Too many records?

I'm still in the midst of moving my records. I spent from noon to 12 midnight boxing them up and got about a third of them done. I came to the conclusion today I have too many records! Is there such a thing? Honestly, because if that is the case then why am I still looking for more? I looked at my want list yesterday and it is just dumb. I'm never gonna find the ones I want and if I do they will cost an arm and leg. I could sell them all and be chillin' like a villan! When is the breaking point? When do you say ok, I have too many? Soulman says "never stop diggin" and that is my motto, that is why I'm at this point now.
Man, I must be a fuckin lightweight, I mean, I'm only at half of this, and it still seems like an effort to keep it maintained!
I've had a lot of trouble parting with stuff recently. How do you psych yourself out on it?
if you collect records to play out on the radio or in bars/clubs it's ok because youre getting paid for it.
if you collect records to show off to a select group of friends (who don't really care) or soulstrut, you have serious problems with self esteem
if you collect records because you can sell them for profit, it's ok, but you could be doing more productive and interesting things instead
Sell the records you have no personal attachment to and get on with your life
Sometimes people can hear a rare one and think DAMN I NEED THAT HEAT only to discover they've had it for a year.... Thats when the collecting outweighs the sense.
Also, it's different in my case as I have always access to my stock - ??,???.
I really want to downsize a little. After bringing all these vinyls in the new appartment i was totally wrecked and i don`t want to do it again. But how to downsize. I mean there is Hiphop, there is Soul, there is Funk, Disko, Latin, Jazz, all those other records with breaks on em and of course there is a lot of good pop, independent, nu jazz, house, techno. In other words there is to much good music around.
I got different seasons concerning my listening habbits. Sometimes it`s more this genre sometimes more that and i do need the variatie in styles and I want to have a certain amount of records to choose from.
Although i want to downsize I just could not stop anyhow.
very well seems the very act of consumption is what drives us,not the music itself. you forgot one though; if you buy records to sample from, then the thrill of the hunt is justification in itself,no.
I have maybe 2000lps and 500 12"s and yet I am always looking for more music and want to hear something new to my ears, it seems neverending the journey of musical discovery.
Each record has a kind of emotional attachment to the past and it is kind of hard to let go of that. The music I have danced/fucked/got stoned to/tripped to is somehing that holds energy for me.Even the Doors /led Zeppelin/Pink floyd etc records i got into when I was 13-15 are hard to let go of because of that attachment.
What's normal. As long as no one get hurt who cares.
Check out how much they sold for recently... Nike Air Flight 1989
Those are fuggin ugly. Fugly
Then when I break out of it, I think... "I wish my wife would hurry up home before the thrift shop closes, I want to go digging..."
So now here I am with this ridiculous amount of vinyls that are taking up way too much space in the crib. It was a good investment from the money side of things, no doubt, but still... it is also a problem, because it'll probably be impossible to ever get what the collection is truly worth, for reasons which I discussed at the beginning of this rant. I feel for ya, Danny Dee Rock... I only have a fraction of what you have and it's still WAAAAAAY too many records.
Just curious, but why would you do that anyway? its your own shit!
Dog I have boxes of soul purpose 12"s that I can't give away. I'm trying to hold them but space is at a premium out here! Archaic just sent me a copy of another 12" of mine he found, because me and the other dude on it have one copy a piece! There were only 300 made or something. They're all gone.
Btw, the Phill Most 12" probably wouldn't be worth as much if people knew that he was sitting on multiple boxes... so it goes both ways.
When I got married I had to move all my records pretty much by myself from my bachelor pad to our new apt. Only around 5-7,000 records at the time, but still a huge pain in the ass. By the time we bought our house the collection was probably somewhere around 15-20,000. Dog, I had big weightliftin' brothers damn near passing out in the summer heat helping me transport all of those crates! They couldn't handle the whole weight, so I had to haul the reminder all alone, just loading the car up and making multiple trips. After a while I started throwing shit into the dumpster... just physically couldn't take it anymore.
Those boxes of Phill Most Chill records had been sitting in my closet for almost ten years- as far as I knew, nobody knew about the record or gave a damn about it. This is before rap records were seen as "collectible", for the most part- we speculated that the day would come that stuff would sell for big $$$, but at that time nobody really knew that it would explode like it did. $500-$600 for that record??? I would've drove yo' ass straight to rehab if you tried to tell me that that record would be worth that much one day. I was using those shits as frisbees, throwing them around and shit. I still have a copy that's got some kind of strange melt mark on it- I don't know if I was burning that shit with a blow torch or what!
And I know some people probably think "ahh, Phill's got hundreds of copies in his crib, he's just making up the story about throwing them away so that the record will seem rarer than it really is and he can get more money for them"... I wish that were true, but unfortunately it's not. Every now and then I do find another copy mixed in somewhere it's not suppossed to be in my collection, though.
Just curious, but why would you do that anyway? its your own shit!
I can definitely relate to not caring about your own records. After you make a song or album you're pretty much sick of it, so why even have it around wasting space. Sounds stupid but its the truth. I'm probably missing half of the stuff I've done over the years. Getting paid is a lot higher on the priority list than having hella copies of a random record. That being said I don't think I've thrown any copies of my own records away.
this is the case for me so many times...