where to sell bad records in DC/MD?
711 Posts
i'm at my moms place trying to unload 500-1000 records, many of them are pretty bad things i picked up when i was first getting into record buying (what ya know about the wheaton mall friends of the library sales). their are also some bad promo 12 inches and random other things i didn't have room for.i feel bad for using my moms crib as storage & i could use a little money, so what place is good for taking everything and putting a little cash in my hand?peace
CD game exchage sounds good, cause most of their bins are full of SHIT. maybe i'll run some 12 inches by capital city, but i think they will reject most of what i have
PS...besides DJ Hut where's the b-more club records at. did DJ Technics open up a store yet?
if you are going to DJ hut, stop by Second Story Books on the same block, they may buy some of your records (trade credit but sometimes they do cash), depending on condition
DJ Hut is the only place in town to get new Bmore records that I know of, but NevilleC's new shop (Som Records?) has a small stock of used baltimore from the last 5 years or so in good shape. If you are in the area it's probably worth stopping by, he's got lots of other good stuff as well anyway.
where's the new shop at? hopefully i'll make it but i don't got much time here.
it's on 14th St., right beside Cafe Saint Ex below a stairwell.
What kinds of 12"s do you have? Some electro and modern stuff that looks bad still gets loot on the open market.
If you're trying to dump off all kinds of trash, CD Game Exhange might take a few and Cap city miiiiight work with a few odd 12"s, but forget Second Story books. They're conservative about style and condition and don't have a ton of room to stock. I'd see if maybe Wheaton library or that "Friends of the library" group would accept a donation (give back to the source), they have a huge warehouse full of the worst records imaginable between Wheaton and Joe's in Rockville. Or donate to a Goodwill (outside of our digging range).
if your PMing about looking at my records i don't have time for that this trip...and belive me anything halfway decent i'm keeping this is mostly a question about where to dump records. feel free to hit the email though if it's something else djbarticus atNOSPAM gmail
is neville c's store open now?
yes and no. he is still waiting for his official business permit. But, he opens from around noon to five every day. I'd call to check first before rolling out though.
No prob man, just wanted to see if you ran across any local releases.