Disco Diamant Show on betalounge.com

ScopeCGNScopeCGN 163 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
fellow strutters,im proud to announce that my soundsystem DISCO DIAMANT is on virtual air via www.betalounge.comfeel free to check us out & expect some boogie, funk, librs, euro-east, hip hop electro and ssome ol'shool hip hop have fun... and if you know some words in german or like to browse party pics check www.discodiamant.de and explore ScopeCGN


  • Oh - really?

    Yes, sure!


  • cHillercHiller 293 Posts
    Cool! Looks promising...

  • HawkeyeHawkeye 899 Posts
    That show is dope Scope, did you here my show on Betalounge ??? And did you hear my 7" already ???

    Imperial Breed 7"


  • YO, Scope!!!!!! What the deal? How are you man? It's Amir. Hey Kon and I are trying to come back your way in Sept. Can we come and rock your spot again? We are planning a big European tour around the last week of August/beginning of Sept. Let me know the deal. We got that Kings of Digging LP coming out July 17th and a new On Track Volume 6 coming in August.

  • That seven is THUNDER!!!

    Your beta-set was also nice, of course I copped it in the minute it was available that time...

    Big up Hamburg city!!



  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    talk about german funk records ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    Cool! I used to do a show on Betalounge called Future Primitive Sound Radio- I also helped produce the Betalounge DVDs- big up to the BL crew!

  • Yo Amir,
    nice to read you - check your PM's mang...
    Bet we hook you guys up in Aug/Sept



  • Cool, I got to check it out in them archives there...

    They did DVD's?? Tell me more!!


  • HawkeyeHawkeye 899 Posts
    This is a link to my Betalounge mix that I did. Check it out and leave some comments.



  • Cool set Falk,

    plus you were nice enough to do a tracklisting for it.
    I love the MIAMI BOYS in your set, I putted a MIAMI BOYS 12" as well in my mix there

    Anyone interessted in a tracklisting of the DISCO DIAMANT[/b] Show?

    I think I put it up as an MP3 File as I feel that most of the strutters find it lame to listen to an RM-file (can not be put on your mobile device is wack)...

    Soon here!


  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    While we are on the act of shameless German self promo , feel free to also check out my betalounge set which was done on 24th of march this year. Great sets btw from both of you guys (DD killin it with the Turkish stuff), and Scope, thanks again for having me in Cologne, that was a dope night...one for the breaks!! Get back to you asap...



  • spcspc 534 Posts

    Anyone interessted in a tracklisting of the DISCO DIAMANT[/b] Show?


    Most definitely!

    Dope show! I think have I have to take the time and drive up to K??ln sometime for
    your monthly night

  • dopedopedope.
    and i'm sure i said it somewhere (BL, DD) but once more doesn't hurt any1:
    thanks for geraldine hunt.

    and yesh, i wouldn't mind a tracklisting. hehe.
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