Lack of women in record mafia



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    I know a few gurls that if they got together and opened up shop, they could run things in this city. They have the knowledge. And to be totally serious... If they are behind the cash register, guy don't mess with them really and are more than happy to not look like a punk and they hand their money over to them.

    Just a side note: In 10-15 years of working at/owning a shop. I never once had a gurl into records or even ones that just bought them for their guy ask for a discount or be a problem in any way. They, along with Japanese buyers were always the best customers.

    Cept for Missbassie... You should have seen her be a punk over some silly 45's!!!


  • ps
    id also like to point out that Heart is a awesome band and i hope you werent trying to knock them ross cuz i will sing you a version of magic man and when its all like "try to understand, try to understand, TRY TRY TRY to understand, im a magic mmmmmmm-m-m-m-mannnnnnn" my shitll make your panties pop off, sun.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Cept for Missbassie... You should have seen her be a punk over some silly 45's!!!

    ahem. that was a 12" i wanted, until i got the stink eye from you and was told "that's my copy"

  • ps
    id also like to point out that Heart is a awesome band and i hope you werent trying to knock them ross cuz i will sing you a version of magic man and when its all like "try to understand, try to understand, TRY TRY TRY to understand, im a magic mmmmmmm-m-m-m-mannnnnnn" my shitll make your panties pop off, sun.

    Pipe down, Dreamboat Annie.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Cept for Missbassie... You should have seen her be a punk over some silly 45's!!!

    ahem. that was a 12" i wanted, until i got the stink eye from you and was told "that's my copy"


    I already told you that when I die, it's going to you!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Cept for Missbassie... You should have seen her be a punk over some silly 45's!!!

    ahem. that was a 12" i wanted, until i got the stink eye from you and was told "that's my copy"


    I already told you that when I die, it's going to you!

    i don't want it if those are the terms.

    what's the word about tonight? you going to make it?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Cept for Missbassie... You should have seen her be a punk over some silly 45's!!!

    ahem. that was a 12" i wanted, until i got the stink eye from you and was told "that's my copy"


    I already told you that when I die, it's going to you!

    i don't want it if those are the terms.

    what's the word about tonight? you going to make it?

    I'm going to the docs office in a few minutes. But I should be there. Is it right inside the Glads?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Cept for Missbassie... You should have seen her be a punk over some silly 45's!!!

    ahem. that was a 12" i wanted, until i got the stink eye from you and was told "that's my copy"


    I already told you that when I die, it's going to you!

    i don't want it if those are the terms.

    what's the word about tonight? you going to make it?

    I'm going to the docs office in a few minutes. But I should be there. Is it right inside the Glads?

    not really, the most east room, entrance off queen - i'll put the poster on the door.

    see you later then!

  • oh i see. this is now the "canada" thread.

    anyways, aside from this whole "who's sexier" shit that's been going on here, i for one am glad there's a lack of women in the record mafia. i mean, you guys know how hard it is for me to suck my belly while digging for records? plus then id have to worry about showering and holding in farts. man, fuck that shit.

    anyways, how's canada my canadians? i mean, is pot legal there? mlle. bassie? is there karaoke? how about some good food? i been to canada but only on the west coast. it was cool and i ate moose burger. it was alright.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    This sure was a disappointing thread. Olski and Crossings, you guys are losers.

    I thought I would have something to contribute, but I don't.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I asked a simple question: why there are not women selling records?
    Now I got guys declaring their love for girlfriends, canadians making plans for tonight and not a single pic of a hot woman or a taxidermy item.

    My own thread is disappointing me.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I asked a simple question: why there are not women selling records?
    Now I got guys declaring their love for girlfriends, canadians making plans for tonight and not a single pic of a hot woman or a taxidermy item.

    My own thread is disappointing me.

    this question can be applied to so many fields where there are less women present than men - and they all have a million reasons, amounting to no one or two really good or satisfying reason(s). it is not a simple question, but simple minds will weigh in.

    what is your theory?

  • funny that this topic popped up....

    theres a record store that I frequent on a daily basis and one of my top rivals there is a female.

    I buy to sell...she buys to collect but we are both into similar shit.

    today I caught her bogarting the bins with some records to her left and her purse to her right. She is FIERCE and doesnt have long nails which she tries to use to her advantage. I gave her a smile and kindly asked her to move her purse out the way.

