Would You Dig In a Cellar Full of BIg
5,199 Posts
Hairy tarantulas??? or any other big nasty spidersi wanted to ask this a couple days ago. the scoropion post reminded me.personally i hhhaaate spiders, so i wouldnt. its mostly accidentally running into them that frightens the hell outta me. spiders in tanks are cool.
I would smash the little thing to death and use the hairy side to clean my records
they make big ass webs in between trees. so, if you get off the beaten path, you're bound to hit one and you don't see them until you're right up.
If I could get $134 Dollars a pop, then yes, yes I would.
Depends, I think it's fair to expect running into something nasty in a cellar. If I was warned specifically that there were beasties down there, no way. I;ve seen too many horror films to NOT follow that advice.
jorge, i know you like all my posts to have a point, so a xcouple weeksago i went to a yard sale, and asked if he had aNY records, he said they were in the basement, but no one would dare go into his "spider-infested" basement. then he proceeded to tell me a couple horror stories, and i decided i was all set.
Go to the spot and throw one of those bug fogger things down there. Then go back the next day and dig amongst the corpses of the spiders.