Thanks Canonical (Folkways book related)



  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I like this book beacuase I have a lot of the records in it. It makes me feel better about myself than the Funk Lexicon.

    So your copy has prices in it?

    Reynaldo added them.
    But did he add ratings?

    yes. My "Sounds of Insects" gets an 11 and Reynaldo would pay $600 for it.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Late-passing on the Folkways book recipient list, I just recieved this goodie in the mail today. Two thumbs up to Canonical for hooking me up with this little gem. And thanks for the matchstick art bonus:

    Also got "The Music Library" and "Cocinando" from the bookstore a couple of days ago. That's 3 really nice additions to my bookshelf this week. I'm feeling good right now
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