ebay&paypal for the umpteenth time

sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
one quick question: is it legal for sellers to add the paypal surcharge on the buyers bill? Bought a record and dude wants me to pay that too...I think its not a good look to do so...I remember this problem was discussed here before, but I cant remember what the conclusion was...any help is highly appreciated...thanks, strutters!


  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I'm pretty sure they can't.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    one quick question: is it legal for sellers to add the paypal surcharge on the buyers bill? Bought a record and dude wants me to pay that too...I think its not a good look to do so...I remember this problem was discussed here before, but I cant remember what the conclusion was...any help is highly appreciated...thanks, strutters!

    in the US you can't do this, other countries I believe it's OK. Don't ask me why it's different, but it is.

  • Imperial_MaoImperial_Mao 1,119 Posts
    Nope it's definately against the rules...I suggest you refuse to pay it and if he screws about it report his ass...

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    thanks you all...strangely though, the seller is from the US and he just does it. It's not much, but I don't think it is a goodd thing to do. I never do it, when I sell something. So I just dont do it and see how he reacts. Paid too much for the record anyway

  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    It's in Section VI of the Payments Policy in PayPal's User Agreement:

    VI. No Surcharges.[/b] Under Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express regulations and the laws of several states, including California, merchants may not charge a fee to the buyer for accepting credit card payments (often called a "surcharge"). You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as payment. This restriction does not prevent you from imposing a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge (in other words, the handling fee for transactions paid through PayPal may not be higher than the handling fee for transactions paid through other payment methods).

    or policies on ebay:

    Not permitted:
    * Charging an extra fee to use a credit card instead of a check.
    * Charging an extra fee to use PayPal.[/b]

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    btw...seller is from canada...thanks a**r*w, if he complains about me not paying surcharge, i let him know the deal!!!

  • Options
    Who's the seller?

    K in Canada.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    igloo607 is his ebay name, something with cosmosrecords in the email...no offense to him, he has the paypal thing in his item description ("we take 3% surcharge"), but I don't see why I should pay surcharge...

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    so the story goes that this seller is very offended by me not wanting to pay surcharge, as he says that I am the first to complain about his terms. He wants to send my money back and keep the record and I should get it from somewhere else, as everyone else of his customers agreed that he sells rare records and agreed to pay surcharge.

    Oh well, that is strange. I didn't want to offend him, and apparently, I am still not quite sure if it is really illegal to do add surcharge, as he has it in his terms and noone seemed to care. What does Ebay do about this? Should I pay him the surcharge? Will he hate me for the rest of my life? I'm confused....

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    he put it in his auction so you (supposedly) knew going in... it is technically against ebay policy... but if you refuse to pay and report him to ebay you can guarantee that he will never sell you records in the future... my .02

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    I don't want to report him. I just want the record. I guess if he still wants to sell that record to me, I pay the surcharge. Strange situation. I don't want no trouble...

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    wow... that guy would rather pay ebay fees [on an auction he's going to return you your money for] than earn like 50 cents less than he expected. he's out a few pennies anyway... what a proud twat. dude thinks he's "above the law" hahaha.

    did you send him the quotes from the ebay rules stating that it's against ebay policy? i'd turn his ass in for being cheap... i can't stand dealers that are strictly in it for the money.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    I don't want to report him. I just want the record. I guess if he still wants to sell that record to me, I pay the surcharge. Strange situation. I don't want no trouble...

    well in that case, just pay him then... seems like you've already got your mind made up. apparently he'll have no issues as long as you pay.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    wow... that guy would rather pay ebay fees [on an auction he's going to return you your money for] than earn like 50 cents less than he expected. he's out a few pennies anyway... what a proud twat. dude thinks he's "above the law" hahaha.

    did you send him the quotes from the ebay rules stating that it's against ebay policy? i'd turn his ass in for being cheap... i can't stand dealers that are strictly in it for the money.

    yeah, he acts a bit "above the law"-ish...and yes, i send him the quotes. We will see how he reacts. Maybe I report, i just wait for his reply. Thank you all for joining in and giving your 2 cents...thats why I love this place, y'all the best!!!

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    so the guy just send me the money back..."out of principle" and he is asshurt that I "threatened him" (I didn't, i just told him, it's illegal)...oh well...shall I report him, yay or nay?

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    i guess that all depends on how much you really wanted that record. i mean the ONLY thing you're risking is negative feedback (which would suck)... honestly, it was dumb of the dude to put himself in a situation where you WOULD WANT TO inform eBay in the first place... rather than just letting his cheap-ass policy slide for once.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    so the guy just send me the money back..."out of principle" and he is asshurt that I "threatened him" (I didn't, i just told him, it's illegal)...oh well...shall I report him, yay or nay?

