
  • America includes Canada, Mexico and a few other places south of that.
    The United States of America (better band than just America) is a great place. My main complaints here are that we keep electing fuckheads (read: Republicans) and that we're probably the only country on earth with two weeks of vacation time a year (and there's something seriously wrong with that).

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Dont Question My Patriotism - Bitch.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    I love the luxury and convenience, but hate the means in which we have it.

    Would you be willing to give up the former if it corrected the latter???

    I probably would!

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    I think folks sometimes take the freedom to complain to a level where they feel thye should disrespect for no other reason than simply to do it.

    Being able to have a choice between buying Fast food or fresh mexican food at 2am on any given day is why I'm proud to be an American.

    *Moist this is not a shot at you, just a musing after dealing with one too many post collegiate girls whose parents paid their way and allowed them the freedom to learn as opposed to having to face a real world

    being able to eat food at any time shoudn't be the yard stick for your opinion on America.

    5 pager

    Why not? I love America cause I can buy a variety of food here at nearly any time of the day 365 days a year.

    it's one of those freedoms I'll alway appreciate. god bless America and its many food choices

    My man If that's your reason why "AMERICA RULEZ" then I'm not going to discuss this with you. Frankly, if you think "USA ALL THE WAY" because you can eat past your bedtime you should write-in Jack from Jack in the Box the next time you vote.

    Not to take a shot at any of you dudes who simply LOVE their country (shit I wish I could love this place) but America is a real fucked up place for a lot of people and I really can't say I "love" it across the board[/b].

    Dude, I think youre looking for reasons to say people shouldn't love the US. No nation is perfect, America is no exception. however I love it enough to stay here and hopefully make it better place.

    The food thing is kind of a jokey reason why I love this country but it is one of the things I appreciate, of course I like this country for more reasons than that.

    My handicapped parents were allowed the chance to live as individuals, they were not forced behind institution walls. They were allowed to raise children, drive cars and interact with others without legal restrictions. When times were tough the government helped them out with welfare. In my fathers later age he is able to collect social security and not have to worry so much about where his next meal is coming from. They were allowed to inherit money and become property owners.

    Their children were allowed to go to school and get both a basic and higher education. Because of this the world has benefited by gaining both a doctor and a scientist (and possibly suffered by gaining another hollywood producer).

    I love the opportunities this country has presented me, my family, and many others. I am not saying it doesn't have its problems and I am not saying its the best place for everyone but I won't disresect the country simply to follow a crowd of naysayers.

    Many, if not every country has its issues. The US is no different, but I still love it, blemishes and all.


    I think things like that are what make any country/society great, but this blanket admiration I simply can't ride for. And Adam, I'm not going to follow a bunch of yaysayers[/b]. I'll say it again, I wish I could feel a 100% about my country, nothing what make me happier or ease my mind, but I can't just blindly say it's all good. And yes I know no country is perfect and yes I know there are a lot of countries have it worse but all my experiences with a country are because I lived here all my life.

    I feel you on most of what youre saying, but I still think youre confusing my love with this country with an idea of blanket approval. I am not in love with the lack of social welfare for those who can't take care of themselves, I am not in love with the education system, without a doubt it can improve and the means are there, and of course there are may other things I got issue with too. However I am in love with the idea of being in a country where people can live a good life, with little to no government oppression

    Once again the US ain't perfect but I love it nonetheless. As cliche as it might sound, just being able to openly criticize the bullshit that does go on in this country is an incredible freedom.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I love the luxury and convenience, but hate the means in which we have it.

    Would you be willing to give up the former if it corrected the latter???

    I probably would!

    I guess it would come down to what is considered a "luxury" for me.

    Some Americans think of having 3 SUV's and a house full of flat panels as necessities.

    Others might consider having heat and running water as luxuries.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    As I've said before on this post, its easy to criticize a government when you can be reasonably certain nobody is going to come saw your head off.

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    i don't particularly like your country but goddamn there some nice people contained within

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts


    If tomorrow all the things were gone,
    I???d worked for all my life.
    And I had to start again,
    with just my children and my wife.

    I???d thank my lucky stars,
    to be livin here today.
    ???Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
    and they can???t take that away.

    And I???m proud to be an American,
    where at least I know I???m free.
    And I wont forget the men who died,
    who gave that right to me.

    And I gladly stand up,
    next to you and defend her still today.
    ???Cause there ain???t no doubt I love this land,
    God bless the USA.

