

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I forgot, there was another time this dude Sergio pointed a rifle or a shotgun (I don't remember which) at me while I was DJing a house party. He was fucking around (I think) and after he moved it he looked inside and yelled "it was loaded and I almost pulled the trigger!".

    Fuck guns.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I forgot, there was another time this dude Sergio pointed a rifle or a shotgun (I don't remember which) at me while I was DJing a house party. He was fucking around (I think) and after he moved it he looked inside and yelled "it was loaded and I almost pulled the trigger!".

    Fuck guns.
    No, fuck idiots w/ guns (like ol' boy).

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I forgot, there was another time this dude Sergio pointed a rifle or a shotgun (I don't remember which) at me while I was DJing a house party. He was fucking around (I think) and after he moved it he looked inside and yelled "it was loaded and I almost pulled the trigger!".

    Fuck guns.
    No, fuck idiots w/ guns (like ol' boy).


    I was just pissed thinking about that shit right now.

  • once in high school, my friend, who is dead now cause his dad broke his neck, was a horrible driver and made a crazy u-turn on the mainstreet in a real hick town, the cops that pulled us over drew their guns on us

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    once I got drunk and hotwired a bulldozer. Next thing I know this off duty cop is pointing a gun at me telling me to drop the knife.

    back in the day some old dude pulled a gun on me and some friends cause we were doing shitty graffiti on his alley wall. we ran as fast as we could and never painted there again

  • 2003. Sunday Morning. sometime in late July. 3:35am. risa turns left on the corner of blackhawk by the northeast corner of Pulaski Park. Dog Patch, Chicago. she has a heavy bag of rackords on her back and $275 in her wallet from djing. (plus a 200 dollar check wedged in her bag) dude sneaks up from some stairs leading to a basement. target is on crabby tired asian girl. dude jumps on heavy 611 record bag. girl is more concerned with damaged vinyl. dude is sputtering all sorts of slang = he wants money. girl is silent and unable to get up with the weight of 62 records plus dude on shoulders. cold metal pipe end is pressed on her neck after a very clear clicky sound. she surrenders all money. dude takes cash and dash. girl lays there for a good 15 minutes wondering if it's safe to stand up.

    po-po report didn't bring back $275 but no records were broken

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    I had a dude pull an AK on a group of us in Israel. Dude didn't look like he was going to blst though, just like he wanted us to know that he could if he wanted to.

    haha, same here, Tel Aviv beach at around 2 in the morning. but this guy was fucking unstable, real calm and shit, told us to give him our passports and money, i had no money and a NZ passport, guy was pissed at me and held the AK47 at my head.

    and a couple months before that had some badbwoy dickheads pull a handgun of some type on me in Harlesden, London. 6am at the otherwise deserted train station, almost shit my pants when they counted down 10, 9, 8 etc.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Archaic pulled a gun on me at the Good Life.

    SNAP!!!! He pulled the tech 9 out of his backpack right? LOL

  • paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts
    Never had a gun pulled out on me directly but I've been in the thick of it more times than I'd care to count.
    Been at plenty of parties (mostly at our local community center) where plenty of kids have pulled out and let off.
    But one time myself and 2 other out-of-town DJ's played at a ghetto ass bar in Newburgh, NY and made the near-fatal mistake of actually showing up the local DJ.
    Some of the locals there got so mad we made their guy look stupid that before any of us knew it, the bar owner very quickly and quietly ushered us back into his office.
    He then explained to us that there were a couple of fellows outside the bar waiting with shotguns for us to come out. We needed a police escort to get us across the bridge.
    I don't know why, but that one always sticks in my head.
    Weird, because I've been in situations where shots have actually been fired, unlike this.
    Maybe because some of the potential bullets actually had my name on it.

  • DWGDWG 334 Posts
    Once, so far.
    In Amsterdam around 1995/96. I was with a couple of guys and we were walking into the centre of town - and some random guy offers us his pharmaceutical wares. I declined and the guy got on his bicycle and starts to ride off, wobbling all over the place.
    One of the guys I'm with laughs out loud at him - and the dude throws his bike down (in the path of an oncoming tram) pulls out a gun and says, 'I'm going to shoot you all'.
    It happened too quickly to be properly scared at that point.
    Next second, a group of girls we were with appear and the guy says, 'I can't shoot you here with these ladies around... I'll be back...' and disappears.

