Fight Stories



  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    about 5 years ago, for some idiotic reason, me and my crew was sparring a lot. we had this one weekly night where we would spin records at a bar and there was too many heads on the turntables. people would get mad and we would go outside and throwdown and the cops would get called everyweek. the bartendress would have already broken it up with her baseball bat, but the cops would come in saying they heard reports of a fight. we'd be sitting there with bloody lips and shit, shrugging our sholders "we dint see nothing". one night, it was just me and wes finishing up early, cause lily was spinning records somewhere else. we pack up the car and start fighting in thse parking lot, but it got ill. faces smashed on gates and shit. anyway we were on the ground punching each other and this homeless dude tries to break it up. were like "no were friends!" and he philosophically states "oh. friends do that sometimes. can yall spare a dollar?" wes somehow pulls a dollar out, hands all bloody, and holds this bloody dollar up for dude. shit was so funny we just got in the ride and head to lily's party. round 2: we get there and lily is bugging, saying "no ones dancing. these people are wack" so we get on the dancefloor, i take my shirt off and we are going crazy. girls were feeling it, so some came out to dance with us. meanwhile, everytime wes came near me, wed be punching each other, still dancing. so the bouncers like, "cut that out" and we kept on doing it. so they turn the lights on and kick everyone out. well that was fun while it lasted and i start getting my shirt on. i walk outside and wes is wrestling on the ground with the bouncer! so i start kicking dude in the ass and we get jumped by everybody. we were crackking thefuck up and swinging on everyone. i tripped and fell on my back and the bartenedr rushed me, so i donkey kicked him in the ribs. cops came and broke things up and we are still laughing our asses off. everyone else was all pissed off, but the cops were laughing with us. final outcome: wes somehow lost his shoes and got bit on the foot! we both were banned from silkcity (they forgot about me though) for life. wes never got his shoes back. the bartenders who i kicked suffered broken ribs and some close friends of mine who knew him were real mad at me for a while (but he rushed me while i was on the ground!) i lost my cell phone and some old lady ran off with it. all in all it was a real fun night, no regrets, but we stopped the whole fight club shit (for the most part)


  • Ok here's one from a while back!

    When me and my posse stepped in the house, all the punk-ass niggaz start breakin out. Cause you know, they know whassup. So we started lookin for the bitches with the big butts! Like her, but she keep cryin "I got a boyfriend," Bitch stop lyin! Dumb-ass hooker ain't nuttin but a dyke, suddenly I see some niggaz that I don't like! Walked over to 'em and said "Whassup?"

    The first nigga that I saw - hit em in the jaw! Ren started stompin em, and so did E, By that time got rushed by security. Out the door, but we don't quit
    Ren said, "Let's start some shit!" I got a shotgun, and here's the plot - takin niggaz out with a flurry of buckshots *Boom boom boom* yeah I was gunnin and then you look, all you see is niggaz runnin and fallin and yellin and pushin and screamin and cussin! I stepped back and I kept bustin and then I realized it's time for me to go so I stopped, jumped in the vehicle.

    Cause I'm the type of nigga that's built to last, fuck wit me - I'll put my foot in your ass! See I don't give a fuck, cause I keep bailin. Yo, what the fuck are they yellin?

    Gangsta, Gangsta!

    I read this topic and people are talking about rolling with a set and homeless people, glocks, brass knuckles - I grew up in a rural village for fuck's sake! I avoid fights but I don't get hassled at all really. I like it that way.

    One near fight my girlfriends brother had was a bit of a story.

    He was walking into a mini-mart one night and someone outside said something to him and he said something back like "get lost dickhead" and walked in. While he's in the queue this guy comes in with his enormous mate, real tall and as wide! The guy points to my girlfriends brother and they both walk out. So he's shitting it, he's no wimp - hell he's a 6'5" tattooed, boxer/ultimate fighter but he doesn't want any trouble and the guy was big!

    As he walks out of the door the big guy says "were you cussin my mate?" so he says yeah, after the guy asks why he says "because he's a dickhead".

    The big guy asks him for a fight and he calmly says "Yeah ok, now." and steps into a boxing guarding stance, fists up ready to go. The big guy shit it and just said "not tonight mate, not tonight" then walked off!

