that emo belle and sebastian shit

alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
so great when its sunny outside! any belle and sebastian fans? i dont listen to them in the winter cause i'l do figure 8s on my wrists, but in the summer, it takes on a different cheerful tone. and its all about the songs with the gentle waves chick, isobelle or something. and the music's nice and chill


  • LamontLamont 1,090 Posts
    poup??e de cire, quite a fitting cover tune.

  • so great when its sunny outside! any belle and sebastian fans? i dont listen to them in the winter cause i'l do figure 8s on my wrists, but in the summer, it takes on a different cheerful tone. and its all about the songs with the gentle waves chick, isobelle or something. and the music's nice and chill

    Isobelle is the human embodiement of twee orgasm.

    which B&S albums do you have?

    they got some uptempo stuff and on their last 2 or 3 albums they've began delving into a mod/disco sound

  • I prefer The Free Design. Belle and Sebastian is just a weak copy imo

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I prefer The Free Design. Belle and Sebastian is just a weak copy imo

  • good band.If Your Feeling Sinister is a classic.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    is just a weak copy imo

    - spidey

  • try iron and wine or jose gonzales...b&s always struck me as rather boring but there actually are still some good indie albums comin out nowadays...INTERPOL rules the wasteland.

  • lamaslamas 39 Posts
    is this a Belle and Sebastian song in the trailer for Storytelling?


  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Kings of Convenience are an alright band too imo.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    is this a Belle and Sebastian song in the trailer for Storytelling?


    They did the whole soundtrack.

  • Don't forget The Gentle Waves, Camera Obscura, Coralie Clement, Niza, Kahimi Karie, April March, etc...
    It's all good sunny day music...
    All dope looking down to earth chicks as well. ie: Natural hipsters.

  • yawn... the B&S hate is weak. it is what it is... and emo/indie "hipster" chicks luv that shit - oh yeah, they're all bad imitations of Nico so uh, fuck them!

    btw - "your cover's blown" is an indie/boogie bombshell.

  • hardrock knobs who are too cool for school are just annoying...
    posturing is lame...

    yes, it is what it is... deal.

    Nico..? Try Francoise Hardy, France Gall, Judy Sill, Jane Birkin, Claudine Longet & a heap more before her...

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    B & S have been doing there shit for years & generally get love in the UK. Tigermilk is often considered their classic.
    This is their new one:
    not depressing at all

  • lamaslamas 39 Posts
    is this a Belle and Sebastian song in the trailer for Storytelling?


    They did the whole soundtrack.

    did you watch the trailer? the song i'm asking about is not on the soundtrack album.

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    that boris album that someone posted (i can't see what that post is quoting but i'm guessing it's nick drake) is sick. everything in this thread that isn't nico or french gets the gasface except maybe judee sill. then again i did just walk into a thread titled "that emo belle and sebastian shit"

    i would also like to add that the "human embodiement of twee orgasm" happened in 1980 with the first orange juice single.

  • awallawall 673 Posts

  • MeepMeep 320 Posts

    I prefer The Free Design. Belle and Sebastian is just a weak copy imo

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    They have a bunch of tunes that i really enjoy. i've only given the new album a couple spins, but they do have some great tunes under their belt. "This is Just A Modern Rock Song" cracks me up:

    'This is just a modern rock song,
    This is just a sorry lament,
    We're four boys in corduroys,
    We're not terrific but we're competent.'

    That last line says a lot about a lot.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    that Boris album is one of their worst IMO, but it's still light years better than that B&S bullshit.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    The keyboardist for Belle and Sebastian has impeccable taste in music. Just saying.
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