Help with my Midwest diggin trip, Ohio headz?

dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Hey y’all Strutters.I’m soon flying out for my 1st trip to the USA. I’ll be staying in Columbus Ohio mostly, but hope to be seeing other big cities in Ohio, Indiana etc. in the great lakes area. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of any good digging spots, stores, markets etc. in the general area? Even off the main, on backroads, whatever.I don’t know too much about Columbus, except its where J. Rawls is reppin’ , so theres gotta be some records nearby?! ^_^Any help would be appreciated, even some other holiday advice from heads who know the area. Oh, and like all good n00bs I did search, but what I found in regards to Ohio wasn’t much, someone did say there’s no records in Ohio, lol. Of course I will check phone books & google, but where else could you ask for this type of advice?!


  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    plenty of record stores in Columbus, and also plenty of record collectors!

  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    Thanks for the reply yo, good to hear there are plenty o' record stores, can't wait to get over there and do some real diggin'

  • numericnumeric 152 Posts
    Columbus in the house.

    Shame you arent going to be here on the 31st of August when Miss Shing-a-ling plays at our funk night. Meaty, I still gotta get you back out here.

    Stores. Yeah there are some ok stores and some really bad ones and some legendarily shitty ones. Then there are flea markets galore where you might come up.

    Used Kids (High St. Columbus) - Most people end up finding shit there. Everyone who comes thru usually comes up on something and returns to that spot.

    Memory Lane (Broad St, Hilltop in Columbus) - I hardly ever find shit there....but have known people to.

    Colleens Collectibles- (Oakland Park Ave) I have found things there but she is HARD TO DEAL WITH. Plus I have driven by several times in the past month and it is never open.

    Lost Weekend ( High St.) New Store/ Small Selection. Has Potential.

    Used kids and Lost weekend have Myspace pages for more info.

    The dude to get with here in town is Soul Drop for buying records. He has a bunch of stuff. He posts on here.

    Hope that was of some help.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    get at me on PM if you are looking around in Indiana or Kentucky.

  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    Shame you arent going to be here on the 31st of August when Miss Shing-a-ling plays at our funk night. Meaty, I still gotta get you back out here.
    Word, I am definately keen to go to some events while I'm there, I've been cooped up for too long over here during winter.

    Hope that was of some help.
    It was a great help! Thanks for the info numeric, I now got store names, addresses & a short review of each, gonna be a big aid in my hunt ^_^
    I really wanna check out those flea markets too.
    Thanks again man ^_^

  • numericnumeric 152 Posts
    Shame you arent going to be here on the 31st of August when Miss Shing-a-ling plays at our funk night. Meaty, I still gotta get you back out here.
    Word, I am definately keen to go to some events while I'm there, I've been cooped up for too long over here during winter.

    Hope that was of some help.
    It was a great help! Thanks for the info numeric, I now got store names, addresses & a short review of each, gonna be a big aid in my hunt ^_^
    I really wanna check out those flea markets too.
    Thanks again man ^_^

    Well if you are here in September we play Funk and Soul Every Thursday night At Ravari Room @ 2661 N. High columbus. Not too far from most of those stores. Stop by, its free and decent.

    For more info:


  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    Just wanted say a big thanks for all the help I've received from the Strutters (numeric & GLOOM) here.
    Thanks for helping a n00b on these boards out guys.
    I couldn't have hoped for a better response, I guess it just goes to show what a great community of peeps you have here, thanks again! ^_^

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    Is the porno/record store still open in Columbus? I used to hit it after the Columbus Record shows. You got moans in one part of the store, and on the other raers.... seperated by only plastic bead curtains...haha
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