    Of course I'm certain had I tried the same he would have either beaten the shit out of me there and then or waited till he was with his mates and jumped me!

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts

    Of course I'm certain had I tried the same he would have either beaten the shit out of me there and then or waited till he was with his mates and jumped me!
    well, with that attitude, of course. think that you can do no wrong and usually youll be allright....or youll be smiling when they reassemble you off the pavement.

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    me other mate lives in a town notorious for gipsies (the Irish ones ), and all they do is fight and he has had plenty of grief with 'em probably cos he is built like a brick shit house.

    fuckin pikeys

    Hang on...... THAT'S RACIST!!! And I've bought car stereos and gold seal off 10 year olds. Romany Travelling Folk is the correct term.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    Being both a Quaker and a hemophiliac I try hard to avoid fighting. But I have seen some crazy ass shit. My first day at a new school in 9th grade I was sitting in the cafeteria and the guy across from me was talking about how he didn't like this one dude and starts pointing him out and talking about how much of a bitch he is. I just nod and keep eating my lunch. At the end of lunch dude he was calling out comes up behind him with a cafeteria tray in hand. One of those really heavy ones. I give dude a heads up that he is about to get dropped and he turns just as the tray is coming down on his face. Bam! he got hit right on the nose. Blood everywhere. They went at it for a little while until some teachers broke it up. Turns out they were cousins. As was half of the fucking inbred school. I ended up becoming friends with the guy wielding the tray, he was a nice guy and ended up having my back a couple of times later on. Thank god my parents moved and I only had to spend one year there.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I broke my knuckle busting up some dude's eye this one time after football practice when I was 11 years old. We were playing some sort of touch football and dude just kept tackling everybody. I warned him to cut that shit out and sure enough after I caught a pass and he knocked me to the turf, I got up and right-hooked him into a pile on the ground. My hand swelled up like a muthafucka though. I got a ride home from my neighbor's mom, and then when I got home I hid that shit from my own mother. I think my dad was out of town, so when he returns the next day he discovers my whole hand and wrist blown up like a watermelon with me just sitting there taking the pain. He brought me to the hospital and that was the end of that football season. It was the coach's son I punched by the way.

    That wild right hook was used often. Usually when an older kid would pick on me, I'd build up anger like Adam Sandler in the Water Boy and then suddenly explode on their head. Did it to a kid in 2nd grade who was another one of those dudes who couldn't stop tackling in a touch football game. I got put on probation for that one. I almost had to punch him again when he pulled me out of my class to tell me that the prinicpal had sent him to get me. But I forgave him since I had basically fucked him up so much he had to go to the office with his swollen face. I rememeber also using it on a dude at basketball camp, who kept singing "red, red, fell out of bed, and broke his head on a piece of cornbread" in reference to my hair. He was much older than me and couldn't believe I had the gall to tag him like that. He didn't do shit, but wipe up his blood, and then shut up in response. Another time an even older dude and I were playing basketball in my driveway and I was besting him so he kept checking me up against the garage. When I blew my top and I nailed him, I've never seen so much blood spurt out at once. Another time I was on the school bus sleeping, and Prince's Little Red Corvette was on the radio. This kid behind me decides to wake me up just to tell me, "That's what you are, a Little Red Corvette". I stood up clocked him with that right hook and then immediately went back to sleep.

    I remember one time in class in about 6th grade, the class bully sat in front of me in one of my classes. The teacher handed papers to pass out and when the bully kid turned to hand them to me, he said something like "here, take these pussy". I snapped back "fuck you". He turned back to me with his meanest mug and was like "what did you say?" I had to think about it for a second, and then decided to repeat myself with "I said fuck you". He then very calmly informed me that we would be fighting at lunch the next day. Sure enough, after I ate my food that next day I found him and before he could even prepare for it I socked him in the eye. We then moved to a place where we could fight without interruption and went on to go about 3 rounds of completely slugging on each other. I remember I scraped up my elbow when I fell back over someone's book bag, but for the most part I held my own. The bully came up to me the next day and told me he wouldn't have fucked with me had he known I could fight so good.

