sex offender map (tell your girls to be careful)



  • sex offender lists are pointless. Paedophiles are one of the few breeds of criminal who can be legitimately identified as such by appearence alone.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    haha oh never mind i read it as the reverse. Yeah i'm not too surprised how many sex offenders look like they would fit on the graemlin.

  • and i CERTAINLY wouldn't be knocking on someone's door to harass them if i don't know them and their background.

    Not to mention this is very illegal in many or most states.

  • Welcome to Orlando.... strangely none within 3/4 mile in any direction of my house.

  • This is some crazy ish. I'm amazed that the technology exists, but I don't know if I trust this. If the bank can do all kinds of computer fcuk ups with something like your checking account, then some guy can end up with his picture on one of these sites. If this was ran by the government I'd might feel different, but, if its administered by some random dude, then this is some crazy unreliable ish. Mapquest for vigilantes.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    just checked this, very comforting to know a sex offender lives on my floor, about 4 doors down. And of course, no picture, crime described as "Unspecified Felony Sex Offense Committed Out Of State". This is MAKING my friday night...

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I manage one of the dudes on this list. What should I do? I didn't know, and no, I'm not directly involved with hiring and firing. Should I tell the site manager?

  • Fuck man. First one I clicked on is a guy I'm familiar with from the neighborhood. I don't know him well, but have talked with him enough to have a general perception of his character, and I'm honestly pretty shocked. His conviction is Lewd and Lascivious, which is pretty open ended. Despite what people think, a lot of Pedophile's are charmers (the most dangerous ones), so I wouldn't think think that you could rule anyone out based on what you know of their personality. Pretty chilling, though the non-descript nature of the sentance makes me wonder what the situation was. I doubt there will ever be a way for me to ask.

  • soooo, i saw you on the internet last night, and uh...yeah...

  • That would be one approach.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    Amazing site. Some creepy looking people.
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