My Super Sweet Sixteen



  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    celebrations of self

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    And how is she going to top a herd of elephants for her wedding?

    two herds of elephants!

    And I'll DJ! Priya & Divya: holler at your boy!

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    celebrations of self


    "For the reception, all bean dip bowls will be made of just-unsealed Stark Reality vinyl, and for decoration I want every inch of the walls covered with M- albums with a market value of at least $150 apiece.


    Anyway, as I was saying, I plan on rolling into the soireee in a stretch Hummer limo with "GET FAMILIAR WITH MY COMPLETE FANIA GOLD LABEL COLLECTION" painted in 24K gold leaf across the side."

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Anyway, as I was saying, I plan on rolling into the soireee in a stretch Hummer limo with "GET FAMILIAR WITH MY COMPLETE FANIA GOLD LABEL COLLECTION" painted in 24K gold leaf across the side."

  • Anyway, as I was saying, I plan on rolling into the soireee in a stretch Hummer limo HELICOPTER with "GET ON MY LEVEL" [/b] painted in 24K gold leaf across the side."

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    And how is she going to top a herd of elephants for her wedding?

    two herds of elephants!

    Especially since she'll only be expecting one (and a Bentley)...

    I hope they get trampled by the elephants.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    The show follows a simple but wildly successful formula: (1) kid makes a series of high-priced demands (a fireworks display, a helicopter ride, perhaps a harem of belly dancers); (2) parents capitulate and cough up the cash; (3) kid gleefully humiliates the uninvited; (4) something goes awry; (5) kid has a meltdown and repeatedly refers to self in the third person; (6) party miraculously comes together, and kid is presented with an automobile before his salivating, less fortunate peers. In Marissa's case, her father, who owns three auto dealerships, presented her with two cars: a red convertible for the weekend and a sturdy S.U.V. for the week.

    true. she forgot to mention the part where the kid asks for an expensive car, the parents say "no", and at the kid's party, the parents present the kid's dream car in a red bow.

  • the worst one i've seen is the kind of chubby black girl from last season... she really needed ghostface's mom to whip her with a strap... she threw a fit about everything, and her mom gave in every time... the shit where she handed out the invitations at school was

    cee-lo's daughter.

    So that's why Noz is ass-hurt at Gnarles Barkley! Cee-Lo's daughter didn't invite him to her Sweet 16!


  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    i can't watch this show. or the ones where people try to make themselves look like celebrities. or shows where MTV covers people who were once made celebrities by MTV and now live in a trailer and MTV is making more money off them now because they're horrible failures and they'll let any embarassing shit get taped for a dollar, or anything else like this that totally kills any hope I have for humanity.

    MTV is shallow, period. Don't look at it for substance. I haven't watched it for years but assume it's either the same as it was when I stopped watching (circa 2000 I think) or, based on your posts here, it's gotten a lot worse.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Would you spoil your children to this extent if you could?

    No. No way in hell. My kids are going to learn that until they are making their own money, there is no such thing as their anything. It may be mine, it may be the wife's it may be the FAMILY's, but they need to get their own.

    I have no problem with throwing a kid a party, I have no problem with occasionally indulging a child....but let's be real, the idea of a kid getting TWO cars for their 16th birthday is beyond wasteful. I don't care how much you have, kids need a reality check and boundaries and they need to understand that the real world is a bit different. Kids like this seem like they hit a wall when they learn that money can't solve all their problems or that money just might create problems for them. Mostly that show demonstrates that some of these parents need some brains.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    "We both want to lose three pounds," said Priya, who received a Mercedes convertible and an assortment of diamond jewelry for her birthday. Her sister's graduation gift package included a Bentley, diamonds and two homes in India.

    Yech. I've spent a lot of time with rich Indian girls, and they are either fucking unbearable or surprisingly well-grounded.

    My last girlfriend was from a South Indian family with money way, way beyond the 'prominent cardiologist' level. And yet the daughters got Ford Explorers, not Bentleys. The family chose to spend their money building charity hospitals throughout Andra Pradesh, providing free surgeries to children with birth defects, funding nutrition programs, and renovating ancient temples in her parents' villages.

    But those families don't get on TV.

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    But those families don't get on TV.

  • Would you spoil your children to this extent if you could?

    No. No way in hell. My kids are going to learn that until they are making their own money, there is no such thing as their anything. It may be mine, it may be the wife's it may be the FAMILY's, but they need to get their own.

    I have no problem with throwing a kid a party, I have no problem with occasionally indulging a child....but let's be real, the idea of a kid getting TWO cars for their 16th birthday is beyond wasteful. I don't care how much you have, kids need a reality check and boundaries and they need to understand that the real world is a bit different. Kids like this seem like they hit a wall when they learn that money can't solve all their problems or that money just might create problems for them. Mostly that show demonstrates that some of these parents need some brains.

    Cosign, though I have to say, as long as my kids stick with me, they'll never have to worry about an extravagant lifestyle....

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Would you spoil your children to this extent if you could?

    No. No way in hell. My kids are going to learn that until they are making their own money, there is no such thing as their anything. It may be mine, it may be the wife's it may be the FAMILY's, but they need to get their own.

    I have no problem with throwing a kid a party, I have no problem with occasionally indulging a child....but let's be real, the idea of a kid getting TWO cars for their 16th birthday is beyond wasteful. I don't care how much you have, kids need a reality check and boundaries and they need to understand that the real world is a bit different. Kids like this seem like they hit a wall when they learn that money can't solve all their problems or that money just might create problems for them. Mostly that show demonstrates that some of these parents need some brains.

    Cosign, though I have to say, as long as my kids stick with me, they'll never have to worry about an extravagant lifestyle....

    You instill the correct values in a child and if they hit it big they will be treating YOU to the extravagant lifestyle!

    The focus is way too much on the idea that life has no style if it's not drowning in wasted money and 'famous people'.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    i think most of the families on sweet sixteen are "new money". those are the types that are flashy. and if they came from nothing, its hard to blame them for their excessivenes. when your goal is to make it financially, and you get there, i can see why these parents see nothing wrong with spending their money on giving their kids what they never had..and then some. i could be wrong about this, as i'm not from new money or old money, but my experience has always been that people with old money are cheap as hell.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    My last girlfriend was from a South Indian family with money way, way beyond the 'prominent cardiologist' level.

    you shoulda married that. I've been looking for a girl that fits that bill for a while now. have her PM me if she's still single since my current relationship looks over.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts

    My last girlfriend was from a South Indian family with money way, way beyond the 'prominent cardiologist' level.

    you shoulda married that. I've been looking for a girl that fits that bill for a while now. have her PM me if she's still single since my current relationship looks over.

    I ain't sayin' he's a gold digger...

    For the record I always bought dinner.

  • MTV is shallow, period. Don't look at it for substance. I haven't watched it for years but assume it's either the same as it was when I stopped watching (circa 2000 I think) or, based on your posts here, it's gotten a lot worse.

    MTV now makes MTV 6 years ago look like the humanitarian channel. The entire network is nothing but spoiled child wankery. its like a youth oriented lifestyles of the rich and famous.

    Not only that every program that was on 4 or 5 years ago that still remains has been dumbed down to a sub-retarded level (the Real world, TRL, etc)

    the network is absolutley wretched.

    I'm hoping to get some production work with them this summer

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    the network is absolutley wretched.

    I'm hoping to get some production work with them this summer

    word. work for change "from the inside." it's more effective that way.

  • CahootsCahoots 378 Posts
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