
paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central
Arrow-pierced Fla. bird eludes captureASSOCIATED PRESSHOLLY HILL, Fla. -- An injured bird has confounded rescue workers for days by staying on the move despite a two-foot arrow stuck through its body.The young white ibis was first seen Thursday night. It was shot with a dull arrow, which appears to have missed vital organs and muscles but remains lodged in the bird."I have captured hundreds of birds," said Bob Hunt, a volunteer with the Bird Rescue Center in New Smyrna Beach. "You would think this would be one of the easier ones."So far it hasn't been.Hunt and partner Marilyn Camp spent hours Monday chasing the bird from tree to tree. They threw fish on the ground to lure it down, and twigs to rattle it off a perch. But the bird would simply climb to a higher branch or flutter away as they advanced."We thought we would wear the little bird out," Camp said. "Instead, he has worn us out."Workers from the Marine Science Center and Holly Hill police have also tried to no avail to rescue the ibis. Volunteers were trying again today.


  • i give this bird props. heart for days.

  • Arrow-pierced Fla. bird eludes capture


    HOLLY HILL, Fla. -- An injured bird has confounded rescue workers for days by staying on the move despite a two-foot arrow stuck through its body.

    The young white ibis was first seen Thursday night. It was shot with a dull arrow, which appears to have missed vital organs and muscles but remains lodged in the bird.

    "I have captured hundreds of birds," said Bob Hunt, a volunteer with the Bird Rescue Center in New Smyrna Beach. "You would think this would be one of the easier ones."

    So far it hasn't been.

    Hunt and partner Marilyn Camp spent hours Monday chasing the bird from tree to tree. They threw fish on the ground to lure it down, and twigs to rattle it off a perch. But the bird would simply climb to a higher branch or flutter away as they advanced.

    "We thought we would wear the little bird out," Camp said. "Instead, he has worn us out."

    Workers from the Marine Science Center and Holly Hill police have also tried to no avail to rescue the ibis. Volunteers were trying again today.


  • Who the fuck shoots an ibis with a bow an arrow? I see shit like this all the time on Animal Planet, birds (and dogs, and deer etc) walking around with arrows hanging out of them. Sad.

  • Who the fuck shoots an ibis with a bow an arrow?

    Ted Nugent... is the definition of

  • Who the fuck shoots an ibis with a bow and arrow?

    Y'aint never had bbq'd white ibis before? Shit,

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Who the fuck shoots an ibis with a bow an arrow? I see shit like this all the time on Animal Planet, birds (and dogs, and deer etc) walking around with arrows hanging out of them. Sad.

    Dude...It's Florida.

    Sad Indeed.

  • Dude...It's Florida.

    Sad Indeed.

  • Dude...It's Florida.

    Sad Indeed.

    I dunno man.
    I don't think the rednecks down in Florida have got anything on the kids at Tubman Terrace projects in Poughkeepsie when it comes to animal cruelty.
    It's been like some sick tradition for years now that every 4th of July a few degenerate kids try to find any cat they can find and duct tape M-80's to them.


    I get sick just thinking about it sometimes.

    Whenever I hear the term "kids can be cruel" I automatically think of that.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    This also happened years ago, but it was a duck. Eventually they caught it and removed the arrow successfully.
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