Dear Friends,For all of you who have wanted to help us, now is the time! We have an opportunity to describe the impact and huge loss the world has felt since we lost Tarek/Dusk. It is now time to voice our feelings to the court and each one of you will be heard. We are asking everyone to write a letter as outlined below and MAIL IT TO OUR HOME. All letters will be gathered together and presented to the sentencing judge. The more letters we have, the bigger the impact it will make. Remember, None of us is as strong as all of us. We will keep you informed of the progress of the court hearings. Thank you!Please mail all letters to: Mr. & Mrs. Habib Captan at 1500 Carol St., La Habra Ca, 90631-2725. DO NOT MAIL IT TO THE COURT. Each letter should be 1 or 2 pages in length and should speak from the heart. Please forward to Captan family no later than July 1, 2006. Please contact us with any questions.________________________________________________________________________VITCIM IMPACT LETTER OUTLINEYour Name Your AddressCity, State, ZipDateDistrict Airport Court HouseLos Angeles County Probation DepartmentRE: People vs. MurchisonCase Number: SA 060472Your Honor: (Please start all letters with this title)1. State your relationship to Tarek. (Full name Tarek Habib Captan) 2. Include a description of Tarek before the crash such as what he was like and what his dreams for the future were, and how this has now changed.3. Describe the impact that Tareks death had on you, your family, friends, and community.4. Explain how you feel about a future without Tarek. 5. Tell the judge what you feel is just in the way of a penalty for this crime. (i.e maximum sentence allowed by law)Sincerely, Your NameProfessional Title or relationship to Tarek
thanks in advance to those that do this... help us make sure this fuck gets his...
I know that "don't drink and drive" sounds really trite to a lot of us, but please let something like this be a reminder as to why it's important.
it would be very heart warming to read through all those letters. I really think the most important part is helping the family through the healing process w/ your kind words.
No, actually. They're well deserved.
This is where you tell me that I'm "stalking" you, etc. You're a 1st class narcissist, Adam. I'm not asking that you be banned, but at the very least, I do think that a timeout a la
And once again, to bring this post back to its original subject, I hope that everyone who had the honor to know Dusk will write these letters. I am only sad that I never had a chance to meet him because, by every last account, he was a great person.
And again, Drez, my sincerest condolensces. He was lucky to have a homie like you.
drez & dove VOBCREW
yo delay was good chillin on a sunny rooftop homie, nuff respect
y'all had to be there to understand, but when they finished, the sun was setting. spectacular colors matched the colors in the piece, and drez said he kept looking back to see if dusk was sitting on the rooftop next door.
glad you could accomplish a little closure.
Who is the defendant? Murchison
What happened? Fool was drunk & ran over dusk as hewascrossing street, drug him for days & then tried to flee the scene, thank god my man wasdead on impact...
What's the maximum penalty? Not sure yet cuz it looks like he's not gonna get vehicular manslaughter charges, so he may just get a fucking slap on the wrist, the amount of letters pouring in is amazing...
bottom line if you drive drunk & kill a person, imo, you should get life, my aunt killed a person in a dui & was only givin 13years, i think that bitch should rot in jail & thats my fam
hope this helps, if you need more info PM me...
nuff respect
Taza: you see you in a few weeks loc'!~