poorly looped loops

akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts
edited May 2005 in Strut Central
what are some of the most off loops youve ever heard? off the top of my head i can only think of two that really stick out in my mind1. some song i heard on some 1996 "acid jazz" comp...they looped up the bobby hutcherson drums, but the loop is seriously missing like a whole 16th note. so noticeable it hurts...2. this one isnt bad, its not even that noticeable...but the looping of those IBB drums on "looking down the barrel of a gun" always bothered me ever so slightly..its like just barely off...any others? i was thinking about this for a while during my break at work today..haha


  • CosmophonicCosmophonic 1,172 Posts
    Sometimes they loop it in that way intentionally to create "interesting" time-signatures. I know I've done it.

    - J

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
    I like sloppy loops.

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    Slightly tangential, I remember chuck-D praising tape loops for this very reason, something about the sloppiness keeping it fresh and adding funk- closer to rhyhming with a dj than a machine (i.e. the old analogie that the patterns are more like a heartbeat than a flat line.)

    What about producers clipping into the attack of a snare to give it extra bite? WACK!!!

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    The bridge in Cypress Hill's 'How I Could Just Kill A Man' is waaaaaaay off time.

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    first one I thought of was Raekwan.. (or is it ghostface) Criminology. They tried to loop up that Black Ivory. still love the song though

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    A Tribe Called Quest - Check the Rhime

    It's either the snare in the loop or the added snare hit. There are two snares. One of them is offset. First bar is cool, 2nd one slightly offset, 3rd bar obviously offset, 4th bar totally offset. Didn't they notice? Sounds horrible! Poorly looped! Sloppy!

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    A Tribe Called Quest - Check the Rhime

    It's either the snare in the loop or the added snare hit. There are two snares. One of them is offset. First bar is cool, 2nd one slightly offset, 3rd bar obviously offset, 4th bar totally offset. Didn't they notice? Sounds horrible! Poorly looped! Sloppy!

    A lot of beats are lazily done. They needed to choppa choppa each bar and stretch them to match timewise.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    Here are some poorly looped loops that I've noticed:

    -I always thought that the last two counts (3-4) of the "One for All" loop in by Brand Nubian came in harsh and sounded choppy. I chalked that sound up to assigning the loops to separate pads on the SP-1200.

    -Also, I noticed that the Gary Burton loop ("Walter L") came in out-of-time during the fadeout of "One Time for Your Mind" by Nas.

    -The two-bar loop part on Boogie Down Productions on "Gimme Dat (Woy)".

    -The multiple breaks ("Catch a Groove" and "Funky Drummer") on "Funky (Remix)" by Ultramagnetic MC's weren't synched up well. The sloppiness of this sounded dope though.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    I gotta admit I like it when you can hear where the loop has just been been cut and pasted, like in loops with strings and stuff, to keep it sounding hipety hop and raw. Its just a loop thats been lifted and immediately sequenced. Its basic, but so is all good funk.

    That said, I also respect it when someone gets involved with the intricate editing to make a whole mess of samples sound like the whole thing was lifted off one single track.

    I reckon the only thing that identifies truly shite sampling is the pops and clicks where the sound wasn't cut cleanly so the waveform doesn't match up at the start and finish points. Now THAT..........

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts

    I reckon the only thing that identifies truly shite sampling is the pops and clicks where the sound wasn't cut cleanly so the waveform doesn't match up at the start and finish points. Now THAT..........

    My dude who makes beats chops his drums like that and every fucking god damn hit has that annoying ass pop on it. Shit makes me want to stab myself and others.


  • bonzaisk8bonzaisk8 946 Posts
    it sounds like madlib does the dirty loop shyte. some is cool, some is too choppy IMO.

    i liked it at first, now i can't really fug with it anymore.

    but yeah, it does add that human drummer element to it.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    I like sloppy loops.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I like sloppy loops.

    I do too sometimes. Like hate it or love it is pretty sloppy, even though its not a complete loop, but the way they chopped it sorta sloppy is fresh.

    I used to timstretch and get all anal about it, but thats really not neccesary.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    who gives a fuck if its not perfectly sinced. unless the shit sounds mad sloppy, i dont care. It's a beat, unless you're making downtempo Djshadow gayness, then it's not SUPPOSED to sound like an actual song

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    it sounds like madlib does the dirty loop shyte. some is cool, some is too choppy IMO.

    i liked it at first, now i can't really fug with it anymore.

    but yeah, it does add that human drummer element to it.

    No offense to KidGusto, buuuut...

