"Kelefa" thread highlights?



  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    Now post a Matysh-yahoo track or yall are soft...

    Call me charmin, then.

    One of the most awful things about this whole thread controversy is that it shines no light on Jewish musicians in the New York City area who are actually doing work
    in the dub field,and don't openly advocate for any sectarian groups with attitudes towards actual people of West Indian descent.

    So forget Mattis-whatever for a minute and look for these.

    Raz Mesinai, aka Badawi, makes a lot of dub soundscape albums. They're out on ROIR.

    Noah plays bass in No Shadow Kick (rip?), a local dub/dnb group, and runs Subatomic Sound. They put out the Dub Champions CD last year....it's breezy.

    King Django played trombone for Rancid and Murphy's Law, runs Version City , a dub studio out in NJ,and also does Stubborn Records things.

    Victor Axelrod, aka Ticklah, has done a lot of stuff, including Daptone Recs, Antibalas, and the Roots Combination record, which was slept on.

    Now this is a good look...

    Props to murphy's law indeed

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    rootless when will you just stop talking? damn, dog it's like just fucking let it go.

    I don't know if this whole thing is dead or whatever, but like

    fact is, I know a lot about that entire world and could school most of the folls that were trying to shout me down.

    This is just too fucking hilarious. Apparently this "schooling" will happen at some point but it certainly didn't in that thread... I guess I'll just sit here, waiting, in the dark

  • [Victor Axelrod, aka Ticklah, has done a lot of stuff, including Daptone Recs, Antibalas, and the Roots Combination record, which was slept on.

    I like's dudes work with Spinna. I wonder if he's the one coming with it while Spinna just records him over his drum tracks.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    For the record both rootless and guzzo are seemingly intelligent people with great attitudes. Rootless has lived in mtl so he has seen his share of the hassidic community. Unfortunately for both (just like when guzzo asks cashless to explain his point repeatedly, they cannot stray for an argument leaving shittalkers to embarass themselves. Its half clownin half asshurtin...basically sooulstrut...

    Thanks for the nice words. Fort he record I didn't cal Zvi anti-semetic, I don't think I could call someone with a name like Zvi ****man anti-semetic unless he pulled some nazi shit out a la the Beleiver. I think my role in the thread was pretty minimal alls I did was say that none of the arguing really had to do with the original topic.

    For the first time in a long time I was the level headed one.
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