What exactly is a hipster?



  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I think I was actually better off not understanding the "ironic" hipster connection.

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    observe in their natural ironic habitat: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/06/fashio...&ei=5087%0A

    so, to assist the original poster, here are some hipsters listed in this article:

    Ben Watts
    Sean MacPherson
    Francis Coppola
    Alex Kapranos
    Jay McInerney
    Pamela Anderson
    Greg Krelenstein
    Xavier Barlier

    hey, this is easy!!

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    i'm not really looking for an arguement as to the merits of the article...

    Ros?? wines, long disparaged as too sweet, too pink and too cheap, have improved in quality in recent years and been embraced by food and wine connoisseurs.
    is a relative statement. I would hardly say that connoisseurs have "embraced" the wine that (still is) too pink and sweet. It's garbage, but that too, is an opinion...

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    It's garbage, but that too, is an opinion...

    so, for those following along, this guy isn't a hipster. as far as what he is, well, you'll just have to await future posts to find out. but ya, definitely cross hipster off the list.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    These are hipsters:

    (NSFW and be prepared if you're squimish)


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I think the problem I have with these threads
    is that I work with people, and have friends
    & relatives that have these haircuts and wear
    silly belts and drink trendy drinks ... and just
    like every other "type" of people you can come
    up with in the world, some are shallow pricks
    and some are great people. I use the word "hipster"
    to describe people sometimes, but if making threads on
    the internet posting pics of people and their trendy clothes &
    lifestyles and showing disgust for them makes you feel
    superior, you are definitely crossing over to sounding ASS HURT.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    so, for those following along, this guy isn't a hipster. as far as what he is, well, you'll just have to await future posts to find out. but ya, definitely cross hipster off the list.
    I can tell you're foaming out the mouth in anticipation. I just think it's shitty wine... Just as I think Pabst is shitty beer. Most everyone knows that, so the sarcastic/ironic drinking thereof comes off as trite and cynical. Not that I can't appreciate good cynicism, I just like mine to be a bit less obvious.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    *says the guy with the slapstick cartoon character in his avatar*

  • it's a horse that's been beaten to death.


  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts

    Years old, and it still makes me cry with laughter.

    did you guys like the Nathan Barley TV series as well?

    I fucking love it. Pure genius.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,988 Posts
    I like both incarnations of The Barleyster. The written stuff has the most venom though. Still fresh. Charlie Brooker has his own show on BBC3 but it's missing something. I think it needs to focus more on the hipsters of which Charlie is a very astute observer.

    Just off to hang my head in shame after realising I own a pair of jeans that cost more than a golden bucket of diamonds...

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    so, for those following along, this guy isn't a hipster. as far as what he is, well, you'll just have to await future posts to find out. but ya, definitely cross hipster off the list.
    I can tell you're foaming out the mouth in anticipation. I just think it's shitty wine... Just as I think Pabst is shitty beer. Most everyone knows that, so the sarcastic/ironic drinking thereof comes off as trite and cynical. Not that I can't appreciate good cynicism, I just like mine to NOT TASTE LIKE ARMPITS.

  • A hipster is an individual who spends a significant amount of time deriding hipsters

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    well...it's not exactly a mop, and it's not exactly a puppet...but..oooo-hoooo-hooo.

  • Dudes are sporting trucker caps as a fashion statement, knowing full well that your average REAL trucker counts a weekly underwear change as haute couture, so said garment SHOULD BE deeply unfashionable. Hence the irony. Like the taches etc.

    Basically stemming from identifying the least fashion-concious people on earth and wearing one of their staple items of clothing in a "Look at me, I am so cool, but yet, I am wearing this trucker cap to make me look like the coolest redneck trucker evarr. Ho Ho Ho."

    which is why the term 'ironic' isn't really accurate. We should be using 'insulting'. Everytime I see some shit like this, I always thing about the segment in "American Splendor" where Harvey Pekar goes on a rant about corporate america holding up these regular folks (rednecks, dorks, nerds, etc) for ridicule and entertainment - basically to make themselves feel like they are cooler than thou.

  • well...it's not exactly a mop, and it's not exactly a puppet...but..oooo-hoooo-hooo.

    So, what you're saying is you don't know.
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