what about the kinda bad/kinda good movies



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    nobody's gonna say shit like citizen kane is trash or that ishtar is stellar

    but what about the movies that are kinda trash and kinda rule?

    case in point

    The Game by David Fincher

    overly stylized, michael douglas is in it and he is doing another variation of the gordon gecko character (see Wall Street, A Perfect Murder)

    set in san francisco, 'most dangerous game' kinda plot (always a plus), favorite use of 'white rabbit' in a movie, pretty engrosssing and exciting, michael douglas gets fucked with to the max

    That's a good one. I haven't seen that movie since it came out on video. It's time for a re-visit.

    I nominate Event Horizon.

    For some reason (I was super high) that movie tripped me out. It's pretty over the top, but there's some crazy scenes in there.

    I need to sign up to Netflix again.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    nobody's gonna say shit like citizen kane is trash

    Actually, I got in an argument on another board when someone tried to say that Citizen Kane was an overrated piece of trash.

    As for bad-but-good, I like the Resident Evil flicks.

  • piedpiperpiedpiper 1,279 Posts
    space is the place

    reefer madness ("If you want a good smoke, try one of these.")

    both and

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I thought the topic referred to films that are rated far higher in your mindgarden than in general public consensus so here are a couple of mine.


    Pros: Too much quotable dialogue to mention, Forest Whittaker, Bo Lo Yeung, Van Damme doing his "crazyman blinded" acting.

    Cons: The plot, the acting, the script, Jackson

    Under Seige 2[/b]

    Pros: Seagal (obviously), two top notch bad guys (Everett Mcgill and Eric Bogosian), Seagal's weight and speeded up fight scenes.

    Cons: Seagal's weight and speeded up fight scenes

    The Burbs[/b]

    Pros: The script, Hanks crushing beercans on his head, Art, the whole dream sequence, Art, unconscious chanting, Art

    Cons: Nothing really though I guess some would list Feldman's presence as a flaw

    This is fun, I could do this all day.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Out of Sight (pretty good for a J.Lo movie)

    That's funny, because I always thought that J.Lo should have gone with the acting career instead of music. I can't stand her records, but I like her on the silver screen. She's played a lot of yawny romantic comedies that are probably trash (I don't watch romantic comedies), but I think she's solid in movies like the aforementioned OOS and???


    which I guess fits this thread topic too. Unlike many, I like Oliver Stone's output, and I think this is an overlooked little gem. Pretty over top and nonsensical, but I really like it. Great cast too. Billy Bob kills it.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Yes on the Mamet comment, didnt feel like chopping the quote in half. Of those i liked House of Games best.

    i am a sucker for two Bill Murray joints:

    What About Bob?
    Groundhog Day (anyone hear the Buddhism allegory theory?)

    i used to work in a video store when i was in high school and i had this roster of things i would watch on my shift (i was usually the only person working)...Groundhog Day, The Sandlot, 12 Angry Men, The Apartment, The Last Waltz, A bootleg Marley concert, A bootleg Grateful Dead New Years concert or i would hook my discman up to the amp and throw on whatever seemed like it might fit.

  • DustbusterDustbuster 278 Posts
    It's an awful, awful movie, but everytime "Summer School" is on, I enjoy it.

  • I guess Hcrink only watches Godard films and Grateful Dead boots.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts


  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    I'm a sucker for bad action movies...

    Lethal Weapon 2 is my favorite of that whole series. But, nothing tops THE LAST BOYSCOUT in my book.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I feel so ashamed...


  • But, nothing tops THE LAST BOYSCOUT in my book.

    Oh hell yeah. It still holds up too...I watched it w/in the last year. Tony Scott fan over here.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    are these like the movies that are so bad that they're good?

    i started to say, i figured THAT was what Ms. Damn meant

    I personally was thinking more along the lines of movies that are thoroughly mediocre and yet somehow still entertaining.

    this is exactly what i mean.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Post your Netflix At Homes or you're soft.


    Scenes From A Marriage
    Code Unknown
    Be Here To Love Me

    The Townes Van Zandt documentary was pretty good. i feel like i got a lot of insight into his life, but something felt like it was missing or not tied together, i dunno. Felt kinda bad for his kids, but i thought their appreciation of his music was very cool and sincere. They used a bunch of that footage from Heartworn Highways that i mentioned in another thread. i'd reccomend that for a cool overview of country revival.