    I lost a lot of fights too. In 2nd grade I got beat up for accusing this kid of stealing an LSU cap of mine. Another time, I was fighting this friend of mine a second time at school. I stomped him the first time. The second time we squared off outside of the lunch room and I apparently didn't see this pole that was kinda in between us. He pulled me by my arm towards him at some point and my head slammed right into that pole. Then almost simultaneously he hit me with a hook to the other side of the head. I was crying like a bitch with a giant welt on my forehead. My best friend in my neighborhood had a younger brother who I would get into it with every now and then. I remember beating him up kinda badly one day, just jabbing him in the face at will. Then another time we were all playing football in their front yard. For whatever reason, probably because he tackled me on the cement walkway that was a touch zone, I got on top of him and pinned him down. I wasn't going to punch him or anything but my best friend had to stick up for his little brother so he knocked me off of him. When I got up looking to my best friend like "what the fuck?" his little brother clocked me with a hook that had my blood spilled all over the lawn. We were almost all laughing as we went in their house to clean it up, only to start the football game back up shortly thereafter.

    The last fight I got in was at a house party about 10 years ago. Some dude was on the dancefloor waving his cigarette way too close to my girl. We told him so and he got all pissed about it. We parted ways and I thought that would be the end of it. Later on I'm sitting in a chair on the frontporch, and cigarette dude gets in my face. I remember motioning to a friend of mine to push the dude away for a second so I could stand up, but it turns out that that friend of mine was a chump who wasn't hip to such things. So I couldn't take this dude yelling at me anymore so I grabbed his face and just held it there as I gave him my best raging "you never should have fucked with me" face. I then pushed his face away from me and tried to stand up. He hit me with a right to the forehead as I pushed myself up from the chair but it didn't faze me. I tried to charge him but quicker than seems possible he was out in the street, talking about going to get something from his trunk...which of course he didn't. The great part about this story was that in the midst of it, one of the dude's friends motioned like he was going to jump in and by that time my girl showed up on the scene just in time to grab that dude by the neck and make him think otherwise. My fuckin friend didn't do shit, but here is my 120 lb girl holding it down for me. Of course we've been married for over 6 years now.

    A couple other ones were when this little friend of mine got into it at Hoffeinz Pavillion on the University of Houston when our high school was playing Sam Houston in the 5A regional basketball final. Some Sam Houston dudes came to our side and there was this one particular obnoxious dude who had his face painted brown who suddenly ended up in the row directly in front of us exchanging words with this scrawny little frind of ours. Next thing we know, our scrawny friend clocks the dude. When the dude recovered and lunged back at our friend, me and another dude delivered 2 consecutive punches to his face with which he then fell back to his group of friends, who then fell back to their own side of the arena. The funny part was that all 3 of us had brown paint on our fists. And the scrawny dude broke his knuckle in the process.

    And lastly the summer before my senior year in high school, I was dating this girl who had these twin brother dudes who would straight stalk her. They'd be sitting out in a car in front of her house at weird hours and shit. Or they'd leave her creepy notes and mixtapes. Anyway I saw them at a party and confronted them. They were pretty big dudes and they stood up to me and my little Cuban friend with some, "we'll stop it, but she'll have to be the one to tell us to stop". I was like "fine, whatever, consider it done". I went to the backyard for some beer and next thing I know my friend comes up to me saying "dude is talking shit in the front." I was like alright, "I'm comming". I get up there and my little buddy is telling one of the dudes "she ain't gotta say shit to you, you're stopping that shit now". I remember stepping up and being like "yeah, what he said". I then knocked dude's drink out of his hand. He then charged me with some wild kick which I dodged and then countered with a strong body shot. He latched onto me and then we fell to the ground. I got on top of him then punched him square in the face. He rolled over so I grabbed the back of his head and slammed his face into the ground. Then as I was struggling with him with my hands occupied in holding h im down, I kneed him in the face as hard as fuck. So then we both get up and my fuckin left shoulder is out of socket. I stood there for a second and when my shoulder popped back into socket I chase the dude down who was trying to get through the crowd out of there and I push him since I wanted to wail on him some more. Unfortunately that knocked my shoulder back out of socket again. And that was not only the end of the fight but that kept me from playing football my senior year.