    I also had a BIG knife pulled on me by a well-known MC, but that's another story altogether...


    I also had a BIG knife pulled on me by a well-known MC, but that's another story altogether...

    dont leave me hanging...

  • i live in australia.
    i haven't seen so much as a toy gun in ten years.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    But one time myself and 2 other out-of-town DJ's played at a ghetto ass bar in Newburgh, NY and made the near-fatal mistake of actually showing up the local DJ.
    Some of the locals there got so mad we made their guy look stupid that before any of us knew it, the bar owner very quickly and quietly ushered us back into his office.
    He then explained to us that there were a couple of fellows outside the bar waiting with shotguns for us to come out. We needed a police escort to get us across the bridge[/qoute]

    ahhh makes me home sick, lived in the city of Newburgh for about 2 years, which bar was it Paul?

  • LordNOLordNO 202 Posts

    In DC, 2003, a real hoody block north of 14th & U, I was riding a bike to a friends house, sitting on it at a traffic light and I peripherally peeped a dude creeping toward me low to the ground at a rapid speed. By the time he pulled it out and shouted "GIVE IT UP N*GGA" I was already peddling slowly through the busy intersection. The funny thing was, there had just been a shootout in Mt. Pleasant that night, I had just ridden my bike from there, past 3 news crews on the block and gotten a call on my cell--" Dude, you just cruised across the screen on the 11 o clock news." and then a minute later dude tried to jack me. twas a full moon.

    speaking of which, I heard DC's had a significant increase in violent crime this summer, which is unfortunate cause it was pretty wild when I was there..

    Also had a tree/ gun hustlin buddy back in the day. and a knucklehead friend almost shot me accidentally at his crib, fuckin around. The bullet was a black talon, it hit about two inches from my arm, I had powder burn s on my arm, coulda blew it clear off.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Too many times to count, both by cops & rivals...

    The main one that sticks out though was one night our hood was supposed to have a truce meeting w/ a rival hood who was uniting w/ a nother rival hood from same city... the meeting was to be held at one of the cats cribs from the rival hood, this was also during the times of NO driveby shooting per order of the E*E
    so we rolled about 25deep & once we got there shit seemed mad strange, next thing we knew we had about 30, no joke 30 straps pointed at us, my man oso, looked at me & next thing i knew he was over the fence & all hell broke loose, we were jumping fences & running through the neighborhood & all you could hear was shots & the wizzing of bullets, i dont know how none of us got blasted that night, but the drama that followed was nothing less than all out war...
    the good ol' days


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Too many times to count, both by cops & rivals...

    The main one that sticks out though was one night our hood was supposed to have a truce meeting w/ a rival hood who was uniting w/ a nother rival hood from same city... the meeting was to be held at one of the cats cribs from the rival hood, this was also during the times of NO driveby shooting per order of the E*E
    so we rolled about 25deep & once we got there shit seemed mad strange, next thing we knew we had about 30, no joke 30 straps pointed at us, my man oso, looked at me & next thing i knew he was over the fence & all hell broke loose, we were jumping fences & running through the neighborhood & all you could hear was shots & the wizzing of bullets, i dont know how none of us got blasted that night, but the drama that followed was nothing less than all out war...
    the good ol' days

  • paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts

    ahhh makes me home sick, lived in the city of Newburgh for about 2 years, which bar was it Paul?

    Pop's Paradise.
    The place is still around believe it or not.
    Just drove by there the other night coming back from "Torches" to see Jazzy Jeff.
    Night and day.

  • Once and almost once.

    This night this kid got killed in my city. It was prom night and he pulled a gun on someone at a party so it was already on. Anyways fast forward an hour and homie who pulled the gun in the first place is dead....anyways this night my friends were taking me home. My block corner had a bunch a G's in the middle of the street, most likely rocked out, checking cars that passed by. Anyways I guess they thought we were banging and they point the gun at the middle of the car.

    Luckily we knew a few of them so it was cool but still not cool.

    Second time.

