so who has a macbook?

meshmesh 925 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
whatchoo think about it? likes/dislikes? do you use serato with it? any other audio programs? not that i can even remotely afford one right now, but hey, thats what credit cards are for.


  • everyone i know that's bought a mac on their credit card has in some way felt weird about it in the long run... 3 months into making payments, mac goes and puts out the newer/nicer model with more shit at the same price you paid for yours (actually, are STILL paying for)... i love mac, but i wouldn't rush into buying one on credit. just my 2 cents.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i aint heard too many bad things about them but i would definitely wait for rev b to fuck with them

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    Yeah, I bought one. A MacBook Pro actually.

    I run Final Cut Pro, CS2, Logic Express and Serato on it, without problems..
    The only bottleneck is the harddrive, Im quickly running out the 80Gb, so have to buy some external HD soon.
    But other than that everthing works fine. And the available software is quickly growing..

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    As soon as I get this damn credit card, I'm copping a Mac Book.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    just got 2 macbooks & a new imac
    now i can be on soulstrut & agrue with all my aliases

    after years of the wife's broke ass hand me down puters
    i'm state of the art
    (for a few weeks/months )

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    no complaints here, shit screams...

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    Yeah I got one of the black macbooks....its mostly for Serato & email/web stuff.

    I love it...the only complaint I have is that they took out the lit-up keyboard that is on the pro. I understand having differences, but that was such a good idea that is a shame they don't have it on the macbook.


  • i've been using mac for quite some time...

    curently i have a 2004 powerbook g4....

    nice looks. excellent build quality. the only problem is that after 4 hours of straight use one is able to cook an egg on the bottom of the laptop.

    i found that when mac releases a new product i will usually wait a year. the hard drive space and speed almost doubles for the same price as the first generation of that specific product.

    the main adavantage regarding mac's os is virus free use.. a nice feature for surfing the net, trading programs, what have you.

    As most know mac is now using the intel chip to power its computers... some models are still using the power pc chip..

    If anyone wants to purchase a mac i would wait another year until their entire line is pentel powered. supposedly at this point of time one can run windows or mac's os.....

    one year and my money is going to a new computer...

    i'd suggest "podium pad" for mac laptops which allows your computer to rest on a 30 degree slope to allow the heat to dissapate .For $12.00 it's well worth the purchase.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    everyone i know that's bought a mac on their credit card has in some way felt weird about it in the long run... 3 months into making payments, mac goes and puts out the newer/nicer model with more shit at the same price you paid for yours

    this feeling is not exclusive to those who buy their macs on credit.

  • dmacdmac 472 Posts
    Anyone use the Mackie D2 mixer (the one with the optional FireWire card) with a MacBook (or related Mac laptop)?
    I needed a new mixer a few months ago and plunged in the D2, thinking it'd be the easiest way to record sets. Turns out its the most expensive.
    Had to wait about 2 months for the $250 FireWire card.
    I'm now in the market for a laptop and wanted to know what people's experiences were.

  • i've been using mac for quite some time...

    curently i have a 2004 powerbook g4....

    nice looks. excellent build quality. the only problem is that after 4 hours of straight use one is able to cook an egg on the bottom of the laptop.

    i found that when mac releases a new product i will usually wait a year. the hard drive space and speed almost doubles for the same price as the first generation of that specific product.

    the main adavantage regarding mac's os is virus free use.. a nice feature for surfing the net, trading programs, what have you.

    As most know mac is now using the intel chip to power its computers... some models are still using the power pc chip..

    If anyone wants to purchase a mac i would wait another year until their entire line is pentel powered. supposedly at this point of time one can run windows or mac's os.....

    one year and my money is going to a new computer...

    i'd suggest "podium pad" for mac laptops which allows your computer to rest on a 30 degree slope to allow the heat to dissapate .For $12.00 it's well worth the purchase.

    my review of mac and mac laptops performance on a general level.....
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