Have you read House of Leaves (no spoil please)
932 Posts
This thing is crazy, i am only 50 pages in (just finished the whole thing about Echo right after the lady screamed ) but this is just madness and i haven't even gotten into the thick of it yet.Just looking to see if anyone on here feels me. If you aren't familiar with the book, just flip through next time you're at you book joint
Here's dudes next book coming out in September:
I guess its about two peoples lives as they travel through history, and there is no back cover. Each end of the book reads from each characters perspective, and they both end in the middle.
I guess the print starts real big and then ends very small, you're supposed to read 8 pages from one end and then 8 pages from the other end, and so on... its supposed to give you the spiraling out of control feel the characters are going through.
He needs to quit screwing around with pagination and just write a decent novel.
House of Leaves starts off stong, but falls off hard.
The sections with Truant really begin to drag, and the later [pun]passages[/pun] with Navidson are not nearly as interesting as his initial investigation of the house.
The latter half of the book is Danielewski hiding the fact that he had a good idea with nowhere to take it behind a bunch of pseudo-existential posturing.
I'd recommend something like "Infinite Jest" as a more fulfilling piece of ergodic literature...