    I always hate to hear that "Sloppy", poorly timed drums make a track sound more like a real drummer. I think thats an insult to musicians. No drummer worth his salt would ever sound so stuttery and amatuer as all these neo soul-ish, akwardly swung drum tracks. A real drummer practices years to sound perfect and, well , metronomic.

    Anyone making tracks like that thinking "fresh!, look how musical i sound!" is pretty moronic IMO. At the very least id say they have spent little to no time behind a drum kit, or proabbaly any instrument for that matter.

  • bonzaisk8bonzaisk8 946 Posts
    been playing the trap kit for over 16 years now mayne.

    human error is always present with any drummer. you can work all you want to sound like a metronome, but it will never sound like a quantized drum machine.

    *oh and when making beats, I never want my produced stuff to sound like a quantized drum machine anyway.

    and no disrespect taken man, but to say i dont know whats up with playing the kit would be a mistake.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    i agree with Gamble. people are like "Jay Dees drums are so natural sounding" im like, no drummer in their right mind would fuckin drum like that

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    The bridge in Cypress Hill's 'How I Could Just Kill A Man' is waaaaaaay off time.

    Word. And you can hear the "Get Out of My Life" drums go off here and there in "Stoned Is the Way of the Walk." That kinda shit makes it sound so funky, though. I'm definitely in the "a little sloppiness is good" camp.

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    I didnt mean to imply that you didnt know how to play. Its the people MAKING this music that i got reservations about.
    Of course there is human error involved in the playing of any instrument. BUT, a real drummer is never so off so that you cant even bob your head to a track (obviously im talkign popular music... some avant garde free jazz type ish is irrelavant to what we are talking about, IMO). I think a prime example of what im talking about is Gangstarrs last album*. Not only was the swing way overdone, but the highhat programming was atrocious. The whole no high hat, early kick, late snare style just reminds me of my little brother trying to play drums. Eh.

    *not the worst offender by any means, but one that struck me.

  • bonzaisk8bonzaisk8 946 Posts
    a lot of dope producers are dope drummers.

    its all about trying something different with that drum machine....

    to each their own brethren.


  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts
    first one I thought of was Raekwan.. (or is it ghostface) Criminology. They tried to loop up that Black Ivory. still love the song though

    First thing in my head too! but like they say, some are like in this case, and some are just bad. Rza's old beats like that just pulsate (ayo),

  • bonzaisk8bonzaisk8 946 Posts
    unless you're making downtempo Djshadow gayness, then it's not SUPPOSED to sound like an actual song

    i might be opening a whole new can of worms here, but... are you saying that all the skill that shadow has is some downtempo gayness?

    can you really back that up? to me dj shadow got crazy respect, because he worked hard as shit doing what he loves to do, like we all do.

    being apart of the whole solesides project is no pippy pappy shit either.

    don't let his fame get in the way of his real skill, because dude is dude because of it.


  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    I always thought that some of the older stuff that sounded sloppy was due to whatever technology was present at the time the music was made... but those machines are still used today... its all in the ear, many people do not hear what seems abvious to others... either that or they were in the studio like in the case of the Brand Nubian first album, I think they did it all in the studio, no pre-production so they could have been rushing... I am so anal about my tracks that I use the song mode on the mpc to arrange my whole track so when I hit the studio, its like patch the mp in and were the beer... I do all my work at home.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    I am so anal about my tracks that I use the song mode on the mpc to arrange my whole track so when I hit the studio, its like patch the mp in and were the beer... I do all my work at home.

    Yeah, what he said!!!! And to add on, I'm a drummer that has played for 30 years. As some have said, yes the goal of a good drummer is to keep perfect timing, so I agree with what representatives of that camp (e.g., Gamble) have said. But, in listening to hip-hop, I can tolerate some minor off-time programming (e.g., J-Dilla is a master at it). I also agree that if it's too sloppy, it can be disruptive to head-bobbin' and dancin' (for those clubby types out there). Like anything else, moderation is the key. By the way, I thought Primo's "The Ownerz" programming was butt too (as were the beats in general). I kept that CD in rotation for less than a week (and I'm a die-hard Gangstarr fan).


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • ever listen to funky town pros?
    they had the wicked awesome ill loops.
    one of my favs.

    thanks kevin beachum for hooking that up.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    [color:white]I like sloppy head.[/color]

  • speshboogiespeshboogie 105 Posts
    I heart sloppy loops.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    What's that song with the annoying one bar sax loop (Stone Alliance?)
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