    OK, I'm done.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    My fave has to be???

    At the time (96) everyone in Miami wanted to be from NY. Dudes would rock construction tims & skullys in the humid summer heat. GTFOHWTBS! There was this small click of dudes that were/lived/visited or at some point seen New York on a map. We called them the ???Keep it Realers???. These dudes were ALL about the elements. Breaking, rapping, graff, djing these dudes did( tried) it all. I remember getting in conversations w/ them about music at the time. It was always enlighten how they would tell us how we shouldn???t even listen to hip-hop cause we grew up in ???Booty Music Town??? and that Miami was wack???blah blah blah???.

    So early one morning in 11th grade me and the homies get off the bus after burning one @ the bus stop and post up in our usual spot in the front of the school. Our bus always got to to school really early so we would sit around for 40 minutes or so cracking jokes, shooting the breeze and making sure our buzz wore off before class started. So we see one of the ???Keep It Realers??? rocking the iron on Hilfiger shirts you would get at the flea and some camouflage pants. Dude was TRYING so hard (you really needed to see the added limp) that shit cracked us up. So yeah we had a good chuckle and continued to snap at dude in our little circle. A few minutes later I see him and all his homies pointing at us w/ some serious screwface???s. We didn???t think much of it and went off to class.

    So I???m sitting in 4th period Oceanography and dude knocks on the classroom door and signals for me to step outside. I obliged. As soon I came out of the classroom, which at the time was being held in the library, I was surrounded by 5 Keep it Realers??? claiming I had beef and saying they were going to ???stomp the shit outta me???. I was smart enough to realize I could not take all 5 so I just sat back and took the ???verbal lashing??? these dudes threw at me. Calling me bitch, fag, pussy ass Miami bitch, n***a I???ll whoop your ass and so forth. So after about 10 minutes of them berating me and telling me next time they see talking shit they would ???Fuck me up??? I went back to class w/ my blood boiling.

    After 4th period I went to lunch w/ one of my friends and we were hanging out in the cafeteria and in came charging one of the chumps from the library. He comes at me all loud running his trap about how I was so lucky cause his friend was going to stomp the shit out of me and I was a ???cake ass n***a???. I???ll admit I was a quiet laid back guy, but I really don???t think they realized that I was 6???2?????? and the starting Power Forward. This guy was something like 5???9?????? with his heels on. Anyway I told his friend to let him know that I???ll be in woodshop in about 30 minutes and he could find me there.

    Back in woodshop after my lunch time ???el producto??? I see dude walk up to the door calling me out. I slowly walked over and stood right in front of him. This is where he fucked up and when ???keeping it real went wrong??? Instead of just clocking me or some shit dude kept running his mouth about me disrespecting him...yadda yadda yadda. Last thing out of his mouth was ???yo bitch. I heard you were talking (insert sound of my fist hitting his jaw). After the initial impact and us throwing (me landing) a few more punches his friend realized dude was about to get fucked and pulled him away. I was like fuck this dude and turned my back. Next thing I know I got caught in the back of the head with a fucking stool from across the room. That shit fucking hurt! I was pretty dazed and saw him coming at me w/ a fucking chisel! At that point I ducked and wrapped dude up in a bear hug and suplexed him over my head. All I remember was hearing his head head slam on the concrete floor???BLAM. I drop to the floor and kept punching dude dead in the grill. A few seconds later I start to see a puddle blood on the floor. Opps???I cracked the back of his head open. He was obviously knocked the fuck out by this point, but I was so filled w/ rage I flipped him over put him in a headlock and preceded to pound on the wound on the back of his head. I was kneeling in a pool of blood yelling ???bleed motherfucker, bleed???. I honestly landed another 20+ punches to this guys wound before it took 3 people to pull me off of him. I was going fucking ballistic! Next thing I know 2 of his friends are dragging him on the floor by his arms and the school popo placing me in handcuffs and escorting me to the office.

    In the end I got a 10 day suspension (aka vacation) and booted off the b-ball team and he got 5 (WTF?). After all was said and done I was ripping off all his friends a few months later selling nickel bags as $10 sacks of hydro (dumbasses) and half the school thought I was insane. Funny shit was dude wore a hat (the teachers actually let him) to cover the 15+ stitches in the back of his head. Boom bye bye.

