Crazy Police Shooting - 120 shots

GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
edited May 2005 in Strut Central
I'm generally pretty supportive of cops unless they are just doing crazy shit. It's a tough job and I sure wouldn't want to do it. But this is just crazy, not for the suspect so much as for the people of the neighborhood.Deputies Apologize for Los Angeles ShootingDeputies Fired 120 Rounds in Videotaped ConfrontationBy ALICIA CHANG, AP AP "They're not hiding,'' the sheriffs' lawyer Gregory Emerson told reporters. "They're honorable, decent individuals." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOS ANGELES (May 14) - Ten sheriff's deputies who fired 120 rounds at an unarmed driver at the end of a chase in a quiet neighborhood appeared with a lawyer who apologized to residents on their behalf, but said the officers had acted to capture a suspect who ''deserved and needed to be stopped.''Wearing suits and ties or dark sweaters, the deputies stood silently before news cameras Friday while lawyer Gregory Emerson explained that each had voluntarily told investigators what happened during Monday's videotaped shooting in Compton.Emerson said the deputies didn't try to "harm or injure or otherwise jeopardize the safety of the individuals'' on the street where 44-year-old Winston Hayes was shot. Bullets penetrated several homes in the area."They're not hiding,'' Emerson told reporters. "They're honorable, decent individuals. They're proud professionals of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and they're willing to stand up and tell the community that they do apologize.''He said after the news conference, however, that "the apology wasn't for the shooting.''"The apology was to residents in the area that were affected by that shooting,'' Emerson said. "If we could do it over again, we would take action to stop Mr. Hayes. Hopefully with better training we could do that to prevent shots into peoples' homes.'' Residents Outraged by Shooting The deputies fired 120 rounds in the early morning confrontation, striking Hayes four times and bruising one deputy who was hit in his bulletproof vest. Hayes is recovering at a hospital.The barrage prompted outrage from some residents. Sheriff Lee Baca offered to double the typical payment for damages incurred.After the news conference, Emerson said he spoke for the deputies because they were involved in criminal and departmental investigations stemming from the shooting, making it inappropriate for them to comment.The shooting followed a brief pursuit. Some deputies thought Hayes, who was driving a sport utility vehicle, had shot two deputies while others thought he was trying to ram them, sheriff's officials said.Emerson said that Hayes "deserved and needed to be stopped'' because deputies had been warned that he was a murder suspect.Officials later said that Hayes was not involved in the shooting of the deputies, and he has not been charged with a crime.One resident, Reyes Valencia, who saw the shooting that left a bullet hole in his wooden fence, said he doesn't accept the apology."I'm glad they did apologize. It's not going to change what they did,'' said the 41-year-old Valencia, who has lived on the block for 35 years. "The guy didn't have a gun. It's no reason to shoot the guy.''Baca said 70 to 80 shots were fired during the first five seconds of the confrontation. He said he believes some deputies emptied their guns while others fired once or twice.The deputies are undergoing counseling and will return to work, Baca said.Associated Press Writer Chris Nguyen contributed to this report.05-14-05 16:09 EDTCopyright 2005 The Associated Press.


  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Great! Taxpayers just payed for the Cops salery, the bullets, the lawsuit and double what the damage costs should be. These guys are fuking crazy, plus in case you havn't noticed cops flip the fuck out and go for major revenge if they think you shot at them. They need fucking straight jackets.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Bill O'Reily went off on this incident. The day it happened he claimed that it wasn't the cops fault because the driver had a gun and shot at the police.

    The next day, when it turned out the driver was unarmed, he threw in another twist, saying that the persons at fault for this incident were liberal judges who let out the driver, who had a previous arrest record, from prison early instead of keeping him locked up. O'Reily said with all those bullets flying an innocent child couldn't been killed or hurt! But it wasn't the cops fault, no, it was the breakdown of the criminal justice system!

    And that's it from Bill O'Reily's "no spin" zone on Fox!

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    cops flip the fuck out and go for major revenge if they think you shot at them.