    From the lakes of Minnesota,
    to the hills of Tennessee.
    Across the plains of Texas,
    From sea to shining sea.

    From Detroit down to Houston,
    and New York to L.A.
    Well there's pride in every American heart,
    and its time we stand and say.

    That I???m proud to be an American,
    where at least I know I???m free.
    And I wont forget the men who died,
    who gave that right to me.

    And I gladly stand up,
    next to you and defend her still today.
    ???Cause there ain???t no doubt I love this land,
    God bless the USA.

    And I???m proud to be and American,
    where at least I know I???m free.
    And I wont forget the men who died,
    who gave that right to me.

    And I gladly stand up,
    next to you and defend her still today.
    ???Cause there ain???t no doubt I love this land,
    God bless the USA.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    nobody is going to come saw your head off.

    i'd watch your back, kid.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I'm proud to be an American, but I hate that song.


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    As I've said before on this post, its easy to criticize a government when you can be reasonably certain nobody is going to come saw your head off.

    sawing aside, that they are clearly unable to do their jobs certainly adds to the ease.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    As I've said before on this post, its easy to criticize a government when you can be reasonably certain nobody is going to come saw your head off.

    sawing aside, that they are clearly unable to do their jobs certainly adds to the ease.

    The belief of which is particularly useful and I'm sure attractive to the intellectually lazy.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    I'm glad to be Canadian, but I certainly appreciate America.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    As I've said before on this post, its easy to criticize a government when you can be reasonably certain nobody is going to come saw your head off.

    sawing aside, that they are clearly unable to do their jobs certainly adds to the ease.

    The belief of which is particularly useful and I'm sure attractive to the intellectually lazy.

    i don't get it? what are you trying to say? the first thing that comes to mind with regards to intellectual laziness is your boy...

  • FrankFrank 2,388 Posts
    But.....over the last 100 years we have OWNED popular music.

    All the worthwhile music was either created or strongly influenced by people from another continent who were brought to America forcefully and yes, you OWNED those.

    As far as most "popular" music goes, especialy the kind of crap that gets play on commercial radio, MTV and mainstream clubs... you can have all of that for yourself. I'd even donate you all the european shit club music if I'd own any of it.

    No seriously, the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

    Especialy in times like these and with the way america is being perceived in the rest of the world, pride is rather out of place, concern would be much more called for. something has drasticly changed within the past couple of years.

    No offense, still, a lot of if not lost of my friends (I don't really have too many anyway) are american.

  • the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

    So I assume you think someone saying "I'm Black and I'm Proud" is equally absurd??

    I disagree.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts

    America rules!!!!

  • FrankFrank 2,388 Posts

    the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

    So I assume you think someone saying "I'm Black and I'm Proud" is equally absurd??

    I disagree.

    If opressed people who for centuries were denied basic rights as a human being, as an act of courage show pride in their heritage and thereby confront their opessors, thats's something relevant and of course good. If at this day and age, the mentioned quote still has the same meaning, it would shed a bad light on the America that you are so proud of.

    Following your logic, you also disagree that someone saying "I'm white and I'm proud" is absurd? See or feel the difference? I hope so.

  • America rules!!!!

    Yeah we rule Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Puerto Rico and a few other places. Now if we could only rule Cuba and Venezuela then life would be sweet.

    America rules!!!!

    Yeah we rule Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Puerto Rico and a few other places. Now if we could only rule Cuba and Venezuela then life would be sweet.

    I really wouldn't care if america took over my country! Go America!!!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

    So I assume you think someone saying "I'm Black and I'm Proud" is equally absurd??

    I disagree.

    If opressed people who for centuries were denied basic rights as a human being, as an act of courage show pride in their heritage and thereby confront their opessors, thats's something relevant and of course good. If at this day and age, the mentioned quote still has the same meaning, it would shed a bad light on the America that you are so proud of.

    Following your logic, you also disagree that someone saying "I'm white and I'm proud" is absurd? See or feel the difference? I hope so.

    So people who recently moved to America to escape injustices in other countries can be proud to be Americans.

    And the ever popular "people of color" can be proud of their heritage because they were oppressed.

    But a white man born in America can't be proud of neither his country nor his heritage.

    And that makes sense to you???

  • the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

    So I assume you think someone saying "I'm Black and I'm Proud" is equally absurd??

