Portable recording device (that ISN'T a minidisc)

Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central
Dear soulstrut braintrust: I need a device that will allow me to record interviews in broadcast quality (ie mp3 is fine, but a fisherprice tape recorder is not) using only batteries. Smaller is better than larger. There has to be more than a 1/8 out. Doubling as an mp3 player would be a welcome bonus. I also need to buy the thing by Sunday. Any ideas?


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    iRiver H320, Dawg.

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    that iriver model is older right? did they discontinue the mic option? Diggin, that review is for Line-in capable players, thats not the same. ive had this MD with a Mic and Line-in but it keeps breaking, i really need to make a switch to a digital player with a good mic input. I swear ive gone through probably 5 MD players with mic inputs now. they are shoddy pieces of shit.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts



  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    Oh man, those are expensive! I'm in so in the whole financing the project which requires the recorder that I'm not sure I can drop 400US. Any cheaper options?

  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    Unfortunately flash sound recorders haven't reached the mass market level yet. The Edrol and microtrack are about your two choices.

    The microtrack recorder is nice and super reliable, if you can swing it. I bought it for field recording, but it's equally good at vinyl transcriptions. A to D converters are pretty sweet, and the encoding quality is top.
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