Spider Loc & Mr. Criminal dissin' The Game

soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central


  • are these guys real or are they purely an invention of the G-Unit marketing team? It seems like they created these guys in order for to have an authentic LA gangbanging element in the Unit to counter the Game. serious question.

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    nah man, them cats been around for a minute, mr. criminal is a down motherfucker been bangin for years, he down w/ some my homies from _____________.
    as for spider loc' he's from 97th st. crip, but seems gunit formed a g-unit crip set, which is kinna funny to me, they even got some bloods from denver lane a pasadena blood set, i dunno, they all high or some shit lol

  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    I'll take them all on

    chips ahoy

  • I wondered how you could text on a sidekick and not look corny. Now I know.



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