Would somebody guide me thru New York City?

SoulificSoulific 103 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Hi,I'm going to visit New York City from 9/15 to 9/21 and it's my first time in the states. However, I'm from Hamburg, Germany and I'll be glad to show you around in return.I'm looking for some sightseeing (maybe Hiphop and Soul related?). Shopping and digging is not on top of my list, but I'll also appreciate it.Peace,Sebastian


  • So there`s noone? So I might tell a little bit more about my expectations an myself of course.

    I'm terribly curious about the city. I've seen it in movies about a hundred times and heard countles raps. So i gotta see Brooklyn, gotta see the Bronx, gotta see Queens. I wanna see where Hiphop started. Get in touch with the roots of the music I like so much. Might be a little late, cause I fell in love with hiphop back in '89 when I bought the first DeLa album. And i watched its development from my European point of view eversince. Nowadays I'm more in to jazz, soul and latin like so many around here in this forum.
    I don't need someone to join me at the MoMa but someone who can show me some places that ARE NewYork, spots that make me feel Queens, Brooklyn or the Bronx. I'm keen to know where Hiphop got that power from, that will to change things and to celebrate live. I wanna see the places being inspiration to KRS, Guru, Prince Paul, Basquiat, and Futura 2000.

    I was born in Hamburg/Germany in 1975.
    I worked as a screendesigner in Hamburg and Jena 1995-2000
    I studied psychologie in Jena/Germany 1999-2003
    I worked as a light-artist(does that expression exist?) from 2000-2004
    (i designed and installed lightsources and lightobjects for fairs, clubs, concerts and art events)
    I studied art-therapy in Nijmegen/Netherlands from 2004 until now
    I live in Hamburg again where I finish my studies and work as a therapist already

    Hobbys are: music of cause (used to play myself baut camne to the conclusion that talent is something given to others), arts (modernart and graffiti are the biggest influences for my work), cooking and eating (so necessary), 20th century design.

    Hopefully someone will respond now.



  • I studied art-therapy in Nijmegen/Netherlands from 2004 until now

    SPH / CMV?

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    I studied psychologie in Jena/Germany 1999-2003

    did you finish? in 8 semesters? wow!

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    you are hired

  • I studied art-therapy in Nijmegen/Netherlands from 2004 until now

    SPH / CMV?

    ->"Gedrag en maatschapeij"
    -->"creatieve therapie: beeldend"

  • I studied psychologie in Jena/Germany 1999-2003

    did you finish? in 8 semesters? wow!

    no, i didn't. shame on me. i stopped after the seventh semester (that's how long it took me for the "vordiplom" actually) and changed to arts-therapie, but most of my exams were accepted in the netherlands. so not a big loss there.

    by the way. i found 'modern jazz anthology x' on hungaroton last weekend when i visited meikl_nait and some other friends of mine. do you know if any of the other issues are any good?

  • I doubt any New Yorkers wants to go see Gunhill Road, 149 Grandcourse, the Amphitheater, old clublocations that are long gone etc etc because most of these places there's not really much or anything to see.

    Do like me and go alone.


  • I doubt any New Yorkers wants to go see Gunhill Road, 149 Grandcourse, the Amphitheater, old clublocations that are long gone etc etc because most of these places there's not really much or anything to see.

    Do like me and go alone.


    I'll go alone most of the time. Just thought it would be nice to meet someone who actually lives in NY to show me around for some hours or a day.
    I don't think I'll get in touch with people there when I'm only there for a week. And so I'm trying to use this forum to make some contacts.


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I wish I could help you man but I'm super busy and I just don't have the time. Deadlines must be met.

    HOWEVER I'm sure that if nobody can help you specifically with your request, us New Yorkers can kind of fill you in as to the haps during your stay and you will be able to split the time up bewteen regular tourist activities and other stuff of interest.

    When are you coming again?

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    I wish I could help you man but I'm super busy and I just don't have the time. Deadlines must be met.

    HOWEVER I'm sure that if nobody can help you specifically with your request, us New Yorkers can kind of fill you in as to the haps during your stay and you will be able to split the time up bewteen regular tourist activities and other stuff of interest.

    When are you coming again?

    Hey AI, I know what you got cookin!

    Soulific, right now the best start would be to subscribe to ToolsofWar email list and get all the info on the Bronx jams. Then when you've had some fun and seen all the celebs, come to Brooklyn and check the local Uprock experience Feel free to PM me if you want some specifics.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    by the way. i found 'modern jazz anthology x' on hungaroton last weekend when i visited meikl_nait and some other friends of mine. do you know if any of the other issues are any good?

    hungaroton? yugoton? I have no idea what that label is. there are some fantastic eastern jazz records though. those jazz anthologies on muza, yugoton, supraphon pronit, etc. are superb.

    what record is it? who's playing?