    Now if only she would make an appearance on soulstrut so I can floss what she missed ;-)

  • cheer up big guy!

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    a few thoughts...

    a) lots girls buy/collect records... honestly, outside of superserious DJ nerds, your avergage 20something girl is more likely to own a turntable than your average 20something boy... records have nice aesthetics and girls like aesthetics... any time i sell records at indie fair type things, i sell tons of Johnny Cash and Syd Barrett records to cute indie girls... the boys are mad i have no rhode island power violence or whatever the fuck they listen to...

    b) while the "baseball card collector" mentaility does cross over to records (i had a nice little collection myself back in the day), the difference is records are MUSIC, baseball cards serve little purpose outside of collecting them (and memorizing stats...). So, while the baseball card collecting bug may help you, for example, cross off every record on your DJ Shadow trainspotting list, it doesn't actually give you any tastes or opinions on music. the girls i know who collect have serious fucking collections and they really don't care if a record is "cool" or if it has a fucking drumbreak, they just like the singer or the song... i know girls who collect serious rockabilly records with the same passion as Jerry Reed records... girls are far less likely to get suckered into paying big bucks for the Hot Record De Jour and more likely to put down money on more timeless pieces (i.e a Little Willie John LP on King Vs. Some Library record with a break that got used last year...)

    c) and while yes, i def. have passed music along to every girl i've dated, they've all had stuff that i hated or knew nothing about, whether it was Tom Jones or whether it was Manu Chao, UK garage or german film soundtracks...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Women at Austin Show.....

    Why there aren't more women at these shows....

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    what is your theory?

    Well, at this point I'm not so sure. I used to think it was something to do with the dirt and the smell usually associated with our beloved records, like they are in conflict with the software/operating system of your misterious minds

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I asked a simple question: why there are not women selling records?
    Now I got guys declaring their love for girlfriends, canadians making plans for tonight and not a single pic of a hot woman or a taxidermy item.

    My own thread is disappointing me.

    In Portland the number of female record store clerks is about equal to male. So in that sense there are as many women selling records. At record shows in portland the numbers are smaller.

    At the Night Owl Record Show we have about 7 women who set up to sell. A little better than 15% of our sellers.

    On the other hand women greatly out number men in nursing, teaching and social work.

    Women are better able to express themselves directly to people. Thus they tend to take jobs where they are working directly with people.

    Men have a harder time expressing themselves. Thus they look for things to express their feelings for them. That's why we make theme mixtapes. The music expresses the feelings we are unable to express.

    Or maybe I'm full of shit.


  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I asked a simple question: why there are not women selling records?
    Now I got guys declaring their love for girlfriends, canadians making plans for tonight and not a single pic of a hot woman or a taxidermy item.

    My own thread is disappointing me.

    In Portland the number of female record store clerks is about equal to male. So in that sense there are as many women selling records. At record shows in portland the numbers are smaller.

    At the Night Owl Record Show we have about 7 women who set up to sell. A little better than 15% of our sellers.

    On the other hand women greatly out number men in nursing, teaching and social work.

    Women are better able to express themselves directly to people. Thus they tend to take jobs where they are working directly with people.

    Men have a harder time expressing themselves. Thus they look for things to express their feelings for them. That's why we make theme mixtapes. The music expresses the feelings we are unable to express.


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    Why there aren't more women at these shows....

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    being influenced by your partner (present or former) to enjoy certain musics is only right and natural. just don't say that it only happens to girls. because it doesn't...

    That was a good drum break
    I feel like making love to all the men tonight

    Yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful night
    Making love to every guy in sight
    Yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful night
    Yeah, a night

    Lots of cute guys in the club tonight
    (You're not kidding)
    Lots of juicy asses hangin' out

    What's your name?
    (Like I've told you before)
    As I've said so many times before
    I don't wanna play no games
    Don't wanna play no games with you tonight

    But I tend to be a loner
    So when you get up in the morning
    I may not be there

    I don't care if you disrespect me
    Just so you love me

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    I asked a simple question: why there are not women selling records?

    I think you won't find many women selling records because of pregnancies. Say they get a whole bunch of records & then get knocked up & you're too busy to sell 'em. 9 months later, the market has changed & now you can't sell your bossa/hip hop 12"/modern soul records for scrilla on ebay. There's no maternity leave in the record game.