    I would absolutely report him, not only is dude greedy but he's being a bitch

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    i guess that all depends on how much you really wanted that record. i mean the ONLY thing you're risking is negative feedback (which would suck)... honestly, it was dumb of the dude to put himself in a situation where you WOULD WANT TO inform eBay in the first place... rather than just letting his cheap-ass policy slide for once.

    yeah, fuck it, I mailed him and he said that the fact I decided to not pay his surcharge in the first place without letting him know was a "slap in the face" for him. I don't want this record too bad, it is already up on ebay again and we both lost 2 dollars on this whole thing. I deaded it now and told him that he should be aware that someone might inform on him one day. All over effin .90cents...funny and not funny at the same time...lesson learned: always read the description carefully. case closed. but i like the term "cheap-ass policy", cause thats what it is...thanks again for giving opinion, crossings...

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    man... i grew up in a 3rd world country [Ecuador]... you wouldn't believe how many cases there have been of people getting killed over *ONE DOLLAR*!! no joke.

    someone should report this guy... but wait a couple weeks so the dude wont think it was dojah.

  • funky16cornersfunky16corners 7,175 Posts
    so the guy just send me the money back..."out of principle" and he is asshurt that I "threatened him" (I didn't, i just told him, it's illegal)...oh well...shall I report him, yay or nay?

    I would absolutely report him, not only is dude greedy but he's being a bitch

    Cosign. If he wants to act all as-hurt, give him something to be ass-hurt about.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    man... i grew up in a 3rd world country [Ecuador]... you wouldn't believe how many cases there have been of people getting killed over *ONE DOLLAR*!! no joke.

    yeah, I know...so I don't know how connected to the toronto streets he is, I leave it at that...

    someone should report this guy... but wait a couple weeks so the dude wont think it was dojah.

    good idea...when greed comes into play, things really turn out to be not a good look. I mean, mpm, the label I work for, we would never do that surcharge shit, and we do alot of paypal mailordering...it is just not right!!! Fuck a surcharger, once and for all!!!

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    so the guy just send me the money back..."out of principle" and he is asshurt that I "threatened him" (I didn't, i just told him, it's illegal)...oh well...shall I report him, yay or nay?

    I would absolutely report him, not only is dude greedy but he's being a bitch

    oh, the irony...

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    so the guy just send me the money back..."out of principle" and he is asshurt that I "threatened him" (I didn't, i just told him, it's illegal)...oh well...shall I report him, yay or nay?

    I would absolutely report him, not only is dude greedy but he's being a bitch

    oh, the irony...

    You're gonna have to elaborate as I'm not detecting 'the irony' here

    The rest of us sellers have to pay the Paypal fees cuz thats the rule

    He's selling $50-200 records and squabbling over pennies (not a good look to a potential buyer)

    And to paraphrase every thread we've ever had on the issue here: "thats the cost of doing business" (i.e. charge it to the game)

    So how exactly is he not being greedy? (I know you can't possibly be claming he isn't being a bitch cuz there is no disputing that)

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    so the guy just send me the money back..."out of principle" and he is asshurt that I "threatened him" (I didn't, i just told him, it's illegal)...oh well...shall I report him, yay or nay?

    I would absolutely report him, not only is dude greedy but he's being a bitch

    oh, the irony...

    You're gonna have to elaborate as I'm not detecting 'the irony' here

    The rest of us sellers have to pay the Paypal fees cuz thats the rule

    He's selling $50-200 records and squabbling over pennies (not a good look to a potential buyer)

    And to paraphrase every thread we've ever had on the issue here: "thats the cost of doing business" (i.e. charge it to the game)

    So how exactly is he not being greedy? (I know you can't possibly be claming he isn't being a bitch cuz there is no disputing that)

    to play devils advocate here...he as a seller was pissed that I as a customer was pissed, since he said he is selling "rare records" and that he is entitled to charge this, since the records are raer on some "well, if you dont like my policy, you can get the record somewhere else" type of steez...

    I think this is the bad thing. I sell for a company and I would never do that. The record was a 30$ record, but still, that's what I get out of this...yeah, you sell via paypal, then be a man and take the charges!!!

  • Imperial_MaoImperial_Mao 1,119 Posts
    Sticky, you done the right thing mate, as it's already been said, just give it a couple of weeks and report his whiny ass...
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