

  • sayin'. unless I got hit by a wave of unexpected work..i'm smooth sailing today. Just got paid and I think I might buy some "fresh and dipped" gear after work.


    no one bit, so i'll go:

    ensemble ideas.

    whatever! I hate yellow rings.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    sayin'. unless I got hit by a wave of unexpected work..i'm smooth sailing today. Just got paid and I think I might buy some "fresh and dipped" gear after work.


    no one bit, so i'll go:

    ensemble ideas.

    I thought this would be more up his ally.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    im about to eat lunch which will most likely be some sweet chili fried chicken and more than likely have a friday afternoon beer

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    well, i'll be jealous around new years then.

    here's their janky website. they are the true.

    and for those uninitiated free jazz little dudes, ICP stands for Instant Composers Pool. twice as hard as the clown posse.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I'm having the Humpenfrau String Quartet flown in from Berlin to perform some of Beethoven's late string quartets while I assemble my expedit. I'm hoping the sounds will help easy my tummy of the schittenploppens that I have today. I may try for some Bushmills tonight, which I beleive DJ Anna introduced me too while we were appraising tapestries off the coast of Barbados. Those were the days.

    It was there that I commissioned an aspiring young composer to compose an aria, using lines from Full Metal Jacket as the libretto. His contrapuntal handling of the line "Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toe'd cocksucker over here who just signed his own death warrent?" was nothing short of genius.

    Pardon me, it seems I got sidetracked by reminiscing.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    I have an Expedit to put together tonight. Takes 2 people though.... I'm offering fine whiskey to he/she who volunteers to help me. not to take home, but to drink with me until I get stupid(er).

    if it's the 4x4... i've put those together [and later taken apart] completely by myself... you don't need an extra person really... and i'm just a skinny white boy. and i'd be able to assemble the 5x5 alone if i was taller... they're really not hard to assemble. i've already done this twice... don't believe the hype!

  • I have an Expedit to put together tonight. Takes 2 people though.... I'm offering fine whiskey to he/she who volunteers to help me. not to take home, but to drink with me until I get stupid(er).

    if it's the 4x4... i've put those together [and later taken apart] completely by myself... you don't need an extra person really... and i'm just a skinny white boy. and i'd be able to assemble the 5x5 alone if i was taller... they're really not hard to assemble. i've already done this twice... don't believe the hype!

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