FRIDAY night - What are you doin'?



  • drewn, you heard from mord?
    it is first friday....a good night to come to philly for the first time.
    i will try to swing by on the way home from work...but ive been putting time into romancing an ITJ and want to keep that going.

    last night i dranks some of the cheap champagne bottle that had been sitting in my friends yard uncorked for 4 days. shared it with his mortgage lender. wasnt too bad (or good). so i really dont feel the need to drink anymore this weekend

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Haven't gotten a call from him yet. I think he'll hit us up tomorrow. Gimme a call or come thru if romancin' isn't happenin' tonight!

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    i really dont feel the need to drink anymore this weekend

    this is a concept i do not understand

  • Art opening that I'm really excited about...

    Then, home for a couple beers and talk over a seriously unexpected job offer with the fiancee. Man, I hate to complain about this, but this is an expected stress for the weekend. I like my job, but this offer...gonna be tough to pass up.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Either I'll be drinking this...

    or this...

    Mix them on the half and half tip.


    How does one make a "Snakebite"?

    How do you seperate the Guiness Stout from the ale? I can never get it right.

    Same, I've never been able to make a proper one.


    Oh wait.. a snakebite you use a cider tho no? Strongbowwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Yes, you need a strong cider like Strongbow (though its bastard American cousin Woodchuck would work too i guess), and a light-bodied pilsner/ale (Stella works great). Combine the two in roughly equal portions depending on your taste, and finish with a splash of current flavored cordial syrup (Ribena works well, as does Schwepps...or Chambourd for the ballers). Enjoy.

    I've heard rumors that some pubs in London banned them from being served cause people would start to act crazy after a few pints. They're quite popular with the student crowd, and I think they're pretty tasty...fuck you up too.

  • I will be driving 10 hours through the night to DC with my mom, two sisters, and lady for the "Bush Step Down" protest tomorrow.

    A family that smashes the right wing together, stays together.


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    will pack my records now and go to this bar where i will dj for my own birthday! Ha! Enjoy yourselves in the real world, I will start now!!!!



    happy birthday!

    I'm going to sit around some more this afternoon and then watch Flightplan, which I have been waiting to see for a while, haha. Planes but no snakes.

    I was going to binge and rent Broken Flowers, too, but I'm trying to pace myself.

  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts
    "You Can't Blame Me"

    Soooooo good, that track kills me everytime.

    That sounds hella fun Drewn, I'm gonna have to make it out to ya'lls east coast neck of the woods someday to witness that.

    I love how all the east coast dudes are like what's up for tonight, and I woke up like an hour ago out here in the west. To my admittedly somewhat shameful surprise, Primo KILLED it last night!!! I was all shook after reading various strut accounts of weird goings on in the past, but dude killed it skraight up. I was up till 3 and this is my day off so I slept in like a wee baby, aaahhh. Now I'm drinking coffee and bumping JoshfulRotations Euro mix, ees good.

    Tonight I might go to Night of the Remix at Milk to support fam. I don't know though. I want to cook a fat ass dinner and drink a buncha wine and smoke some of that good shit. Enough rambling though, enjoy your weekends batches!

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Work on my demo, then sleep so I can get up early and finish my demo.

    I'm officially done with Friday nights unless I or someone really cool is DJing. The combination of being super tired from a full work week and desperately needing all of Saturday to work on music has made the Friday 'get plastered cuz it's the weekend' obsolete. Such is life when you have 2 career paths.

    DJ Ferrari

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    ice cold Vanilla Stoli and Coke.

    oh and dro.

    may just stay home and do the music thing. after last weeks blackout-hangover-from-hell imma take it easy tonight.

  • DJing at Local 16 from 10PM til close -

    actually the crowd will look more like this:

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    Tonight, I'm going to eat dinner with my dad and afterwards going to my ex-girlfriend-but-still-my-friend-sometimes-friend-with-benefits house to care for her while she's physically rattled from getting her tonsils taken out and the subsequent emotion-evoking pain killers. Later tonight, I might go home and watch the rest of The Eiger Sanction.

  • I will be driving 10 hours through the night to DC with my mom, two sisters, and lady for the "Bush Step Down" protest tomorrow.

    A family that smashes the right wing together, stays together.


    aaron, i didnt hear about this. plaese to represent for me to brova

  • I will be driving 10 hours through the night to DC with my mom, two sisters, and lady for the "Bush Step Down" protest tomorrow.

    A family that smashes the right wing together, stays together.


    aaron, i didnt hear about this. plaese to represent for me to brova

    Will do, T, will do.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    seeing Bernie Worrell play at my sometime place of employment, tonic...

    and then maybe going to that mod thing at Beauty Bar...

    incidentally, i was just talking with Bernie, who is the nicest guy in the world, and we had the following conversation...

    me (in my best Larry David): hey bernie, let me ask you something... is it true you guys recorded "free your mind..." all tripping on acid?

    bernie: we were tripping on acid for a lot more stuff than that...

    (both laugh)

  • Weed, records, watch a movie or two w/ my wife. Went out mid-week so gonna keep it on the low this evening. Y'all all be safe out 'dere.

  • if you see bernie again anytime soon, ask him if he remembers gigging with quinn harris at berkeley... 1968.


  • Bout to get off work...walk home in the rain, eat, smoke, chill for an hour, walk to my second job in the rain, run sound for the worst band in Memphis, drink on the job, and finally go home again...hopefully not in the rain.

  • I'm "rocking" the Marina tonite (For non-Bay folks, The Marina=Bridge and Tunnell people).This last hour of work is gonna go slow.

  • seeing Bernie Worrell play at my sometime place of employment, tonic...

    and then maybe going to that mod thing at Beauty Bar...

    incidentally, i was just talking with Bernie, who is the nicest guy in the world, and we had the following conversation...

    me (in my best Larry David): hey bernie, let me ask you something... is it true you guys recorded "free your mind..." all tripping on acid?

    bernie: we were tripping on acid for a lot more stuff than that...

    (both laugh)

    I wish I could go too, (both Bernie and Beauty bar sound like a great time) but the lady and I are going to watch some netflicks and make dinner. We've been goin out almost every night. By the way, any LA headz see Wanda Jackson at Ameoba a couple days ago? She still has it no doubt, but I can't stand the rockabilly scenesters that flooded the place with red bandanas, and cuffed blue jeans.

  • picking out records for a gig tomorrow, relaxing..listening to some musak.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Wifey and I are going to a dope Japanese bar across the street. Legit izakaya. Yakiniku teishoku, Nihonshu and Kirin on draft. The realness.

  • I'm sitting in class right now... Nothing's more fun on a Friday night that taking a class in "Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment". And the fun doesn't stop -- I get to be back here tomorrow at 8am!

  • I went out to dinner with my girl and a friend, we went to P.F. Chang's. I'd never been there before and I gotta say that place was TERRIBLE. Wow. Anyway after that we played glow in the dark indoor putt putt. The last hole was like a ski-ball game where if you got the ball stuck on this little pedestal in the middle you won a iPod Nano. This 5 year old kid in the group in front of us stuck the shot, it was absolutely amazing. Then we came home, and I'm about to call it a night because I have to be at work at 7AM.

  • Bleu Collar First Friday folls! 99cent cover charge before 11.

    cats is killin it.

  • oh yeh Fire Cracker as well LA heads know the deal.
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