
From the depths of New Jersey
whole heap a john holt
Jimmy Scott LP is great and rare... It was withdrawn, not quite sure why.
that Joe Bataan appears to be a best-of released in the early 70s.
Blue vinyl promo-only "In The Mood" 12", the Sir John Roberts, and the Larry Saunders were some of the last records I pulled out. After getting through all of the stuff I had pulled, I decided to hit one last set of shelves...everything was floor to ceiling, behind a 4-foot stack of furniture, equipment, more records, gardening supplies... so deciding to do that involved more lifting and hanging halfway off a ladder to get to the top shelves. Glad I did.
Bought about 200 records total, not a lot of filler.

The cover always freaks me out a little...the chick looks dead!
I know I've seen that before
I needed it for Impalaville Vol. 2
for me 'worth a damn' = good, not neccessarily $$$
North Jersey find, I bet. Only type of schitt you would find in South Jersey is wack late 70's/early 80's lounge records.
It was about 2 hours and change south from the outerbridge crossing, I don't know if that counts as "South Jersey" but it definitely ain't north! Either way it was a private residence in an otherwise plain neighborhood.
You ever drive around and try to predict which garage doors have records behind them?
We had a Whispers Acetate walk through the door yesterday... pretty stoked on it, plus have a line on possible nice collection out here.
Ha ha, always.
Killer finds Jonny. I had an anemic weekend of digging but today was popping for sweet soul and funk 45s. Here's a few of the ones I was excited about:
Nice reggae scores!
When are you gonna have inventory online?
You seem to come across lots of stuff I NEED!
top left is really hokey xtian but somehow i had to have it. bottom center is sweet
brazillian. bottom right is a high school band attempting a steel drum record. 'I
cant go for that' 12" is the best record evar of course.
the lloyd price seems private or small press and is pretty good.
jazzy things and things. note "crispus attucks" = record label top center
2x apple label hindu sitar stuff, norman feels on just sunshine, contraband prog-jazz, very HTF pantera LP (with nasty cover), wacky Matrix album.
top left is Tony Brown Band (odd groovy roots folk), tough ojays has a major warp
but i was suprised to learn it plays fine, Grootna grootnaness, Eric Mercury on Avco
Patto on Vertigo, Bo Grumpus on Atco (say that 10x fast)
super tuff Nazty, fairly tuff Yellow Balloon
Hal Blaine fire!!! and George Russell small press 2LP avant weird jazz-ish-ness '71
$100 dolares got me:
>>sadistic mika band s/t(emi/harvest)
>>michal urbaniak group paratyphus b(speigelei)
>>mindig magasabbra locomotiv gt(pepita)
>>quatermass s/t(emi/harvest)
>>gong flying teapot(byg)
>>van der graaf generator the aerosol grey machine(fontana)
>>pfm storia di un minuto(dischi numero uno)
>>ash ra tempel/timothy leary discover cosmic(cosmic music)
>>mckenna mendelson mainline stink(liberty)
>>gracious this is...gracious!!(phillips)
>>guru guru kanguru(brain)
>>mandingo III(emi)
>>le planete sauvage ost(emi/pathe)
says he has 20k mo waxes to look at. done.
Mike James Kirkland "hang on in there" Finally! Thanks to Dan0005909
Ruby Andrews "genuine ruby"
David Julian "with you" private Seattle lp
Larry Conklin Jochen Blum "Jackdaw" Mega rare Seattle loner folk. My favorite Seattle private pressing for sure. Gotta love finding 300 dollar records for 4 bucks!