Burlesque of North America gallery grand opening!

TheeeCasualMaleTheeeCasualMale 2,564 Posts
edited September 2006 in Announcements
We (Burlesque of North America) are officially officially officially opening up our brand new art gallery / print shop FIRST AMENDMENT to the public on Friday September 29th.For this grandiose multimedia event, we will be showcasing artwork from the folks who work in our studio on a daily basis (Mike Davis, Wes Winship from Burlesque, screenprinters Amy Jo Hendrickson and Lonny Unitus, and painter Kirk Snyder) as well as some of our friends who do great artwork (local stencil artist John Grider, screenprinter Dwitt, etc).In addition to this, we will be screenprinting t-shirts live on the spot. Bring a shirt, sweatshirt, or whatever, or buy one from us and have it printed live on the spot with exclusive brand new designs from the First Amendment artists.If that weren't enough, P.O.Fucking.S, Paper Tiger, Andrew Broder and Tim Glenn from Fog, and DJ Mike the 2600 King will all be performing!ADMISSION = ZERO MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS.First Amendment Gallery = 1101 Stinson, directly on the corner of Broadway and Stinson. Come on in and follow the signs down to the basement.


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