

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Whoa. Ok, I'm kind of sold on not getting one either. Plus, I got another two years left on my current AppleCare.

  • Bad look how? I'm not disagreeing, just curious as to what your concerns are.

    well, for starters, any new product on the market will have bugs to work out, and in this case its many things:

    1) all the software is using a translation technology called Rosetta until the developers can make upgrades/patches to make them compliant with the new intel technology. Tests have shown that with Rosetta, some of the new intel macs run SLOWER than the OGs. This will change in time...

    2) the intel duo core chips are BRAND NEW - first time on the market. What kind of quirks will need to be worked out on these? Who knows, but generally there is always some tweaking that needs to be done after it's been tested in 'the real world'.

    3) apple and intel released the new macs about 6 months ahead of their projected schedule - when you rush shit, you may overlook some important details.

    Now all this is not to say that the macbookpro won't kick the powerbooks ass by the end of the year, we're just saying it's a good look to not get the first generation of a new product, as historically they tend to be the most buggy.

    Oh, and the reason they call it the Macbook pro instead of G5 powerbook, is marketing - Steve-O mentioned it in the keynote address for Macworld, they wanted a change, and to re-incorporate the Mac brand name into their notebook line.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    apple is infamous for dragging people into the next level kicking and screaming. they tend to let the public be the guinea pig rather than a lab full of technicians. in a way this is good, but it sucks if you're the labrat who loses all their info ect.


  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    pro apps on the intel chip right now is so not a good look. I do not recommend it for anyone planning on using photoshop, protools etc....For less intesnsive apps like office, rosetta will be able to handle w/o much of a slowdown.

    No fw800 and a stripped down superdrive irks me, 4x single layer burning is not going to cut it. S-video will be available w/ a cheap $20 adapter, and for those that need a modem, a usb one is available. They removed it from the imac a few months ago, so this move was expected. The screen is missing a small amount of resolution, but is supposed to be much clearer/brighter. All reports say it's an improvement, so I'll reserve judgement until it actually shows up in stores.

    If you do want to buy a new mac, the intel imac is a far superior choice to the macbook pro.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    If you do want to buy a new mac, the intel imac is a far superior choice to the macbook pro.

    Except that it's not a laptop. Apples and oranges.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    doesn't matter, it's a superior machine in every regard.

    plus I'm throwing it out as general advice, not just at raj.
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