Northern Soul MP3s (hatters welcome)

Okay, here are 8 Northern soul cuts courtesy of myself, SoulHawk, and my benevolent roommate, Bradley Hales (of People's Records fame). Some of them are mp3s, others are rips. Hopefully there's at least one track here that won't inspire thoughts of dish-soap commercials.Let the hatting begin.Sam Fletcher Betty Lloyd Four Voices Melvin Davis Cody BlackFreddie Butler The Chandlers Fabulous Impacts
One of my favorite classics of Northern American soul
Took the words right out of my mouth
Heres the Otis Jackson and the Comprimisers - Turn Out the Lights/ You Belong To Another Man (C&F)45 (both sides on one quick and easy to use brand new MP3 disc!!!)
Chuck Wood - Seven Days Too Long - Roulette 1967
what it do!?
he has an lp on vault that is pretty common, but that 45 is on tollie I think.
hey man, gimme a buzz sometime. Im a busy feller these days, but no excuses not to hang at least once since you've moved here.
Vickie Baines- Sweeter Than Sweet Things
I have no idea how anyone could hatt on these, man. Thanks!
here are 2 i think are really good
A HREF="">DetroitSoul/A>
A HREF="">WalterJackson/A>
Flip that beeyatch over....
Some more Northern...
Billy Harner
Betty Everett
Bunny Sigler
R. Dean Taylor
Not mp3s but i guess all of you know of
Plenty of nooohduuhn sowl
...we now return you to your regularly scheduled mix of hiphop, racism, and hipster-bashing.
some nice sounds you've posted there. great to hear some northern on the 'strut. Haven't heard 'Find A Quiet Place' in a long time, and 'I'm Catching On' sounds as good as ever.
Weird, I've been on a big northern kick again. Here's one:
The Montclairs - Hey You! Don't Fight It
How many in the Chicago mafia have this one?
I think most copies is in the UK, or am i wrong??
I'd wager you're absolutely right. This is like mythically rare, isn't it?
Yeah kinda, but on a lot of "big name" djs playlist so there has to be copies, at least a few