what's growing in your private real world garden?

waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central
Just moved to a place with a little plot of land, so I'm looking at growing tomatoes this summer, along with some fresh herbs. Anyone else getting in touch with Mother Earth, dirty hippie style? Or maybe you're growing some killer hydro in the garage? Shrooms in the root cellar? Zen rock garden?


  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    i'm going to grow garlic, onions, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, rare flowers (i need to go and steal some seeds from the local botanical garden) and herbs (lemon-melissa, mint or spearmint for home made mojitos, basil (red basil) and oregano for home made pizza) this summer.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    One day when Im old Im gonna have one of those sprawling former president style ranches with mad farm hands growing all kinds of shit. And Ill just chill in my cowboy hat and clear new walkways and shit in the woods while my son becomes the next president.
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