Bill Murray: Coolest Motherfucker on the Planet...



  • Bill Groundhog-Day, Ghostbustin'-ass Murray!

  • You wanna know about the weather? You're asking the wrong Phil. I'll tell you about the weather. It's cold and it's grey and it's gonna last the rest of your life.

    - spidey

    Anyone up on the Buddhism theory about Groundhog Day? i am gonna go look it up, but figured i'd bring it up since we're all here. i am just cutting and pasting from Wiki, so hopefully some of you dudes more up on things will have some wisdom.


    When used in a generic sense, a Buddha is generally considered to be a person who discovers the true nature of reality through years of spiritual cultivation, investigation of the various religious practices of his time, and meditation. This transformational discovery is called bodhi - literally, "Awakening" (more commonly called "Enlightenment"). Any person who has become awakened from the "sleep of ignorance" by directly realizing the true nature of reality is called a Buddha.

    i know this could be applied, in part, to any coming of age story out there, but from what i remember my fellow film nerd classmates saying the tenets of Buddhism were the basis of the idea / story.

    (Edited so as not to look like a moron.)

  • addition, take a look at the subject line if you are replying or posting to the thread.

  • the tenants of Buddhism were the basis of the idea / story.[/b]

    O Buddha...when is the rent due?[/b]

  • HA, nice catch.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Anyone up on the Buddhism theory about Groundhog Day?

    Indeed. I actually observed a class on it. But Harold Ramis explains it better.

    In "Groundhog Day" you depicted a guy who needed to relive one day numerous times to find himself. In "Multiplicity" the hero had to experiment with cloning before he could set healthy priorities for his life. Here you have someone who tries on alternate identities. Are you consciously exploring the fractured nature of the way we live today?

    Of course I'm conscious of it, but I might have said as much as I want to say about it now, in the films. "Groundhog Day" came to me as an original script from Danny Rubin, but the core of the movie was always there. It was the Nietzschean/Buddhist premise of eternal repetition and what we could learn from it. And the response from the spiritual community to that movie was unbelievable. I literally got letters from every known religious organization and discipline, from yogis, Hasidic Jews, Jesuits, psychoanalysts -- all claiming the movie, all saying you must be one of us because this movie so perfectly expresses our philosophy. That one for me was about getting off the wheel of comedy by losing yourself, which is a purely Buddhist idea: The hero stops thinking about himself and starts performing service. That's what Mahayana Buddhism is all about.

    "So the dali lama comes up to me and says, gungal gu, no wait, gungala gun gungulu, which means on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness. So I got that going for me, which is nice"

    - spidey

  • FrankFrank 2,385 Posts
    Bill Murray's the dude. Quite a catalog.

    Check out the Fear and Lathing in Las Vegas DVD on Criterion, it featured a Fear and Loathing documentary from the mid 70's in which a then unknown Bill Murray is hired by Thompson to play a guy working on the Re-elect Nixon in '80 campaign.

    I loved Bill Murray from when I first saw him in "Blast / where the bufalo roam" (I think was the titel), I still think that this was a much better movie adaption of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" than the one with Johnny Depp. People called me crazy for this but then again, I hear that all the time.

    That bowling movie from the late 90s that someone had posted a picture was nuts... can't remember the titel. I should get this on DVD, damn. Is there something like a Bill Murray Box-Set?

    A friend from NY lived next door with him when she was a kid and she said he was very friendly but somehow also very odd in real life. A lot like in his movies, she said.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts


    The very first guest on the origianl "Late Night" with David Letterman

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts


    The very first guest on the origianl "Late Night" with David Letterman

    There is a story that I read in a Letterman bio where supposedly Murray came to that late night rehersal with a case of tequilla. I guess when Letterman got there the entire cast was almost too drunk to do the show. cameramen and all. hahaha!

  • [threadjack] Was anyone else surprised yet delighted when that lil' chica came out full-frontal in "Broken Flowers"? REWIND. [/threadjack]
    ooh yes!!That gurl was ...Also one of my favorite Bill moment was in Rushmore when he's walking through the playground and cold rubs that little kid shooting hoops..hI-larious!

  • You're talking to a huge Bill Murray fan. My sis and I have talked about how cool it would be to have him as an uncle. Uncle Bill haha.
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