

  • jbarkerjbarker 71 Posts
    I got cheated on about 2 months ago (4 year gf, with my bro and best friend). That shit AIN'T cool! I can't even explain the emotions that one goes through after this type of thing. I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. First off there's the animalist rage and anger where you want to kill people for fun. Then there's the good old self-hatred, it really makes you feel like a giant piece of shit, one of the worst things I've been through in my life.

    I've had many chances to cheat myself and I always keep it faithful to my woman, and this is what I get! FUCKING BITCH. I would NEVER put someone through that, people that cheat are selfish pieces of shit. Nice guys finish last baby!

    The only thing I miss about her is my dog (seriously miss that little dude) and her african cooking.

    Sorry to be a downer dudes!

    That sucks man.
    I know how you feel.

    My girlfriend of 3 years cheated on me about 2 months ago with a close FEMALE friend of mine. They are still together.
    The upside (if there is one...) is that I've been getting close with the female friends ex-girlfriend who's fine and hates both of them as much as I do.
    There's so many mixed emotions because she's with a girl now. On one hand, she says she's gay and can't help how she feels, so it's not really that much of a personal attack. Then on the other hand, I turned a girl gay!

    Telling that story to girls = Fuck, telling that story at all is
    I have a G rated version for girls I'm after.

    But yeah, cheating is NOT cool at all.
    Be a fucking man and handle your shit properly.

    I felt the worst I've ever felt for about a month, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I've chilled a bit. Still hurts though.

    Recently I've been thinking about girls I could have picked up but I had a girlfriend so I didn't. The best was this awesome Fijian Indian girl who looked like a hotter M.I.A. She was dead keen for something to happen, but I think I deleted her phone number ages ago.....

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    I think I deleted her phone number ages ago.....

    never do that. keep it somewhere. make housecalls. expect nothing. have fun. That said, I deleted some numbers as well just yesterday

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts

    The upside (if there is one...) is that I've been getting close with the female friends ex-girlfriend who's fine and hates both of them as much as I do.

    misery loves company, you might want to watch this.

  • This really cute girl in 12th grade wanted me to draw some pictures of her.

    Nothing ever happened.

    I'm stupid.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    fly grill, body, the whole nine. Let a good one get away on that one.

  • oldnewsouloldnewsoul 238 Posts
    And little dudes: don't even try to ask about my celebrity conquests.

    You have me misconfused with somebody.

    And unlike me, Paycheck would be all too happy to share the detailz.

    I aint biased when im riding through the town,
    Like em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brown...

    I'd do Mo'nique. She'd be fun plus there would be snacks.

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts
    fly grill, body, the whole nine. Let a good one get away on that one.


    I smell a new NAGL graemlin.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Well, I was gonna stay out of this thread. I mean, I've dated some really amazing women in my life. Not that any of them I lost or anything.

    But truth be told, I'm with a truly wicked breath taking gurl right now. That I wouldn't trade for anyone.

    Anyways, back to why I'm posting.

    I guess this is one that kinda got away. The reason was I was in a long relationship with my H.S. g/f and at that time I just couldn't break up with her.

    But I almost broke up with her for this gurl.

    Anyways, this is some sad shit and it's really blown me away. I haven't seen her in probably 6-7 years, but still...

    I hope she's in a better place and they catch the people behind this.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    But I almost broke up with her for this gurl.

    Sorry to hear that about your friend.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts

    Don't EVEN talk about fumblin' chicks!!!! Shit, I'm Leroy Hoard in this muthafucka!!! Man, before I retired to coach you young bucks, I actually squandered a few opportunities. Here are the highlights:

    1. Demaris G------.
    -Can't name names or location, but I was in grad school. The rep was that ole' girl was trickin' hard, and I was speaking on the topic with my boys (with one Judas in the camp). Anyway, it's rumored that "someone" (probably the punk muthafucka mentioned above), blabbed about the campfire chat about her. Despite that, she did call up one night, drunk mind you, asking to come over. She spent the night, coulda tapped, but I didn't because drunk chicks don't move me.

