Custom Gear
1,836 Posts
Jake mentioned he was "geeked" about getting his custom ARS made for him. Is it gonna be anything like these?
im not a big fan of customizing.
for those of you who like it:
rackmount ASR unit has 8 outs and SCSI standard... what you need the keyboard for? Get you an Edirol with the weighted key action and sliders.
Yeah but I don't fuck with rackmounts. Shit feels weird to me. I met the ensoniq guru in Santa Clara and I have seen the light. I got a zip drive finally working on this bitch and it feels great. No mo 5 disk beats.
Yadddddddddaming. I have shoeboxes of beats on disks.
I am throwing all that shit out right now because I'm moving. Starting fresh. Fuck a floppy. New shit. Send me some drum CDs.
Don't throw out the old shat. You might want to use a snare you sampled 7 years ago. I did it this week. The disk was labeled "Ill Giant Drums".
Come see the old chinese guru in Santa Clara. He'll have your shit working properly!
I ordered the wood grain side panels for my 3000le from this dude a while back. Really cool pics. As far as the internal zip for the 3000 and the 2000 you can do it your self if you have half a brain and a screw driver. Too bad there isnt an east coast dude who does the custom paint jobs. too paranoid to ship my mpc.
Man, I wish I would have went with that from the jump, but someone I trusted told me to get the EPS. Big mistake.
That shit basically just stopped working so now it sits in the garage.
At the time this didn't seem like a big deal to me, but now?
fuck. that.
I got a bunch of them terds sitting around the crib. Half of them shits don't work.
Yeah, I'm also not a fan of spending 5-15 min. searching for and loading up disks for just one bank.
got an asr rack for 375 a year ago. Good deal in my book just hook it up to my emu x board and I'm good to go. I wonder if they could put my scsi hard drive inside the asr rack? that would be the ultimate.
one thing I don't like about the asr though is that when you load or record sequences or perform other functions, the asr pauses for a minute and the display says "shuffling data". on the eps you didn't have little pause so the workflow was a little bit faster.