what did i miss???!!!!

bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
edited April 2006 in Strut Central
did you all have a good week?give me some highlights!hello!


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    That was the big ticket item for the week (See Day's "I think I may have found" thread)

    Where is our full in depth review on ur trip?

    Oh and we had a moment.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    Asian hipsters girls thread.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    i still have to process it all in my mind - it was wonderful, intense and a lot of firsts for me.

    power tools rule!

    what was the Salma Hayek moment?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    I'd blap.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Asian hipsters girls thread.

    Not a celeb or anything. Tho, depending on what circle's you are in, maybe she is.

    Lets go for food soon and you can tell me all about it!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Asian hipsters girls thread.

    if by Salma Hayek moment you mean super-lame, then yup, that thread was definitely a Salma Hayek moment! whatevs - typical shit (not really what i would call a highlight...).

    yea - let's go for food and i'll tell you all about roofing! drywalling! and morning prayers!!!!

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    did you all have a good week?

    give me some highlights!


    the funny thing is how the original post was over a year old.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    yup...i wonder how Tyra came to see it - her post was the first to bring it back, right?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Asian hipsters girls thread.

    if by Salma Hayek moment you mean super-lame, then yup, that thread was definitely a Salma Hayek moment! whatevs - typical shit (not really what i would call a highlight...).

    yea - let's go for food and i'll tell you all about roofing! drywalling! and morning prayers!!!!

    I just found it funny she showed up a year after the fact. Maybe it took that long for her ears to start ringing!

    Well, I thought Phill's I like breakbeats thread was good. Mixed with my and Marco's "It's a message from PhiLL" brilliance.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Well, I thought Phill's I like breakbeats thread was good. Mixed with my and Marco's "It's a message from PhiLL" brilliance.

    lol - that was quite good.

  • You missed a remix I made just for you.

    Oh, and an invitation to wrestle Fatback.

    But check out the YouTube preacher post-haste, as it is the most epic among the things you missed.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    yup...i wonder how Tyra came to see it - her post was the first to bring it back, right?

    probably from the "referring url" feature in her tyrafromsaigon.net domain stats. you can see who links to your site when you own a domain most of the time

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    please let that fade away from our collective memory, folks were getting ridiculous up in it. Totally sidetracked into a mugly spectacle.

    you did miss a good stretch of weather though, now it's kinda meh.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    You missed a remix I made just for you.

    this a perfectsong for where i just came from (the South), where I just got back to (Toronto) and what I like no matter where I am (a good remix featuring a cute boy).

    Oh, and an invitation to wrestle Fatback.

    oh really? and who was inviting me to do that?

    here are a couple of photos of the homes we were working on:

    morning shot

    from the roof

    putting up siding

    mostly finished homes

    the goal for this site is 85 homes, but we were working on the 20 or so that are up right now. the families who will move in are all from the devastated areas and they are being moved to these homes which are on higher ground outside of NO. some of them were there all week working on their hours (part of the agreement to get a home is that you put in 300 or so hours of work and not only on your own home either), so it was really good to meet the people who will be moving into what we were working on. gives one perspective.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    You missed a remix I made just for you.

    this a perfectsong for where i just came from (the South), where I just got back to (Toronto) and what I like no matter where I am (a good remix featuring a cute boy).

    Oh, and an invitation to wrestle Fatback.

    oh really? and who was inviting me to do that?

    here are a couple of photos of the homes we were working on:

    morning shot

    from the roof

    putting up siding

    mostly finished homes

    the goal for this site is 85 homes, but we were working on the 20 or so that are up right now. the families who will move in are all from the devastated areas and they are being moved to these homes which are on higher ground outside of NO. some of them were there all week working on their hours (part of the agreement to get a home is that you put in 300 or so hours of work and not only on your own home either), so it was really good to meet the people who will be moving into what we were working on. gives one perspective.

    holy shit missbassie! is this for habitat for humanity? i missed this thread. my ex-roommate invited me to do this in july, but it's like $1000 i need to raise. share more please

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    why do i even bother trying to post pictures? why?

  • MB:

    We need this to be an appreciation post. While a lot of us got our weepy liberal on and just criticized from the side lines, you got your Tool Time on (ayo?) and actually did something, AND IT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY!

    Seriously, I think this maybe one of the few times where REAL SPEAK/MAN-UP/GET YOUR WEIGHT UP/GET ON MY LEVEL/GET FAMILIAR isn't thrown around lightly.


  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    awesome! hey missie! i would send you a pm but it took half a day for this page to load up for me and im not even gonna try and mess with a pm right now.

    anyways, as a cultural ambassador to my country, i'd like to say thank you very much! i hope you had a great experience.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    it speaks a lot of your character if you're willing to take valuable vaction time to help in such a noble cause that's thousands of miles away. Action speaks louder than words, you make us all look like the lil' dudes that we are.

    I hope you had fun.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    why do i even bother trying to post pictures? why?

    Don't take it personally! Geocities is teh suck for bandwidth limitations. Might I suggest imageshack.us for hosting, they're waaaaayyy better about keeping ish available.

  • Options
    A*%$(!&#! is that human.


  • Garcia_VegaGarcia_Vega 2,428 Posts


    I think Miss Bassie is one of the best people on soulstrut hands down. Humble, intelligent, well spoken, not afraid to speak up either. She has tremendous character and is always on the level (no habitat for humanity pun). Great taste in music and knowledgable about it too, her selections make everyone say "yeah!" Conscious in her posts, she always has something interesting to say from a variety of perspectives. Thanks for sticking around Miss Bassie, you make this place that much better.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts


    I think Miss Bassie is one of the best people on soulstrut hands down. Humble, intelligent, well spoken, not afraid to speak up either. She has tremendous character and is always on the level (no habitat for humanity pun). Great taste in music and knowledgable about it too, her selections make everyone say "yeah!" Conscious in her posts, she always has something interesting to say from a variety of perspectives. Thanks for sticking around Miss Bassie, you make this place that much better.

    Well put sir...

    I think this is applicable to the positive social influence of women in general in male majority groupings.

    That being said props to your social work and...

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    I didn't realize that was happening so soon. You have to hit me with the full story.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts


    I think Miss Bassie is one of the best people on soulstrut hands down. Humble, intelligent, well spoken, not afraid to speak up either. She has tremendous character and is always on the level (no habitat for humanity pun). Great taste in music and knowledgable about it too, her selections make everyone say "yeah!" Conscious in her posts, she always has something interesting to say from a variety of perspectives. Thanks for sticking around Miss Bassie, you make this place that much better.

    Without a doubt.

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    Major cosign. Miss Bassie is top notch.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Great pics!! It was a great thing for you to do. But me knowing you IRL, I've never doubted what a great person you are and I'm happy to call you a close friend.

    That said, you name a time and place out of ur busy life and lets eat. We should hit up El Bodegon and I'll treat for all the hard work you just put in.

    PS- Did they let you keep ur tool belt??

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Hi miss Bassie i think you are the bees knees.

    welcome back.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts


    I think Miss Bassie is one of the best people on soulstrut hands down. Humble, intelligent, well spoken, not afraid to speak up either. She has tremendous character and is always on the level (no habitat for humanity pun). Great taste in music and knowledgable about it too, her selections make everyone say "yeah!" Conscious in her posts, she always has something interesting to say from a variety of perspectives. Thanks for sticking around Miss Bassie, you make this place that much better.

    and she's a girl, dont forget that she's a girl.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Ehh, she's alright. personally I prefer this dude:

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