    I'm not defending what those cops did, but I'd flip the fuck out if someone shot at me.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    watch deputy sheriff Lee Baca run for police cheif and win on a platform of being tough on crime.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    cops flip the fuck out and go for major revenge if they think you shot at them.

    I'm not defending what those cops did, but I'd flip the fuck out if someone shot at me.

    Of course, but the point is if the call goes out that some one shot at a cop then every cop with in a 20 mile radious will race to the scene and unload every bullet they have. As demonstated in this case. It's bullshit. Plus, the fact that cops routinely leave their beat cuz of a "officer in danger" call is also BS. yes, cops put themsleves on the line and yes they need back up. But fuck, 110 bullets to stop one guy is too many fucking cops. How many people didn't get their distress attended to to because of all the time the cops wasted on this one guy.

    "Someone's breaking into my car."

    "Sorry you'll have to wait why we unload 120 bullets at an unarmed man in family neighborhood"

    Plus, if someone shot at me I wouldn't have to unload 120 bullets to hit them 4 times.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Having lived in a few spots where the occasional gunfire turns up, if you've got kids and shit that stuff makes you think. Bullets don't just disappear - they hit SOMETHING, as shown in the pic at the top of the thread. I've had enough concerns about some stupid ass kid puttin a bullet through my window or wall, I certainly shouldn't have to worry about cops doing it. Especially when they do it *120 times* at an *unarmed man* and only hit him 4 times, or whatever. There weren't 120 cops there, or 60, or even 30 most likely. Those guys were lettin loose like crazy. Even if there were 20 (a ton for one guy) there, they would have had to average 6 shots apiece for that type of number. That's ridiculous. I mean, they're supposed to eliminate the immediate threat, not annihilate it.

    Like I said, they've got a tough job and even if they slipped and popped the guy a few times I don't think I'd be too harsh, but that is just insane... especially in a residential neighborhood.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    Like I said, they've got a tough job and even if they slipped and popped the guy a few times I don't think I'd be too harsh, but that is just insane... especially in a residential neighborhood.

    I'm not too sure a lot of these officers don't have a sort of hatred for some of the neighborhoods they work in. I've read articles and seen interviews where they really come off like that. If they hate the hood then why should they care about some old lady with a bullet going through her window. I mean, she probably raised one of these little gang bangers. [sarcasm[

    I'm not saying it's like that as a whole, but I'm positive it is in many instances. In their defense, some of these neighborhoods in LA are not hard to get shot at by civilians. That's why cops need to be level headed individuals. Maybe we need higher hiring standards.

    It took me a long time not to have automatic contempt for cops. I had to tell myself that it was a form of prejudice. I really hated them. That's how I was raised. Cops were not your friends. I also was raised to be nice to them. It's better to outsmart them, then to try and fight them. Now I'm nice to cops. I've met a few cool ones. I still watch them out of the corner of my eye, though.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Like I said, they've got a tough job and even if they slipped and popped the guy a few times I don't think I'd be too harsh, but that is just insane... especially in a residential neighborhood.

    I have no doubt they hate working some neighborhoods, because

    I really hated them. That's how I was raised. Cops were not your friends.

    That's the standard in a lot of places. And not to give cops a pass, because it's really a self-perpetuating circle. Hate makes hate.

    And I agree, it's hard to be enthusiastic about helping people who, as a whole, hate you. And, it's tough to embrace people as your protectors or friends who, as a whole, don't care about you.

    I think a bag problem in a lot of low income neighborhoods is like you said, people are raised hearing that the cops are not your friends, and that maybe the cops have taken away a family member or something. And also it seems that a lot of low income people are just very poorly informed about things and seem to watch too much tv or something. I know that sounds stereotypical, but having worked retail in low-lower income areas that was my experience. I can't imagine having to be the "bringers of bad news" like the cops do.

    So, it's tough all the way around. But I still stick with it that this time they fucked up big time. 5 or 6 shots, you know, even if he was unarmed, you could pass it off as he made a quick move or acted like he had a weapon or charged or something. 120 shots is beyond logic IMO.

