hatters glossary of collectro sub genres

Folk Psych - singer songwriters with sub-standard to merely adequate songwriting/voices that are badly recorded. The "psychedelic"(these records are barely psychedelic) aspect of the records are usally a result of bad microphones and the occasional use of reverb.add on!
As far as I can tell, its original meaning was obscure mid-60s whiteboy r'n'b-based rock of British origin. Now it seems to mean any non-USA rock/garage/soul record from 1964-1974. In any case, I ain't mad at it; I tend to like at least 50% of the records labeled with the tag.
rappers & producers with sub-standard to merely adequate lyrics/flow/beatmaking that are badly recorded and shittly pressed. The "random" aspect of the records are usually a result of the producer randomly getting the tempo correct and the occasional use of Apache drums.
Slightly obscure early to mid sixties black soul/R&B that white people from the Carolinas like to shag to (the worst dance evar?).
Some Beach Music 45s are also Northern Soul 45s.
But in my fantastic privert minds gurden. I call them soul rakards.
Let me pull back the reins here. Y'all mean collectro terms, not music mag terms.
shit. i'm from the carolinas and the beach. so don't fucking tet my billywardandthedominoes.raer, bitch.
Can I get a consensus on the definition of "FUNKY BLACK-MAN SOUL" AKA not that White's music?