Motorist vs. Courier

ekhamekham 3 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Has anyone seen this on the news? do you think about it?


  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    yeah i saw this as it was a local hot topic.

    to put this in context dude is in kensignton market.. this is the most bohemian / hippie / patchouli neighbourhood in the city of toronto.. its a semi pedestrian zone (with regular car free days) and is easily one of the worst spots in the entire city to park / drive

    dude is a straight up douche for driving his yuppie ass SUV into the market to slum it with the locals, and then he needs to throw the trash in the street.. man dude is lucky he didnt get a mudhole stomped for that alone.. but to then attack a courier.. oh man he's lucky he made it out of there alive.. that hood is like the lions den... dude needs to get his ass back to missisauga pronto.

    the thing that isnt clear from the entire proceedings is whether the chick just saw him throwing the garbage or whether he threw the garbage in the street which happend to be i nthe path of her bike and thus a potential hazrd.. if i hadda slam on the breaks to avoid his garbage you'd best believe shit woulda ended up in his SUV.

    when i was in indiana there was one street corner i hadda cross nearly every day to get to work.. cars could turn when the pedestrian signal was on and i almost got hit on a weekly basis.. i kicked numerous fenders as the cars would wizz by .. shit got so ridiculous i used to carry a rock in my jacket pocket and whip it at the backs of the cars as they drove by...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Things are serious.... Toronto is fucked up with bikers and motorist. Many people on bikes have died. My gurl was hit about a month ago and luckly she wasn't hurt. Just shook up. I wanted to give her a bit of shit after cause she wasn't wearing her helmet (Which she usually always does) and she let the guy go without doing anything. Her bike was a write off and now sits at her place all fucked up. I guess she wasn't thinking straight cause the guy did try to help her, but she was so in shock she just walked home.

    That said. Many bikers don't follow any sort of rules. I watch them all the time weaving in and out of traffic. It's almost once a week I go "Oh shit, that dude almost got nailed" while walking around the city.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    toronto has both the worst bike riders AND the worst drivers i've ever seen.

    its truely a tragic copacetic shitty relationship

    that said i give the bikers more swerve as they are the ones libal to get killed in an accident not the driver.

    i was walking down the dufferin jog after a session i nthe studio before xmas with two friends and i saw a car come along from over a block away ..we are i nthe middle of the crosswalk by the time he's edging towards us and im like "this dude aint stopping!" yelled what the fuck and we al lproceeded to get plowed over by some 90 year old granddad and his comatose bitch wife... no injuries as i was already jumping out of the way mind you but my buddies girl went right up on his hood.. without batting an eye i put a nice boot in his fender and she proceeded to get mad agro with his wife on the passenger side but dude never said a word and hauled before we got plate numbers...

    no one over 70 should be aloud to drive without regular testing if you ask me.. i was wearing a white jacket fer fucks sake.

  • yeah for sure the blame lies on both cyclists and drivers. i have to admit that i'm a bit biased towards couriers, they put up with tonnes of shit from drivers. my ex was very seriously injured at work by a twat who just couldn't look both ways before making a left turn in front of him. luckily he was wearing his helmet or he would have been killed and no mistake.
    95 percent of people turn into dicks when they get behind the wheel (myself included). having said that many cyclists ignore rules as well, which can be almost as dangerous.
    i think the courier would have whipped his ass though..

  • man run a search before you post.

    bassie put this up like two days ago right?

  • sorry bout that... didn't look far enough back

  • I don't care what the situation is. Dude attacking a women for any reason is

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    OMG, that fucker should get his face STOMPED. I WILL NOT tolerate that bull shit. As you may know, I don't drive a car and a bike is my transportation. Situations like this do occur occasionally but can usually be halted by a well placed luggie (diver's side open window). But as you can see it can get outta hand. A good friend got his arm broke in a very similar situation. Watch your self and SWING A BIG LOCK. The hardened chain ones you can use as a belt can fuck shit up.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    i did post this a couple of days ago, but my sexy title - Street Wars - just wasn't sexy enough!

    whoever commented in the link that the girlfriend should get out while she can gave good advice.

    i do not like littering.