    Sorry if i'm straying. Another i'd like to add to the list is Airheads. i can always watch this movie when it comes on TV, but the noncensored is much funnier of course.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts

    Sorry if i'm straying. Another i'd like to add to the list is Airheads. i can always watch this movie when it comes on TV, but the noncensored is much funnier of course.

    uggh. Yes. The Lone Rangers, doing their hit, "De-Generated".

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    I'll be the 5th or 6th person to defend "Out of Sight," great movie. I've begun maybe my 5th Elmore Leonard novel in a month bcuz of the consistency of his film adaptations (and I still think Jackie Brown is incredible). "Cuba Libre"!

    I think for me Linklater's "SubUrbia" fits in this, its totally hokey and seems like someone just put a camera in front of a stage where people were acting the play, plus it hits on some serious cliche'd territory.

    I think Clueless might belong here, but I might just think that's a good film straight up.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    I can't believe nobody has mentioned the cinematic tour de force known as The Craft. That shit fucking rules.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Fast and the Furious. I was really into cars at the time and it's sad how many times I watched this. I watched it again a few months ago and couldn't believe how bad it was. The sequel is horrid though and I never saw the third one (isn't it out already?)

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    I think for me Linklater's "SubUrbia" fits in this, its totally hokey and seems like someone just put a camera in front of a stage where people were acting the play, plus it hits on some serious cliche'd territory.

    I love that film. Still waiting for it to come out on DVD.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I guess Hcrink only watches Godard films and Grateful Dead boots.

    a few of the VHS tapes that threaten to squeeze me out of my apartment...

    I suppose there are a few "guilty pleasures", but no fucking way will I watch a movie with Michael Douglas or J-lo.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    i haven't seen Hard Eight or Blood Simple in a good long while. Thanks for the reminder.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    I suppose there are a few "guilty pleasures", but no fucking way will I watch a movie with Michael Douglas or J-lo.

    wait so you haven't seen Out of Sight? how do you know it's trash? it's a really good movie. soderbergh rules man. you're crazy

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    It's an awful, awful movie, but everytime "Summer School" is on, I enjoy it.

    Ha, I know Chainsaw! We used to work together. That guy (Dean Cameron) is hilarious.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    I suppose there are a few "guilty pleasures", but no fucking way will I watch a movie with Michael Douglas or J-lo.

    wait so you haven't seen Out of Sight? how do you know it's trash? it's a really good movie. soderbergh rules man. you're crazy

    You used the words "smart" and "sexy" to describe it. I probably would'nt have seen it anyhow, but now I surely won't.

    Hi, A*d*e*! I sent you some stickers.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    You used the words "smart" and "sexy" to describe it.

    haha. that's because IT IS! convincingly

    i should make you a shirt that says ANTI-SEXY in big block letters

    (yay on the stickers)

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Is Traffic still good? By that I mean, I liked it when it came out but I had suspect taste in film back back then then. Anyway if it is good, it justifies the presence of michael douglas.

    Death Wish! Charles Bronson! Old white man shows young street punks who's boss by killing them.

    Don't remember which one, but I just remember one incredible sequence where he's looking out his window on the right side of the screen where it is nighttime, and he's watching some 'thugs' vandalizing or robbing or loitering or some other crime that deserves being shot by a geriatric film hero, and then he walks across the room to the left side of the screen where the sun is beaming through the window. Nice continuity, dudes.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    You used the words "smart" and "sexy" to describe it.

    haha. that's because IT IS! convincingly

    i should make you a shirt that says ANTI-SEXY in big block letters

    (yay on the stickers)


  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Is Traffic still good? By that I mean, I liked it when it came out but I had suspect taste in film back back then then. Anyway if it is good, it justifies the presence of michael douglas.

    I sort of like it but it's way too preachy. No subtlety to the message.

    I'm totally spacing on dude's name and the films he was in, but the old guy. Mustache. Shot a bunch of 'street punks' as the hero of these shoddy mid-80s action films. Actor died in '03 or thereabouts. There were a series of these. Totally spacing out.

    Charles Bronson?

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    ^^^^^^yeah that was it, i edited it a moment ago.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    You used the words "smart" and "sexy" to describe it.

    haha. that's because IT IS! convincingly

    i should make you a shirt that says ANTI-SEXY in big block letters

    (yay on the stickers)

    I'll co-sign on this. I made a group of friends watch it once and I remember my friend turning to me and saying this was a total chick-flick. Still, I love it.
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