
EpicEpic 17 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
who knows of some good shit to do in Vegas this weekend or some good shops to hit up for this first time Vegas virgin?


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Las vegas is a sleepy town.

    They got waterslides and movie theaters, some of them serve popping corn

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Buffet, then gamble.

  • EpicEpic 17 Posts
    i've heard about dem buffets!

  • FSNSFSNS 163 Posts

  • Excalibur buffet is hands down the worst in town. It's almost so horrible it's worth visiting just to talk about the shittiest food you've ever seen.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Excalibur buffet is hands down the worst in town. It's almost so horrible it's worth visiting just to talk about the shittiest food you've ever seen.

    I haven't done buffets in a while, but Excalibur is a dump in general. Stay away from the seafood specials - rip off. And the big plastic margaritas, likewise

    Always remember to get there at 10:30am so by the time you've been seated and had 2 courses of breakfast, they are doing the lunch changeover. And the further off the strip, the better the food, and you'll also get to watch more old folks slipping roast beef into their handbags.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    This weekend? Not much is happening. Not a big eventful weekend. You can always check out our Record Citys our hiphopsites or even get kicked out of wax tracks. I'd reccomend walking the strip drunk as hell with one of those huge margarita glasses and screaming FLASH YOUR TITS. (but that's me.) OR, you can always go check out the First Friday this weekend. That's about 5 minutes away from the strip Wonderful art shows, live music. Lots of drinks, and specifically Mr. John Doe of Refused Funk fame puts on a great fucking party. Seriously not to be missed. Come around 10, so you can even get in the place. It's going to be pretty decent. The word on the street is the following first friday, is going to be even better. SPECIFICALLY the new STORE that's opening up...

    You heard it hear first soulstrut.

    - spidey

  • I don't really understand the nessesity of asking what there is to do in Vegas. I mean of all places. I have never been there and I could probably tell you what to do. If I were going to Pioria IL I might need some guidence. But I can't imagine it would be hard to keep ones self busy in Vegas. I mean if you don't like drinking and gambling and lavish stage shows you are in the wrong place but if those are your cup of tea just go and try and leave with enough money to get home.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    - don't try to get in to see kid capri and the biz wearing sneakers.
    - don't expect to hear any hip hop pretty much anywhere you go. vegas is stuck on the mentality that it breeds violence.
    - don't expect to be able to find and pizza or hotdog vendors in new york new york at 3:30 in the morning when you're blitzed and trying to find a quick bite to eat.
    - bring extra chapstick . vegas is dry dry dry.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    - don't expect to be able to find and pizza or hotdog vendors in new york new york at 3:30 in the morning when you're blitzed and trying to find a quick bite to eat.

    there used to be an italian off the strip called the Venetian (No hotel)that was open 24 hours a day, after 12 the entire menu became 50% off.

    ever had manicotti and white wine while completely fucked up at 3:45am?

  • doeizmdoeizm 77 Posts
    The Get Back goes down on Friday - our monthly funky soul throwdown @ Beauty Bar in Fabulous Downtown Las Spidey said, get there early.

  • doeizmdoeizm 77 Posts
    there used to be an italian off the strip called the Venetian

    sadly the Venitian is gone and my late night italian food binges have ceased's now called the Slanted Clam i think

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    there used to be an italian off the strip called the Venetian

    sadly the Venitian is gone and my late night italian food binges have ceased's now called the Slanted Clam i think

    yeah I drove by it a few weeks ago and saw nothing.

    slanted clam sounds like an STD

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    there used to be an italian off the strip called the Venetian

    sadly the Venitian is gone and my late night italian food binges have ceased's now called the Slanted Clam i think

    I just got back from Vegas last week...for good Italian hit up Batista's hole in the wall.

    My favorite part of Vegas had to be the BORG SPHERE!!!

  • EpicEpic 17 Posts
    i'll give a full report on how im gonna get smashed, yell lude comments at women, gamble my flight home away, NOT find street vendors sellin grub, NOT listen to hip hop (because it is violent), check the Get BAck, ...... and i forget what else. debouchery.

  • Went their last week... Peeped out the Las Vegas 51's AAA at Cashman Field (If you like Baseball worth peeping out)...

    Came up at the Swap Meet off PECOES (25 soul records for 20 bucks).. and Big B's well not good as years past, Record city well if your bored I guess...

    Lot's of stuff to do pending who your with I guess... AND YES EXCALIBER Buffet is the WORST!!!!! Peep the Rio or if you go off strip check out Green Hills Casino or somthing like that off the 95 they had a good buffet and an Orginal House of Pancakes!!!!...

    And hit up the NIKE outlets...
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