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    these general requests are never good, give us some specifics of what you like. Especially w/ food and culture....

    Best bets, check out moma on Friday @ 4pm, free admission. Usually it's $20, and you can also check out the dada exhibit. You can also check out museum mile, there's a saha hadid exhibit at the guggenheim that seems interesting.

    record stores have been covered ad nauseum here, do a little search. The usual spots are tsl, a-1, academy, good, the thing, etc....

    food, you have to let me know what your interests and budget are. There are a myriad of options.

    finally, check out superfuture if you want to get your consumerism on.

  • Us New Yorkers can kind of fill you in as to the haps during your stay and you will be able to split the time up bewteen regular tourist activities and other stuff of interest.

    When are you coming again?

    That's exactely what I asked for. I'll do the typical tourist activities aka sightseeing on my own. Don't wanna bother any of you with that.

    I'll be there between 9/15 and 9/21.


  • by the way. i found 'modern jazz anthology x' on hungaroton last weekend when i visited meikl_nait and some other friends of mine. do you know if any of the other issues are any good?

    hungaroton? yugoton? I have no idea what that label is. there are some fantastic eastern jazz records though. those jazz anthologies on muza, yugoton, supraphon pronit, etc. are superb.

    what record is it? who's playing?

    Bergendy Egy??ttes - K??k f??ny
    Gallusz Tri?? - Woodstock
    Apostol Egy??ttes - Tudathasad??s
    Lakatos Quartett - "8" Blues
    Kov??cs Andor - Ext??zis
    Garay Tri?? - K??nnyen j??tt??l, k??nnyen ment??l...
    Dese?? Csaba Egy??ttese - Mese

    It defenitely was fun writing this down. The Compilation actually is great.
    I'll add some soundfiles later.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    Bergendy Egy??ttes - K??k f??ny
    Gallusz Tri?? - Woodstock
    Apostol Egy??ttes - Tudathasad??s
    Lakatos Quartett - "8" Blues
    Kov??cs Andor - Ext??zis
    Garay Tri?? - K??nnyen j??tt??l, k??nnyen ment??l...
    Dese?? Csaba Egy??ttese - Mese

    It defenitely was fun writing this down. The Compilation actually is great.
    I'll add some soundfiles later.

    hm, sounds cool. i know all of those artists, except for Gallusz Tri?? - Woodstock. Most of those artists recorded at least one good LP. I like Bergendy most. I have never heard of that label though. should be hungaroton, right? [edit]-- oh, you said that! sorry! i like the pepita label. some fantastic music on pepita![/edit]

  • these general requests are never good, give us some specifics of what you like. Especially w/ food and culture....

    Best bets, check out moma on Friday @ 4pm, free admission. Usually it's $20, and you can also check out the dada exhibit. You can also check out museum mile, there's a saha hadid exhibit at the guggenheim that seems interesting.

    Thank you, I already figured out which exhibits I'll visit. But there must be some nice private gallerys in Soho. Any suggestions. And do you have those little gallerys in NY where young, less known, (Sometimes less talented) artists show and sell their stuff for little money? I'm not talking about this esoteric stuff or Bob Ross inspired daughters here, more the skateboard and graffiti related kind of street art as you might call it.

    record stores have been covered ad nauseum here, do a little search. The usual spots are tsl, a-1, academy, good, the thing, etc....

    When it comes to buying records I just want to dig some crates. No fancy recordstores where some Primo protegees buy their rarest breaks and the walls are covered with 1000$+ vinyls.
    Is there a spot where to buy some 90s underground hiphop. That's where my collection lacks some important pieces.

    food, you have to let me know what your interests and budget are. There are a myriad of options.

    When it comes to food I'm picky. I won't spend my whole money in a restaurant eventhough I want some deliscious stuff. I'm from Europe, where the grocer is cheaper than the pharmacy. Not the other way around. For example: I like fish alot. Here in Hamburg there are places where you get a+ fish with chips and salad for about 10 bucks. I guess one couldn't find that in New York. Heard it's quite expensive there.
    But I'm a good cook, so I might cook for you in return for showing me the city.


  • Thank you for the support so far.