  • I asked a simple question: why there are not women selling records?

    this question can be applied to so many fields where there are less women present than men - and they all have a million reasons, amounting to no one or two really good or satisfying reason(s). it is not a simple question, but simple minds will weigh in.

    Well put.

    what is your theory?

    I wrote this whole wordy thing, but its up in cyberspace heaven now, my text gone from refreshed screens. Ug. But to make a long story (that you never read) a little less long (but still probably too long), chicks can have a rough role of the dice when it comes to the ole boys networks, and these still exist, even though we're living in such a progressive age. I.e. how many of our fearless chickenhawk world leaders are crusty ass white male mofos? Too many.

    But getting back to gender bias (or lack thereof), lets look at the history of the girl DJ, record collector, etc. DJing as an art form isn't all that old (compared to other music histories). So just how many early DJs were girls? Not many at all. There's was hardly ANY. So in terms of role models, girls got a late start on that, there wasn't too many folks they could look at and relate to, that would inspire them to get on the decks. As time marches on and more folks have the balls to do it, it only inspires more folks to do it further, and things start to balance out, but we have a ways to go. Quite a ways.

    Plus I think the sex thing is a factor. In terms of soulstrut and why aren't there more girls here, are people all that inviting to girls? And I'm not trying to make to many judgements on this list, since I'm still relatively new here, but I can't really see a 'pictures of hot guys on LPs' thread going, while the vice versa is a 5 pager (where is that graelim). I mean, its all good, I don't mind sexy rekkid covers, but it does sorta encourage some sausage factory schlitz.

    Even this thread. I mean, its a good question, but its also a little challenging, especially knowing there isn't a lot of girls posting here. The tone of it sorta comes off as 'Why haven't chicks stepped up yet?' Anyways, If you have studied history you probably have good idea why. If you haven't czeck 'A People's History of the United States', lots of good insights thurr. Fer christ's sake women didn't even get to vote less than a 100 years ago or so, and throughout history they've never been on completely equal level. But things are sloooooowly changing. Or are they getting worse? I can't tell. But there is more women DJs and collectors, so that can't be bad.

    In terms of girlfriends and DJing, my girl has been spinning for as long or longer than me, and schooled me on many a jam. She went to hip hop parties when they were gluing 45s to 12s to rock doubles, she bought Super Lover Cee and Stezo when they come out. She appreciates OG and has some pieces but she's not some high money raer playa. She is very open minded and moves with the times in a good way (i.e. collecting the real shit as opposed to the trends, she's downloading a bunch of brazilian baile funk as we speak). While we don't have those fights some couples have ("how long are you going to be in that store") we have gotten into arguements on other things ("I saw that record 1st!"). But we 'work it out' in the end.

    And to bring this question full circle, she organized the Night Owl record fairs in NYC (which she's changing the name cos the of the Portland one). So there is a few girls in the wheelin' and dealin' game, tho she's more on the adminstrative tip. But she's a woman and she's doing it, and I'm sure there's more in the works...


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    Plus I think the sex thing is a factor. In terms of soulstrut and why aren't there more girls here, are people all that inviting to girls? And I'm not trying to make to many judgements on this list, since I'm still relatively new here, but I can't really see a 'pictures of hot guys on LPs' thread going, while the vice versa is a 5 pager (where is that graelim). I mean, its all good, I don't mind sexy rekkid covers, but it does sorta encourage some sausage factory schlitz.

    maybe Im gettin it twisted, so I apologise ahead of time but On the Sex tip:

    You cant assume that because most of the people on here are men, that women have no interest in what is being said or seen. Rest Assured, I'm not about to start/post "the sausage link'' thread anytime soon. And to be quite honest I think women are way more pleasurable to look at then men.
    For christmas my man gave me a couple of novelty picture books:
    Vixens of Vinyl and Naked Vinyl. So who's to say that I wouldnt enjoy that sexiest covers thread anyways??

    As far as selling vinyl goes, Junkies and Dealers come in all shapes and sizes, and the addiction itself doesnt discriminate.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    And to be quite honest I think women are way more pleasurable to look at then men.

    Dear Alice, if you are a woman, that sentence was

    Now, if you are a dude, we already knew that since we were 5 years old, right?

    Anyway, I'd like to think you look like Angelina Jolie, you like records and you just said you take pleasure in looking at women
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