I'm in the same boat as Bapt on this one. Been waiting for 4 and a half months as well.
Zeus, you should try to contact him at : [email]jeffstrucel@gmail.com[/email]
or via his Myspace page : http://www.myspace.com/strucel Dude was online earlier (on Myspace), I INSTANT MESSAGEd him, he told me he was sorry, mad busy... bla...bla... he told me he sent the record (and added a second one), I don't know what to think. Good luck.
Damn dude, hope you guys both get your records. Keep us up to speed on if this guy comes through or not so we all know whether to deal with this guy or not.
Yo Bapt, this sort of thing sucks man. People that rip people off over records are scum. I hope this dude gets some bad karma & I hope you didn't lose too much $$. Later, Kris.
Yo Bapt, this sort of thing sucks man. People that rip people off over records are scum. I hope this dude gets some bad karma & I hope you didn't lose too much $$. Later, Kris.
That sucks.
That dude wanted cash that'd have alert me for a possible problem.
Ja_Bruce, check your PM mang, I want that Jazz EP!
I bought it this past summer, never received it. wtf?
I meant dude never sent the record... wtf!!!
Who knows him?
I won't let this thread go until I get that EP
Who knows that dude, Jeff Strucel?
Zeus, you should try to contact him at : [email]jeffstrucel@gmail.com[/email]
or via his Myspace page : http://www.myspace.com/strucel
Dude was online earlier (on Myspace), I INSTANT MESSAGEd him, he told me he was sorry, mad busy... bla...bla... he told me he sent the record (and added a second one), I don't know what to think.
Good luck.
hope you guys both get your records. Keep us up to speed on if this guy comes through or not so we all know whether to deal with this guy or not.
I ain't got news.
Yo tambien.
That dude wanted cash that'd have alert me for a possible problem.
Somebody please ban him.