Back To School, fools



  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    Hey all!
    So many students and teachers, awesome.
    My first day was surprisingly easy, mostly because everything is so screwed up at my high school that many of the kids who need my class haven't been scheduled yet, so I had a handful of friendly repeat offenders and some scared-shitless freshmen, no obvious badasses- knock on wood- but the semester is young.

    My evening credential classes start next week, so that's when the brutality begins.

  • I teach at Oakland Tech, and yes I am the best goddamn teacher up in that place!

    HA HA HA!
    you're not that one ponytailed science/rop? teacher with the fannypack and paisley that uses his outside voice all the time... are you?

    dj anna you are a brave woman for taking evening cred courses!! that is HELLA WORK to do!

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    No! I teach history and english.

  • after that, went to the local cafe for a peach iced tea and read some gilles deleuze for a class i'm taking that starts on thursday.

    What text?


    dude is as usual

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    I believe that. I read about twenty pages from One thousand Plateaus, and it was obvious that him and his homeboy are serious. I really enjoy structuralism/post-structuralism.

    How about one of my classes this semester is all about making field recordings? I'm beyond pumped. It operates under the guise of ethnography, but the proffesor is taking a broad interpretation of ethnography; I'm doing a project on the sounds of skateboarding.

    I have another class that deals with issues of identity and performance in North African/North African diaspora nations.

    and I have a class that consists of viewing the BAM Next Wave (avant theatre/music/dance) festival, and then writing about the performances. Graduate school is the jam pony.

    Intelligence is the new breakbeat:

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    I went from teaching 11th grade U.S. history and Life Science (Special Education) to being a student so I am making the adjustment. Radical departure in fields...I've decided to leave education altogether and pursue my RN & Master's RN (all in one) @ UCSF. The thing is though, I have pre-requisites to do before I can apply to the graduate Program I want to get into and am taking the pre-requisites at a community college. The community college also houses a high school campus. I now feel like I have gone from teaching high school to being in high school. It's an awkward feeling to have. No sweat though, I get to pass notes again!

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    I'm from the sourthern hemisphere and I gots 2 month to go on an honors thesis, then I'm outta there!
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