    Here is two New York related songs I just ripped from vinyl for you to download:

    Powerrule - Bright Lights (Big City)
    The Danish Radio Big Band - New York City


  • Hi,

    I'm going to visit New York City from 9/15 to 9/21 and it's my first time in the states. However, I'm from Hamburg, Germany and I'll be glad to show you around in return.
    I'm looking for some sightseeing (maybe Hiphop and Soul related?). Shopping and digging is not on top of my list, but I'll also appreciate it.

    okay sebastian, can you show us around the RED GATE in hamburg?
    (just kidding) peace, stein. . .

  • To be honest with you its kind of boring to go and see all of those Hip Hop historical places now. Your really just going to see old train stations and burned out spots. What made them special 20 years ago was what was happening there at the time. There are many great things to see and eat in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens that are happening now.

    If your into latin though check out Casa Latina at 151 East 116th Street. Alas he has no vinyl, but his selection of Latin CD's is the best in the city. While you are there, there is plenty of great food and ambiance to be experienced in East Harlem.

  • Hi,

    I'm going to visit New York City from 9/15 to 9/21 and it's my first time in the states. However, I'm from Hamburg, Germany and I'll be glad to show you around in return.
    I'm looking for some sightseeing (maybe Hiphop and Soul related?). Shopping and digging is not on top of my list, but I'll also appreciate it.

    okay sebastian, can you show us around the RED GATE in hamburg?

    (just kidding) peace, stein. . .

    If you come over to visit our world famous redlight district better known as the Reeperbahn you are welcome. But believe me there is more to see here. It??s pretty nice, really.


  • To be honest with you its kind of boring to go and see all of those Hip Hop historical places now. Your really just going to see old train stations and burned out spots. What made them special 20 years ago was what was happening there at the time. There are many great things to see and eat in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens that are happening now.

    Ok. So, no hiphop history sightseeing. Show me what's happening today then. Wanna see and eat it all. When I leave I want to be fed up in every aspect.

    If your into latin though check out Casa Latina at 151 East 116th Street. Alas he has no vinyl, but his selection of Latin CD's is the best in the city. While you are there, there is plenty of great food and ambiance to be experienced in East Harlem.

    I like latin music alot but my cd-player broke years ago and I don't plan to invest wether in digital hard-, nor in software.
    By the way. I'm going to stay somewhere stuck between the central park and spanish harlem.

  • Tracklisting:
    Bergendy Egy??ttes - K??k f??ny
    Gallusz Tri?? - Woodstock
    Apostol Egy??ttes - Tudathasad??s
    Lakatos Quartett - "8" Blues
    Kov??cs Andor - Ext??zis
    Garay Tri?? - K??nnyen j??tt??l, k??nnyen ment??l...
    Dese?? Csaba Egy??ttese - Mese

    It defenitely was fun writing this down. The Compilation actually is great.
    I'll add some soundfiles later.

    hm, sounds cool. i know all of those artists, except for Gallusz Tri?? - Woodstock. Most of those artists recorded at least one good LP. I like Bergendy most. I have never heard of that label though. should be hungaroton, right? [edit]-- oh, you said that! sorry! i like the pepita label. some fantastic music on pepita![/edit]

    Pepita is a sublabel of Hungaroton. Most Hungarian jazz and rock lps I know are published by Pepita.

    Here are two mp3s I just finished.

    Bergendy Egy??ttes - K??k F??ny
    Apostol Egy??ttes - Tudathasad??s



  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Us New Yorkers can kind of fill you in as to the haps during your stay and you will be able to split the time up bewteen regular tourist activities and other stuff of interest.

    When are you coming again?

    That's exactely what I asked for. I'll do the typical tourist activities aka sightseeing on my own. Don't wanna bother any of you with that.

    I'll be there between 9/15 and 9/21.


    Don't miss the food, folks and fun at the one millionth annual San Genaro Festival probably going on for the entire time you are here.

    YUP. Sure dont want to miss out on that.

  • Us New Yorkers can kind of fill you in as to the haps during your stay and you will be able to split the time up bewteen regular tourist activities and other stuff of interest.

    When are you coming again?

    That's exactely what I asked for. I'll do the typical tourist activities aka sightseeing on my own. Don't wanna bother any of you with that.

    I'll be there between 9/15 and 9/21.


    Don't miss the food, folks and fun at the one millionth annual San Genaro Festival probably going on for the entire time you are here.

    YUP. Sure dont want to miss out on that.

    Foodproblem solved![/b] Gotta get me one of those Gucci Collins glasses.


  • Circle Line Tours, wonderful 3-hour boat trip around Manhattan Island, leaves at 42nd st pier.

    This looks nice. I like boattrips alot. It's a good thing living in Hamburg then. Just had a little dayout-trip to Helgoland. I enjoyed every minute eventhough the most of the other travellers is 60+ retired people having cake and coffee all the time.
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