  • Going to take the opposite side here, I drive a delivery van for a living and used to bike a lot up 'till a few years ago and the number of cyclists who think they own the road are endless.I've had fools all over the place with no indication of where they are going and what they are doing,this goes for,motorcyclists as well.

    When I used to ride I was extra carefull on the roads as I live in a busy city and common sense told me that a lot of time its hard to see cyclists from a car/van/truck and as we all know in an altracation with one of them its always the guy on the bike who loses.

    Guy was out of line for littering but if she had thrown it back through my window I'd have bounced it off her helmet!!!

    As you said putting your hands on a woman never looks good however if one raises her hand to you, you are well within your rights to defend yourself.

    In closing my little rant I think it should be like holland with seperate cycle lanes parallel with the roads.

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts

    Going to take the opposite side here, I drive a delivery van for a living and used to bike a lot up 'till a few years ago and the number of cyclists who think they own the road are endless.I've had fools all over the place with no indication of where they are going and what they are doing,this goes for,motorcyclists as well.

    When I used to ride I was extra carefull on the roads as I live in a busy city and common sense told me that a lot of time its hard to see cyclists from a car/van/truck and as we all know in an altracation with one of them its always the guy on the bike who loses.

    Guy was out of line for littering but if she had thrown it back through my window I'd have bounced it off her helmet!!!

    As you said putting your hands on a woman never looks good however if one raises her hand to you, you are well within your rights to defend yourself.

    In closing my little rant I think it should be like holland with seperate cycle lanes parallel with the roads.

    Couldn't agree more with some aspects....Toronto has some bike lanes, but REALLY needs MANY more. Of course the real problem....where the hell do they go? This city has seen growth that quite frankly it hasn't been able to handle. Our cool cosmopolitan city is going through a real rough patch, and EVERYONE is doing their best to survive and do good, and EVERYONE is fucking up as well.

    I have been both a bike everywhere, and drive everywhere guy, and see the problems. One strong problem is that motorists feel that cyclists can get away with absolute murder (running red lights constantly, riding on sidewalks....etc.), where a motorist is basically penalised for just driving. This is of course untrue, but the feelings do mount. Cyclists certainly feel that cars ONLY pollute, hog the road and completely disregard everyone else. Again, this is untrue to a degree, but one is not to be blamed for thinking it.

    Kensington couldn't be cooler, but it suffers like anywhere else. Making a huge fuss out of this was really a slow news day, and the media making us even angrier with those we perceive to be on the other side of the argument. We all walk, bike and ride in a car at some point, and really need to see this so we have more respect for the person in the opposite side of the argument at the time.

  • Going to take the opposite side here, I drive a delivery van for a living and used to bike a lot up 'till a few years ago and the number of cyclists who think they own the road are endless.I've had fools all over the place with no indication of where they are going and what they are doing,this goes for,motorcyclists as well.

    When I used to ride I was extra carefull on the roads as I live in a busy city and common sense told me that a lot of time its hard to see cyclists from a car/van/truck and as we all know in an altracation with one of them its always the guy on the bike who loses.

    Guy was out of line for littering but if she had thrown it back through my window I'd have bounced it off her helmet!!!

    As you said putting your hands on a woman never looks good however if one raises her hand to you, you are well within your rights to defend yourself.

    In closing my little rant I think it should be like holland with seperate cycle lanes parallel with the roads.

    Couldn't agree more with some aspects....Toronto has some bike lanes, but REALLY needs MANY more. Of course the real problem....where the hell do they go? This city has seen growth that quite frankly it hasn't been able to handle. Our cool cosmopolitan city is going through a real rough patch, and EVERYONE is doing their best to survive and do good, and EVERYONE is fucking up as well.