    Me and my friend are kicking it in the car, just drove down some street and my friend went inside to take a piss. My friend moves to the driver seat and we are reading some magazines, a car passes by with another car behind it. I looked at them and thought nothing much at first...then they come back up again...

    Pale white bitch comes out the door looking creepy as fuck and she is a known tweeker as well as the driver. Anyways, according to her we pulled out a gun on her nephew outside her house. Talks on and doesn't listen that we didn't do shit. My friends mom comes out with his sister and is wondering what's going on...well the lady got pissed and left. Drivers in the car behind her were ready to blast but since "Innocent" bystanders were there they didn't.

    A few days later we found out who it was and they got checked from some main heads.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    once I got drunk and hotwired a bulldozer.

    too funny... lol

  • Twice...almost 3.

    About 11 or 12 years ago a friend of mine was working at a grocery store. He worked from like 7pm-midnight so a lot of times it'd just be him and the manager at the store. I'd go in sometimes just to hang out and shoot the shit with them, and one night I was in there and these two guys in masks come in and make me and my friend lay face down on the ground at gunpoint and forced the manager to open the safe and take out the cash. The funniest thing about it was I was carrying a promo-only Beastie Boys EP that was a friend's and despite having a gun pointed at us the only thing running through my mind was "please don't take that record, I'll never be able to replace it".

    Within a year of that happening the same damn thing almost happened. Again I was hanging out with my friend at the store, but this time we were over in the produce section because my friend was pulling produce for the night. We're over there and we see some guys wearing masks and carrying guns walk in the store the opposite direction from us to the registers. Having seen that firsthand once already my friend and I haul ass to the back of the store and out the back door and up a hill behind the place. A few minutes later we're still crouched amongst some trees on that hill and the guys who held up the store ran behind the store and right past us to cut through a yard to get to the getaway car... Thankfully they didn't see us.

    And then one time in rural buttfuck Georgia some friends and I had the cops pull guns on us. This was probably 1993 or so, I was 19 and visiting a friend in Atlanta. My friend, a few of his pals and I are driving around in the more rural areas of Atlanta like Alpharetta and such, basically the secluded areas where lots of the rich Atlanta folks and celebrities lived. We're driving along this secluded stretch of road and decide we need to turn around, so we hang a u-turn at the front entrance to what I guess was a gated community that had some old-ass security guard in a booth at the front. The guard sees us turn around and I guess in his mind it was suspicious so he calls the cops. We're just driving along a few minutes later and lights flash behind us. My friend pulls over...he was driving my car, so we're in bumfuck Georgia in a car with Kentucky plates, Bob Marley and Grateful Dead stickers on the windows, and my friend has long hair and hadn't shaved in a while, so you know Bubba the Georgia State Trooper was loving us. He comes up to the car window and asks my friend where we're going. We look out the window and on the other side of the road there's another car and the trooper there has a gun pointed at us! The cop is verbally belligerent, screaming at my friend wanting to know what we were doing. My friend asks "Were we doing anything wrong?" and the cop's like "Do you want me to find something?" It went on like that for a few minutes but in the end they let us go with a "warning"...I guess turning around is illegal or something, I dunno. Anyway, that was tons of fun, and actually scarier than having to lay face-down at gunpoint because the cops are certainly more powerful.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Raj,

    I'll do ya one better. I caught stray bullet in the left forearm outside a hole-in-the-wall-ass club in Lumberton, NC back in 1992. The lead when straight through my arm, nothing but a flesh wound though (what a blessing!). Just so you know, I wasn't even involved in the beef going down that night. This dude Divine who was with us (I think) called some chick a "bitch" when she fronted on him. Mind you, we were out-of-towners (from Fayetteville), and the Lumberton people all knew one another. Anyway, shots rang out, and I think the shells were aimed at dude. I was desperately trying to get my key in the car door and bail out. I finally got in, but I couldn't get my car started. I was drunk as hell, and didn't realize that I had broken the key off in the door lock. Oddly enough, I didn't feel the shot, but knew I had been hit when I looked down and saw blood all over my car seat and door upholstery. My dude Andre ended up taking me to the emergency room. Incidentally, the punk-ass shooter went to prison.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • 3 times..and counting
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