mano you ain't ready".

That would be my guess.
See fictionalized portrayal as "Bumpy Jonas" in Shaft.
"Bumpy Johnson" would make a lot of sense given the context, but nah, as always, Jay enunciates real clearly. The name also pops up in Kanye's verse on "The Bounce."
This movie had the funniest overdubs when it was shown on TV on UPN BITD. Instead of muthafucka, they'd say "monkeyfeather." I always thought that was a good example of amusing censorship. 2nd place would be the "Hiyah" karate chop sounds from the Meters' "Cissy Strut" that Casual used to censor the video "That's How It Is."
Scarface had similar silly sensoring... In that part where he's being interrogated and the cop says "How'd you get that scar, eating pussy?" It became "...eating pineapple?"
It makes his next line even funnier.
It makes his next line even funnier.
and also in that scene where manolo sticks his tongue out at that girl and she slaps him, he goes "LESBIAN!" (which sounds like "LESBION!") - the sensored version is "LEMONHEAD!"
"Convertible Burt was like 20 years old and had twenty cars and made all of them convertible, painted them candy colors and put rims on'em."
Taken from Don Diva
I figured it had to be something deeper that Burt Reynolds
Man, Convertible Burt would be such an ace rap name.
Esp. for a Transformer and/or a hermaphrodite.