    2. Twyla J--------.
    -This chick was this fly cheerleader at a rival high school. This was after high school, but her and I were getting reaaaaal chummy. I was close to gettin' "in", but then I called her crib and asked for "Lenelle" (this other chick I was bonin' at the time). Her response was, and I quote, "This is Twyla, P------.

    3. Lori (can't remember last name):
    -This lady (Stacks on "the swirl" tip; I don't discriminate) worked at the U of A. bookstore. She had a fat-ass booty and was a real cutie (an older, veteran chick around her mid to late 30's). She used to flirt with me when I rolled in, a lil' touchie feely (ass was nice and firm) and so on. She was really diggin' a brotha, but she had it in her mind that I was "engaged". She'd say shit like, "Let me come by your house since you're not living with anyone," which I wasn't, by the way. I find out later, that the parking dude (Adam), after seeing me with some other chick at the grocery store, monkey-wrenched me with Lori. I didn't get pleasure of bouncin' off that phatty.

    4. Donna P------.
    -This was an across-the-street neighbor chick (my folks crib down in NC). I was nearly breaking up with my (ex) fiancee at the time. She was one of those younger chicks that you watch grow up into this fly-ass woman, right? So, she was vibin' on me at Paradise Music where she worked at the time. She was hittin' on me and asking "Why haven't you ever come to see me?" I believe I was pretty much "in". But, I just couldn't take her up on it, scared to shit where I eat. It would have been a fucked up scene if she came by acting all familiar while the fiancee was over. Soon after that, she went away to the Air Force. Maybe I shoulda took the gamble.

    5. Evelyn G-----.
    -This was a veteran babe at FSU (my undergraduate institution). Anyway, she was always diggin' on me. I used to go see her when I came home from U of A while in grad school. She was pressin' me to come by and do "that", but I was lazy about getting over there. She was fly to be over 40 (mid 90's), fly grill, body, the whole nine. Let a good one get away on that one.

    6. T----e A-----e (bit part actress, won't name movie to protect the guilty).
    -While I was at FSU, I was at one of those gym parties on a Saturday (around late 1988). She was coming at me tough, but my boys warned that she was sorta (out there). Anyway, I probably coulda tapped, but I was a little intimidated by the stories about her, so I didn't take the big-booty bait. Early in 1989, I ended up hearing a "groupie tale" about her from BDK (when he was down in NC touring) while I was up in Bklyn (think of preparing a food with lettuce as its main ingredient).

    That's all I have for now, I'll think of some more later.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    5 stars

  • Big Stacks, you had me at Leroy Hoard.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    But I almost broke up with her for this gurl.

    Sorry to hear that about your friend.

    Thank you

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    fly grill, body, the whole nine. Let a good one get away on that one.


    I smell a new NAGL graemlin.


    I'm old school. Grill (back in my day) = face.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Grill (back in my day) = face.

    Yeah, I've run afoul of this one before. I was discussing with my younger brother the subtleties of the "ice grill," and it took about five minutes before we realized that each of us was talking about something completely different.

    "Dudes all scowling..."
    "Yeah, you know, showing off the teeth..."
    "Yeah--all those diamonds..."

    Does anybody still use "jammy" as synonymous with "joint"? Man, I heard "chumpie" just the other day--shit was kinda madkap.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Does anybody still use "jammy" as synonymous with "joint"?

    Also synonymous w/ "joker" which i still use.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Does anybody still use "jammy" as synonymous with "joint"?

    Also synonymous w/ "joker" which i still use.

    "Joker" as in "gun"?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Does anybody still use "jammy" as synonymous with "joint"?

    Also synonymous w/ "joker" which i still use.

    "Joker" as in "gun"?

    Nah, as in "toss me that Joker" or"them jokers are hot". Joker = thing, early 80's term.