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    One nasty one, one funny one -

    The nasty.......I copped a broken bottle in the gut and just on the bone at the front of my neck. A few stitches here and there and a huge boot mark on my back. That was my days of doing security for venues over with.

    The funny......same venue, a fellow tried to roundhouse punch me as a cheapshot for not letting him and his mates in to the club. He landed round my jaw and promptly broke his forearm. I called the ambulance for him.

    No, he did not

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    oh man... don't even get me started here

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Dude, you know my name. You know who I am. I posted my address. I'M NOT HARD TO FIND. And I'm waiting for you...

    ... but then again I realize that you're just a youngboy snot-nosed shit talking punk ass pussy. And a liar. I call dudes out on my block when they don't act right and I'm gonna keep on doing the same to you, pussy. Every time you come around here you're gonna get your card pulled.

    So keep on coming around here and and every time I see you you're getting punked again.

    The next time I'm in NY, I'll pay you a visit...but I'm far from the shit you think I am. Everything I type here, I rep in real life..this is no internet facade.

    It's a bunch of you fake ass, jonny-come-lately jews trying to be niggas right here in the ATL....and them fools get checked daily. it ain't no thang....remember, I ain't trying to be no jew. It's you trying to mimic my culture.



  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Waiter, how long was this beef hung?

    Four years sir.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    HAHAHA, Fuck em!

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    never forget

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    cos, you got quite a mouth on you, brova

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Shit is funny.

    I think that seanthomas dude was banned or bounced a long time ago.

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    I've been in plenty of fights and other fucked up situations. I went to both Rio Grande and Albuquerque high schools and grew up in the Barelas neighborhood of Burque and saw some WILD fights go down. Like 20 dudes on 20 dudes where everyone was armed with crazy random weapons like pirate muskets (no joke), dirty shanks, car clubs, etc, etc. (I see you Firme Rola with your Ice Pick story!) The dangerous thing about those schools was that Surenos 13 and other rival gangs such as Maravilla would try to recruit young dudes all the time, and tell them to jump whoever was randomly walking by to get a chance to get thrown in. It happened to me twice and I got my ass rolled real bad both times.

    A week and a half ago I was at Bay to Breakers out here in SF and a random drunken lunatic who was obviously blacked-out-wasted randomly threw a punch at me that broke my nose, knocked me out and almost made me fall into busy one way traffic on Fell St. According to the ladies I was with, the dude just ran off like a bitch. He came from the side and hit me when I wasn't even facing him! I would LOVE to find that little punk ass and knock his fucking teeth out!

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    Also, I was chillin at the bus stop with my crew after class during my Junior year in HS. A school bus drove by and some kid threw a rock that hit this one dude that I had beef with that was also waiting at the bus stop with his crew. He didn't see where it came from and turned around and saw me and the folks laughing at him. Dude straight charged at me but I hit him once real hard in the jaw and he dropped. He got back up and swung at my homie so me and dude beat his ass thoroughly. The funny thing is that his whole crew was shook and wouldn't even get his back while we fucked up their boy.

  • I have been in dozens of fights and I'm always the most righteous drunk in the room.

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    A week and a half ago I was at Bay to Breakers out here in SF and a random drunken lunatic who was obviously blacked-out-wasted randomly threw a punch at me that broke my nose, knocked me out and almost made me fall into busy one way traffic on Fell St.

    Aww dude... that sucks. It wasn't me, was it? The "drunken lunatic who was obviously blacked-out-wasted" pretty much describes me during Bay to Breakers

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    A week and a half ago I was at Bay to Breakers out here in SF and a random drunken lunatic who was obviously blacked-out-wasted randomly threw a punch at me that broke my nose, knocked me out and almost made me fall into busy one way traffic on Fell St.

    Aww dude... that sucks. It wasn't me, was it? The "drunken lunatic who was obviously blacked-out-wasted" pretty much describes me during Bay to Breakers

    Did you dress up? I was with the Brasilian crew so I's was rockin the yellow / green / blue and a Ronaldinho jersey.

