Castro Gone? Cuba Libre? (NRR)

SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Castro hands over power. Man, people are going nuts over in "Little Havana". I personally think folks are jumping the gun over here in Miami. Rumors of death are flying all around. After 47 years is it all over? How will the US react in a post-Castro Cuba? Are still going to send Haitians back by the boatload? Only time will tell. The streets look like the Heat just repeated. Funny thing is Bush was eating lunch in Little Havana this afternoon. I'll never forget when my uncle 1st came via a raft in 89 and we picked him up @ krome detention center. He had a severe sunburn and the salt water had started eating away at his skin. We took him to a pharmacy a few days later and he started crying. When we asked him why, he said "I've never seen so much medicine in my life".To keep this (RR) How soon before we can all visit and grab some areito ?


  • Castro hands over power.

    Man, folks are going nuts over in "Little Havana". I personally think folks are jumping the gun over here in Miami. Rumors of death are flying all around. After 47 years is it all over? How will the US react in a post-Castro Cuba? Only time will tell. The streets look like the Heat just repeated.

    To keep this (RR) How soon before we can all visit and grab some areito ?

    I just heard about this on NPR like an hour ago. Apparently he's going into the hospital for something and during his time there he's handed power off to his brother.

    I don't think this is exactly the big change some may think it is.

    just my .02

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Didn't Bush hand over power to Cheney when he went in for some minor operation? Not really a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Didn't Bush hand over power to Cheney when he went in for some minor operation? Not really a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

    This is Cuba not the USA. In Cuba and in Little Havana (Miami) this is a HUGE deal. He's been in power for 47 years and this is the 1st time anything like this has happened. For anyone who has followed Castro and Cuba this is the biggest thing to happen since Batista was overthrown. What we are seeing is the anticipation of an entire community of people who have been waiting for this for a lifetime.

    For many people this is the beginning of the end.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    Dude might not pass tomorrow, but I think it just reminds Cubans that eventually he will. NPR said his brother was 75. Castro, I believe, just turned 80 last week.
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