    U could call a gun a joker. "Yo, hide that joker under my bed, my dad is coming up the stairs!"

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Does anybody still use "jammy" as synonymous with "joint"?

    Also synonymous w/ "joker" which i still use.

    "Joker" as in "gun"?

    Nah, as in "toss me that Joker" or"them jokers are hot". Joker = thing, early 80's term.

    U could call a gun a joker. "Yo, hide that joker under my bed, my dad is coming up the stairs!"

    Oh, okay. My brother lives in the VA/MD area, and in the little bit of time I've spent there, I've heard "junk/junks/junx/jonx" as "thing," but there's a real clipped version, sounding more like "joke," that seems reserved for referring to firearms, so I was thinking that "joker" maybe had something to do with that.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I still use "jammy" from time to time, as well as "jernt." Never used this "joker" thing, but then again we had our own jawn where we're from.

  • coldcutscoldcuts 388 Posts
    I was at some girl's house where a girl I was really into was chillin'. I had been trying to make my move all night. Well sometime in the night my friend tells me, "So and so wants to hookup with you upstairs." She was considered one of the hottest girls in our class at the time but I didn't bother because I didn't think it would look good with the girl I was trying to mack it to. They were friends with each other. One of my friends ended up going upstairs and taking my place haha. Yea she was considered a bit of a slut.

    The ironic thing is that my friend who hooked up with the girl in the bedroom later went on to date the girl I was tring to mack it to in the first place.

  • There were a couple times when I regretted being faithful to my ex-gf, especially since we split up anyway.

    This filipina girl who i used to work with who was a dancer and had a great body and a decent face started coming all the way to my cube from the other side of the floor just to say "hi" everyday. I was just polite to her, and a couple times she even asked about the pic i had up of my then gf, which didn't seem to bother her. My friend who sat right next to me would ask, "So, I guess you just don't want to have sex with Joanna?" and, like an idiot, I was like "nope, i'm not a cheater". She eventually stopped visiting me and started hooking up with this other guy at work. I should have hit that.

    Another story, while I was with the same girl (well, i guess there must have been something about her that made me want to be faithful..), I was at a party in a semi-secluded spot with this hot girl who was my friend and even played percussion in my band for a while. We were a little drunk and just having a conversation when she inturrupted me mid sentence by trying to make out with me. That's when the idiot inside me came out, and I actually pushed her off of me and reminded her that I was in a relationship, and continued my sentence.

    I guess i'm kinda proud for staying faithful, but I still think I should have banged that off. Life is short, you know?

  • Missing girls... story of my life! Being shy sucks.

    I guess i'm kinda proud for staying faithful, but I still think I should have banged that off. Life is short, you know?

    Hey St*v*

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    1. JAN

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Was just rereading this old thread...while I'm not about to give up any stories, I totally relate.

    I've had friends (and girlfriends) marvel at how I'm so aggressive about walking up to girls and asking them out...the reason is so I won't lie awake at night thinking about what could have been! Heh, heh! Better a "no" than a "never"!

    When I saw that one scene on The Office where Toby is about to make his move on Pam, but then gets accidentally cockblocked by a coworker asking her to do some ole menial task...causing Toby to lose his nerve...that was so on-point.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    female Toby kinda rulez though

    mega lulz that you rzareccted this thraed, btw

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    female Toby kinda rulez though

    yeah, i jus' hope that Michael doesn't move real slow and miss her like a dummy

    if you've seen the season-ending ep of The Office, that was how I'd miss out on some prime women when i was 18-19 y.o. - "oh, we're getting along fine as friends, i'll take it REEEL slow and not ask her out until a few weeks later." and then theyd lose interest or get a serious boyfriend and id be out the picture. THAT AINT HAPPENIN NO MORE.

    thats the way michael was acting towards Toby's replacement (whom he had the hots for), although this being TV, they'll probably be sleeping together on the season premiere next fall.
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