    And about watching them... sucks to be this way, but best policy is to avoid them at all costs, kinda like court.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    I remember when a fourteen year old girl was shot dead for going for her comb. All in a days work. Very sad. Not that you were, but just incase, by using my words, you assume I'm from a low income upbringing. That's a bad assumption.

    That's the standard in a lot of places. And not to give cops a pass, because it's really a self-perpetuating circle. Hate makes hate.

    I think a bag problem in a lot of low income neighborhoods is like you said[/b], people are raised hearing that the cops are not your friends,

    Are you talking to me or did I miss something. I didn't say that. Anyway, it's not "people are raised hearing that the cops are not your friends"[/b], it's "people are raised seeing[/b] that the cops are not your friends"

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I remember when a fourteen year old girl was shot dead for going for her comb. All in a days work. Very sad. Not that you were, but just incase, by using my words, you assume I'm from a low income upbringing. That's a bad assumption.

    No, I wasn't speaking on you specifically. I'll say the most friction occurs in low income neighborhoods though.

    I think a bag problem in a lot of low income neighborhoods is like you said[/b], people are raised hearing that the cops are not your friends,

    Are you talking to me or did I miss something. I didn't say that. Anyway, it's not "people are raised hearing that the cops are not your friends"[/b], it's "people are raised seeing[/b] that the cops are not your friends"

    You didn't specify.

    I really hated them. That's how I was raised. Cops were not your friends.

    But yeah, there's a difference. I'll say by the time I got into the hating cops stage it was because they always fucked with me because they thought i was up to something. Of which many times I was.

    Not to reflect on you any.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Great! Taxpayers just payed for the Cops salery, the bullets, the lawsuit and double what the damage costs should be. These guys are fuking crazy, plus in case you havn't noticed cops flip the fuck out and go for major revenge if they think you shot at them. They need fucking straight jackets.

    I'm not one to defend cops generally but what do you think cops do when they're shot at? Do you think they sit there and get pissed off about it? No, they're scared shitless. Someone is trying to kill them. They're doing everything they can to defend not only themselves but the people around them. I know this really doesn't relate to the situation at hand but if you are shooting at police or anyone for that matter you deserve whatever shit the cops are willing to throw down. Seriously, you're fucking stupid to have done anything to get the cops to chase you in the first place and then you start shooting at them? That is stupid.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    Great! Taxpayers just payed for the Cops salery, the bullets, the lawsuit and double what the damage costs should be. These guys are fuking crazy, plus in case you havn't noticed cops flip the fuck out and go for major revenge if they think you shot at them. They need fucking straight jackets.

    I'm not one to defend cops generally but what do you think cops do when they're shot at? Do you think they sit there and get pissed off about it? No, they're scared shitless. Someone is trying to kill them. They're doing everything they can to defend not only themselves but the people around them. I know this really doesn't relate to the situation at hand but if you are shooting at police or anyone for that matter you deserve whatever shit the cops are willing to throw down. Seriously, you're fucking stupid to have done anything to get the cops to chase you in the first place and then you start shooting at them? That is stupid.

    That's kind of what I was trying to say. I'm not a big fan of cops either (I've honestly never met a nice one and I've had enough run-ins myself to know that they get off on fucking people over), I'm just pointing out that in a life-or-death situation they'll probably react in the same way you or I would. Generally. In this situation, I agree that they went above and beyond any logical degree of self defense. 100+ shots is not self defense, it's trigger happy.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Fuck a pig cop.

    I think more of them should get shot at.

  • Fuck a pig cop.

    Did I read The article wrong or was this an innocent unarmed man? And no offense to anyone in the city of angels, but why does this shit always happen in LA?

    Firing a 120 shots to stop one person is fucking out of control. It is representative of a rascist, removed police force that operates completely on fear and control. That serve and protect shit died with Adam 12.

    Everyone of those cops should be fired and hauled into court on CRIMINAL charges. Because that's what they are, CRIMINALS. They are simply hired thugs used to protect the property of the rich and control and intimidate those of a lesser social and economic status. That shit never would have happened in a wealthier area. Or to a wealthier person. They followed OJs ass in a low speed car chase for how long? But this dude gets 120 shots? I'll say that shit again -

    Fuck a pig cop.