    I have been both a bike everywhere, and drive everywhere guy, and see the problems. One strong problem is that motorists feel that cyclists can get away with absolute murder (running red lights constantly, riding on sidewalks....etc.), where a motorist is basically penalised for just driving. This is of course untrue, but the feelings do mount. Cyclists certainly feel that cars ONLY pollute, hog the road and completely disregard everyone else. Again, this is untrue to a degree, but one is not to be blamed for thinking it.

    Kensington couldn't be cooler, but it suffers like anywhere else. Making a huge fuss out of this was really a slow news day, and the media making us even angrier with those we perceive to be on the other side of the argument. We all walk, bike and ride in a car at some point, and really need to see this so we have more respect for the person in the opposite side of the argument at the time.

    Seems like we are both reading from the same page mate, my only other thought that didn't occur to be before was that as a motorist I have to do the following things...

    1 : Learn to drive & Pass driving test
    2 : Car must pass MOT
    3 : Pay Road Tax (up to ??175 per year)
    4 : Pay car Insurance (approx ??300 for a 1 litre VW)

    As a cyclist I have to do the following...

    1: Get on a bike

    I think cyclists should have to pass a test, pay for tax/insurance and register their vehicle etc.

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts

    Going to take the opposite side here, I drive a delivery van for a living and used to bike a lot up 'till a few years ago and the number of cyclists who think they own the road are endless.I've had fools all over the place with no indication of where they are going and what they are doing,this goes for,motorcyclists as well.

    When I used to ride I was extra carefull on the roads as I live in a busy city and common sense told me that a lot of time its hard to see cyclists from a car/van/truck and as we all know in an altracation with one of them its always the guy on the bike who loses.

    Guy was out of line for littering but if she had thrown it back through my window I'd have bounced it off her helmet!!!

    As you said putting your hands on a woman never looks good however if one raises her hand to you, you are well within your rights to defend yourself.

    In closing my little rant I think it should be like holland with seperate cycle lanes parallel with the roads.

    Couldn't agree more with some aspects....Toronto has some bike lanes, but REALLY needs MANY more. Of course the real problem....where the hell do they go? This city has seen growth that quite frankly it hasn't been able to handle. Our cool cosmopolitan city is going through a real rough patch, and EVERYONE is doing their best to survive and do good, and EVERYONE is fucking up as well.

    I have been both a bike everywhere, and drive everywhere guy, and see the problems. One strong problem is that motorists feel that cyclists can get away with absolute murder (running red lights constantly, riding on sidewalks....etc.), where a motorist is basically penalised for just driving. This is of course untrue, but the feelings do mount. Cyclists certainly feel that cars ONLY pollute, hog the road and completely disregard everyone else. Again, this is untrue to a degree, but one is not to be blamed for thinking it.

    Kensington couldn't be cooler, but it suffers like anywhere else. Making a huge fuss out of this was really a slow news day, and the media making us even angrier with those we perceive to be on the other side of the argument. We all walk, bike and ride in a car at some point, and really need to see this so we have more respect for the person in the opposite side of the argument at the time.

    Seems like we are both reading from the same page mate, my only other thought that didn't occur to be before was that as a motorist I have to do the following things...

    1 : Learn to drive & Pass driving test
    2 : Car must pass MOT
    3 : Pay Road Tax (up to ??175 per year)
    4 : Pay car Insurance (approx ??300 for a 1 litre VW)

    As a cyclist I have to do the following...

    1: Get on a bike

    I think cyclists should have to pass a test, pay for tax/insurance and register their vehicle etc.

    tempting idea...but wouldn't work really. Bicycles need to be as easy as "get on and go". It's the only way we can encourage more of us to leave the cars at home...which the planet needs right about now. Honestly, i don't really like driving my car, but feel that a road trip to the States to buy records would be next to impossible with a 10 speed so here i go trying to get the politicians to hurry up and give us a cleaner burning and reasonable priced automobile....
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