This SATURDAY you folls you folls...

iron_monkeyiron_monkey 985 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
2819 PICO BLVD, SANTA MONICA (near 28th)Roll through, say hi, get some drank, shake that thang! DO IT!!



  • dammit! santa monica?!?

  • Why?

    Is this a bad thing?

  • no.

    its great that youre doing your thing. that part is awesome.

    im just not a fan of santa monica and the $12 glass of jack and ice.

  • Just keepin this fresh...

    No page 3 status dood!

    Where my peoples at?

    Roll call plaese...

  • i am gonna try my damndest!

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    I've got 2 birthday parties to attend on saturday as well as a meeting with a client....not gonna be able to do it...

  • I'm DJing that night. In North Carolina.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,109 Posts
    Count me in.

  • parenparen 537 Posts
    golly. west coast mltfrm movements. words words words. see yall soon.

  • are you djing? cus none of those names look familiar.

  • You know I'm there every 2nd and 4th Wednesday now... Frane every 3rd.

    I wanna come but my house is having a party that night.


  • Ts**a filled in for half an hour and totally schooled me. Dude should be DJing.

    That place is cool. For Santa Monica it's better than as good as it gets. People should go.

  • parenparen 537 Posts
    KN (grandfathered in...) and sweet! this will be a popbanger no doubt... wish i were there. have fun, dudes.

  • are you djing? cus none of those names look familiar.

    uhh, yeah dude...

    I'm Adrian Milan

    decided to shake that IM moniker and go with the grown and sexy real name steelo.

  • You know I'm there every 2nd and 4th Wednesday now... Frane every 3rd.

    I wanna come but my house is having a party that night.


    You got tables dood?

    Maybe I can roll through and bless the proceedings with some

    Not trynna invite myself to your git-down... just sayin

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