  • DCarfagnaDCarfagna 983 Posts
    oh man... don't even get me started here
    Is this about the lady that wrote "PUNK" in lipstick on the back of your jacket while you were in Blastersville?

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    The dangerous thing about those schools was that Surenos 13 and other rival gangs such as Maravilla would try to recruit young dudes all the time, and tell them to jump whoever was randomly walking by to get a chance to get thrown in

    This is nothing on that scale (with respect to gangs) but the singer in my band got randomly jumped by 5-6 teenagers a couple of months ago (he's 30). They came up on him from behind, threw him down and kicked him in the head repeatedly (just his head). An acquaintance of ours happened to be skateboarding by so the guys scattered. But they'd done enough damage to put him in the hospital for five days. Fractured cheekbones, swelling/bleeding in his brain, etc. I'd hate to think how bad he'd be if they hadn't stopped when they did. Luckily he doesn't have any permanent damage, but he's understandably dealing with a lot of pain and will be for another month or two.

    I have a hard time understanding why a group of kids would beat a stranger to that level. He was knocked out after the 4th or 5th kick and they kept going. Crazy sh*t.

    On a brighter note, we threw a couple of benefit shows and raised over $3000 to pay his medical bills and living expenses (he doesn't have health insurance and had just been laid off from his full-time job). And we're playing our first show since March this week with one of our favorite bands (Birthday Suits from Minneapolis).

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    oh man... don't even get me started here
    Is this about the lady that wrote "PUNK" in lipstick on the back of your jacket while you were in Blastersville?

    why you bringing up old shit, meatface???
    i actually got that bog-beast to cough up the money for dry cleaning.

    let's see...

    a while back i took a cab home from a gig in soho. when the driver pulled up to my house, i let him know i was paying with a credit card, (all nyc cabs are required to take cards now and if the machine isnt functioning, they need to be held until fixed) so dude starts screaming at me, "NO CARDS!! NO CARDS!!"

    for one, this was a business expense, and i was trying to keep all expenses on one statement to be itemized at tax time. now, had the driver asked me nicely to pay cash for whatever reason, i would have walked upstairs and brought it down, but this dude was a monster prick. i also realized why he was throwing such a wasnt his cab. i think he was driving it illegally at night while his friend drove it during the day. anyways i asked whether he was liscensed or not, and he got even more aggresive. I basically told him to take the L and bounce. Right before i could open the door, he floors it, running through 2 stop signs and taking a sharp right at 30 mph almost crashing. All the while i'm smacking the glass screaming to stop. he ran another light, but had to stop at the next intersection for traffic. that's when i popped the door and jumped out.

    he does the same and runs over to me, while i'm phone-in-hand calling the police. he tries to grab the phone from me and i pushed him away. then, he just steals me in the eye. I hung the phone up, put it in my pocket, and chased the dude around the cab. It looked like cartoon. at one point he and i actually stopped on opposite sides of the car, out of breath, trying to psych the other out.

    I finally caught him trying to get back in the drivers seat, grabbed him by his collar with my left hand, yanked his head out, holding the door with the same elbow and just digging in with rights. over and over till i heard a pop. that pop was my knuckle breaking. i convinced myself that it wasnt broken and went out with virgil the next night to see josh and lucas do the hard-sell thing. at the end of the show i shook lucas' hand not thinking and the pain shot through my arm causing me to yelp like a little dog. i spent 9 hours the next day in st. vincents.

  • DJ_WubWubDJ_WubWub 874 Posts
    me other mate lives in a town notorious for gipsies (the Irish ones ), and all they do is fight and he has had plenty of grief with 'em probably cos he is built like a brick shit house.

    fuckin pikeys

    Hang on...... THAT'S RACIST!!! And I've bought car stereos and gold seal off 10 year olds. Romany Travelling Folk is the correct term.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Don't mean to laugh. But the picture in my mind of chasing dude around a cab is pretty damn funny.

    As far as Sean Thomas dude goes. Didn't he post here under a few different nicks? And he got banned 2 or 3 times? Wasn't he the one that posted that photo (Just of his hand) of him holding some 45?
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