Digital SLR - which one?

nicholasnicholas 38 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central
Hey what are your thoughts on a good digital SLR?My preference is Nikon so I have looked at the D50 and D200


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Hey what are your thoughts on a good digital SLR?
    My preference is Nikon so I have looked at the D50 and D200

    I have the D70 and love it. I would, however, suggest the D50 since it'd be less expensive, would have better optics actually though less manual controls. It depends on what features you want but unless you're trying to go the hardcore pro-sumer route, I think a D50 will do for you nicely.

  • nicholasnicholas 38 Posts
    yeah see i dabble with two old 1970s nikon F2's so i like the manual controls over full automation. should have stated that.

    is there an older version of the D70 or D200 I should be looking out for?

    ps. i am making the switch because film is dying. nikon and canon are canning all film production.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    You might want to look at the D200's manual controls. I do NOT like the D70's manual controls but then again, I never use them (if I did however, they'd annoy the fuck out of me).

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    If you're not stuck on Nikon, I'd recommend checking this one out:

    I'm a few weeks in and loving it.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    If you're not stuck on Nikon, I'd recommend checking this one out:

    I'm a few weeks in and loving it.

    Word, I've got the old model of this---the plain old Rebel from '03. My friend has a Nikon D70 and I have a Rebel---we've both taken the time to use each others for extended period of times and haven't noticed much difference at all.

    But, it all comes down to which brand you want----I've always bought Canon stuff and had Canon stuff since I was a kid so there you go.

  • nicholasnicholas 38 Posts
    yeah i am into the old nikons.
    the d200 is too expensive.
    the d70s is looking good.
    no idea what the difference is between it and the d70....
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