ebay craziness vol. 68865959494585
1,928 Posts
when it's Japan bidder vs. Japan bidder....it's http://cgi.ebay.com/ROY-PORTER-LP-JESSIC...1QQcmdZViewItem
Allah bless 'em...
I just posted this when the auction ended. In fact, the last two Jessica's I saw go on eBay only went for $56 and $41.
Bell walks away shaking his head .
4/27/06 Porter, Roy ??? Jessica $56
5/7/06 Porter, Roy ??? Jessica $41
Not calling you a racist, so take no offense.
I just find it kind of weird that their would be a Japanese buying power graemlin.
I mean aren't their rich folls worldwide spending big money for terds???
I wasn't talking of this particular case or any other terd, I was talking about the strong YEN world in which we are living.
I would love to have an "ARGENTINIAN BUYING POWER" graemlin, but it would not reflect the economics of my country
I'm with you but I want the official "M.BELL BUYING POWER" graemlin.
Then and only then, I would stop bitching!