Umm....ewww? (Fast Food Related)

Tuff_GongTuff_Gong 627 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Just saw this story online... Now more than ever I'm glad I get my drinks without ice.Study: Higher Bacteria In Fast Food Ice Than Toilet WaterA Florida schoolgirl won top prize with a science project proving toilet water is cleaner than ice in fast food restaurants.Jasmine Roberts, 12, of New Tampa, tested her thoery in five local restaurants, reports Tampa Bay's 10 News."My hypothesis was that the fast food restaurants??? ice would contain more bacteria that the fast food restaurants??? toilet water," she said.Jasmine says at each restaurant she flushed the toilet once, then used sterile gloves to gather samples.She also collected ice from soda fountains and asked for cups of ice at drive thru windows. She then tested the samples at a lab.Jasmine said: "I found that 70% of the time, the ice from the fast food restaurant's contain more bacteria than the fast food restaurant's toilet water."Her project won the science fair at Benito Middle School, and she hopes to win the top prize at a regional science and engineering fair.


  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    I feel like such an asshole for yelling at my dog for drinking out of the toilet.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    damn and I live in tampa... makes sence, the inside of a tolit probably gets cleaned 1000x more often then the inside of an ice machine.. I worked in hotels with ice machines.. they are never cleaned. ever.

  • I feel like such an asshole for yelling at my cat for drinking out of the toilet.

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    But I can now expect to owe less to the DWP, as ill be discreetly serving toilet water at barbecues.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    But is all bacteria created equal? I'd rather take my chances with some vague dirt-style bacteria than some bacteria that undoubtedly came from a colon.

    It's like the big record shop that has tons of wax, but has been thoroughly cleaned out since the 80's. Compare that place to the boutique-style shop that has less overall records, but more heaty treats.

    I apologize for comparing a nice boutique store to a toilet, but I'm just asking, is all bacteria created equal?


  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Just another reason why you should not eat at fast food restaurants!!!!!!!!

  • edubedub 715 Posts
    aren't the results actually meaningless, as there's no indication as to the level of bacteria in either ice or toilet.

    saying that one is less than the other does not make one large, and the other small... they can both be small - microscopically so, even.

    Burger King filing IPO... should be worth close to $400M

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    I was speaking to a lady yesterday who told me she used to sell kitchen equipment to restaurants. She told me she will only eat fast food because they have corporate mandated cleaning regiments they are "suppose" to follow. Where as restaurants do not.

  • aren't the results actually meaningless, as there's no indication as to the level of bacteria in either ice or toilet.

    saying that one is less than the other does not make one large, and the other small... they can both be small - microscopically so, even.

    Yeah, I thought about that. Saying that one has more than the other doesn't mean that either is a dangerous level, or even what specific bacteria are being found. Just the same, it doesn't sound real good when a toilet is cleaner than something your mouth comes in contact with. I don't know about you but I'm not about to lick any toilets anytime soon.
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