    I disagree.

    If opressed people who for centuries were denied basic rights as a human being, as an act of courage show pride in their heritage and thereby confront their opessors, thats's something relevant and of course good. If at this day and age, the mentioned quote still has the same meaning, it would shed a bad light on the America that you are so proud of.

    Following your logic, you also disagree that someone saying "I'm white and I'm proud" is absurd? See or feel the difference? I hope so.

    So people who recently moved to America to escape injustices in other countries can be proud to be Americans.

    And the ever popular "people of color" can be proud of their heritage because they were oppressed.

    But a white man born in America can't be proud of neither his color nor his heritage.

    And that makes sense to you???

    Now we're talking, I think race is a huge factor in who's proud to be an American and who isn't and you can't look at the pride that immigrants have as the same pride that is being flaunted around here through the same lens.

    and to answer your question yes it makes total and complete sense. Being on some "white and proud" mentality to me reads: "SORE WINNER". Just deal with it dude. I love how white folks get fuckin' ass hurt because their denied one little thing, get over yourselves.

    sorry if that seems heavy handed but I'm not really the one to hold back on issues of race and especially when I'm usually one of the few "colored folks" on this board willing to speak up.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    the topic of race has been droppeded

    now we can officially say

    5 pager

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    the whole concept of national pride is completly absurd to me. Why be proud of something thqt was given to you by birth, without your own doing?

    So I assume you think someone saying "I'm Black and I'm Proud" is equally absurd??

    I disagree.

    If opressed people who for centuries were denied basic rights as a human being, as an act of courage show pride in their heritage and thereby confront their opessors, thats's something relevant and of course good. If at this day and age, the mentioned quote still has the same meaning, it would shed a bad light on the America that you are so proud of.

    Following your logic, you also disagree that someone saying "I'm white and I'm proud" is absurd? See or feel the difference? I hope so.

    So people who recently moved to America to escape injustices in other countries can be proud to be Americans.

    And the ever popular "people of color" can be proud of their heritage because they were oppressed.

    But a white man born in America can't be proud of neither his color nor his heritage.

    And that makes sense to you???

    Now we're talking, I think race is a huge factor in who's proud to be an American and who isn't and you can't look at the pride that immigrants have as the same pride that is being flaunted around here through the same lens.

    and to answer your question yes it makes total and complete sense. Being on some "white and proud" mentality to me reads: "SORE WINNER". Just deal with it dude. I love how white folks get fuckin' ass hurt because their denied one little thing, get over yourselves.

    sorry if that seems heavy handed but I'm not really the one to hold back on issues of race and especially when I'm usually one of the few "colored folks" on this board willing to speak up.

    First off, let it be known that I personally am ONLY proud of things I've actually accomplished in my life.

    The comment made was that it wasn't logical to be proud of something that you were simply "born in to", which we ALL seem to disagree with as being Black is at least one exception......and that was my point.

    My family came here to the U.S. within the last century to better their lives and their families lives. My Grandfather was PROUD to come here, serve in the Navy and work for minimum wage. And I'm proud of HIM for doing so.

    And if that makes me proud to be an American, then that's my perogative and neither you or anyone else is going to convince me otherwise.

    Use this example....I'm proud of my daughter. I'm proud that she made it to college while avoiding the pitfalls of drugs, alcohol and crime. I'm not particularly proud of that time she broke the neighbors window with a rock, but overall I'm proud of her as I think any parent would be.

    And while you may not want to admit it, America has a lot more to be proud of than be ashamed of. And every American should have the right to have pride in all the good things we have accomplished as a nation.

    But if you want to JUST look at the negatives......well then yeah, I can see how you think being a proud American is absurd.

    I just don't agree with that line of thinking.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I love how white folks get fuckin' ass hurt because their denied one little thing, get over yourselves.


    Despite the fact that I own a multimillion dollar yacht and my daily routine consists of dining on scrimp and caviar as I party with supermodels and line my cat's litterbox with the contents of you little dudes' want list, there will forever be an empty place in my soul until I am allowed to proclaim myself WHITE AND PROUD.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I love how white folks get fuckin' ass hurt because their denied one little thing, get over yourselves.


    Despite the fact that I own a multimillion dollar yacht and my daily routine consists of dining on scrimp and caviar as I party with supermodels

    Damn it's like you are living my life....that describes EVERY single white person I know!!

    Get faux rill dude.
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