    I've actually known a cool cop. He was neither rascist, hateful, nor fearful. I met him while he was attending art school studying furniture design. He told me a really funny story once about how he was assaulted with a pork chop. He once told me his goal was to try and make everyone who rides in his patrol car have a positive experience. Anyway, my point is this, he's no longer a cop. The culture of fear and intimidation in law enforcement was too much for him.

    That article made me see red. I'm getting older and with that comes the understanding that life is not black and white, but a whole lot of grey. But I see this shit coupled by a conservative and rascist political administration and my head starts reeling.



    Fuck a pig cop.

    Deep beats and deep crates,

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    If they had finally stopped and shot so many rounds at this dude on Rodeo drive or in a commercial district or with expensive homes in the vicinity, there would have been HELL to pay! Think about sitting in your house, minding your business and bulletts coming through! Cops think about it when "important" citizens live nearby, but don't give a fuck when it's the hood or a poor white trash area. Man, decent, law abiding folks gotta live wherever they can, and they don't need cops who don't look at the bigger picture in any given scenario. protect and Serve means top priority is the safety of people in the area of whatever is going down, NOT simply to apprehend at all costs.

    Each of those cops is lucky that some 8-year old kid was not killed, because then the demand for answers rightfully goes through the roof, not to mention the guilt that they would rightfully feel. Cops are no different, they are conditioned like the rest of us with these notions of what/who is important and what is not, but their profession demands that they are able to get past that and concern themselves with CITIZEN SAFETY first and formost. End rant.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    why does this shit always happen in LA?

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    Fuck a pig cop.

    I think more of them should get shot at.

    yo man that shits bout as as what those fucks did...

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Fuck a pig cop.

    I think more of them should get shot at.

    yo man that shits bout as as what those fucks did...

    Yeah I gotta say, even with the good and bad aspects of it, it's cops that prevent people from just going nuts and raping bsides with the wide end of a metal rake... amongst other things.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    Fuck a pig cop.

    I think more of them should get shot at.

    yo man that shits bout as as what those fucks did...

    Yeah I gotta say, even with the good and bad aspects of it, it's cops that prevent people from just going nuts and raping bsides with the wide end of a metal rake... amongst other things.

    That's right. Anarchy isn't the way. Too many bad motherfuckers warlording.. That's another topic but like I alluded to before, I think we need to change how we hire and what kinds of people we hire as cops. I'm not saying hire some weak ass fool who's scared to get down when he or she has to, I mean we need to evaluate the kinds of people who become cops. I think the whole police culture needs to be flushed out and rebuilt. Make Rescpect & Dignity[/b] of citizens one of their top rules. I'm sick of cops walking around thinking the world is a piece of shit. If you're jaded, maybe you should move over and let someone else be a cop because you're doing nobody a service by treating everyone with disrespect,doing a half ass job as well.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    That's right. Anarchy isn't the way. Too many bad motherfuckers warlording.. That's another topic but like I alluded to before, I think we need to change how we hire and what kinds of people we hire as cops. I'm not saying hire some weak ass fool who's scared to get down when he or she has to, I mean we need to evaluate the kinds of people who become cops. I think the whole police culture needs to be flushed out and rebuilt. Make Rescpect & Dignity[/b] of citizens one of their top rules. I'm sick of cops walking around thinking the world is a piece of shit. If you're jaded, maybe you should move over and let someone else be a cop because you're doing nobody a service by treating everyone with disrespect,doing a half ass job as well.

    Yeah. Really, I think it's one of those things that would be better scrapped and started all over again... although I don't see how that would be possible. I put it up there with public schools.

  • watch deputy sheriff Lee Baca run for police cheif and win on a platform of being tough on crime.

    our chiefs are appointed, they don't run for shit.

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    watch deputy sheriff Lee Baca run for police cheif and win on a platform of being tough on crime.

    our chiefs are appointed, they don't run for shit.

    thank god, you would think the lame ass sheriff's would have learned by now, having a political figure in charge is bad news, i have a feeling in the nxt few months, OC's sher*ff, gonna be allover the papers & ruined...

    i wish i knew a chief
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