Phreaking / Hacking...

djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
Anyone get into this shit...I actually was aprehended by the Federal Police back in the day for Blue Boxing... when Australia got a new telephone company, they left the hole right open on the 1-800 gateway to international operators. We were breaking the lines and gettin' busy on BBS' with warez on the 1400 baud modems.Damn, I did a lot of crazy shit back in the day... at&t calling cards, divertors, payphone scams... I was pretty heavy into the shit from the late 80s - mid 90s...Anyone else even know what I'm talkin' about... Can I get a 2600 Cap'n Crunch whistle??peace.


  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    a buddy of mine was all about this shit. Heavy. Warez all the way. That is all he talked about. All kinds of scams.

    he got no ass.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    he got no ass.

    I got a fair bit of ass during that time... once I got busted, they kinda put me on this probabtion deal thingy... so I gave up, once I gave up the pussy just kept comin'

    Warez and MP3 diggin' will ruin your mackin' skillz...


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I messed around a bit back in the 80's. Back when BBS boards were the fucking real deal...

    First trick I learned was how to make any phone call you back. When ur 9, shit like getting the phone to ring and have ur parents bug out is funny shit.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    so I gave up, once I gave up the pussy just kept comin'

    For a minute here I thought this was record related

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Paging MoSS! Paging MoSS! Plaese to join this thread and kill it with related stories!!!!

  • parenparen 537 Posts
    paging pj...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I had one of the radio shack blueboxes back in my college days. It worked flawlessly until one day whenever I would "put in my quarters" the operator would break through and ask for real quarters.

    Anyone ever use the Captain Crunch whistle?

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I used a program called bluebeep... the readme.txt had the 1-800 number to call and the tones to use... shit was dope. I cranked the Soundblaster and my stereo so loud I didn't even need to put the phone up to the speaker... haha...

    Another scam in Australia was that you used be able to dial "199" then hang the handset up, it would ring back, telephone company technicians used to use it to test the phone was working... anyhow if you picked the handset up, hung it up for a milisecond, then picked it up again, it would lock the phone up **BUT** the handset would still work and have an open dialtone. So we rolled down to Tandy (Radio Shack) to pick up a "tone dialler" (a device used to generate phone tones for people who used to use Voice Mail boxes back when rotary phones were still around)... and we held that shit up on the handset with the open dialton and could call as long as we wanted anywhere!!!! That shit worked for like 5 years!! People were getting suspect near my house tho, cuz the phone would ring back constantly hahah...

    I remember one time I scanned a whole range of 1-800 numbers for Voice Mail boxes...


  • I had one of the radio shack blueboxes back in my college days. It worked flawlessly until one day whenever I would "put in my quarters" the operator would break through and ask for real quarters.

    Believe that's a redbox... It's wild but in 94 - 95 there were still some phones you could do that on!

    I was involved with this stuff in high school. Thankfully this was in the BBS days so there's nothing online.....

    ......I have pictures though. I will post if o-dub posts his prom pic!

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I had one of the radio shack blueboxes back in my college days. It worked flawlessly until one day whenever I would "put in my quarters" the operator would break through and ask for real quarters.

    Believe that's a redbox... It's wild but in 94 - 95 there were still some phones you could do that on!

    I was involved with this stuff in high school. Thankfully this was in the BBS post-industrial goth madness days so there's nothing online.....

    ......I have pictures though. I will post if o-dub posts his prom pic!

    Yes--more pics!

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    yeah i was into this when i was in middle school, well phone hacking, etc. stealing AOL accounts out the ass, credit card numbers, all that. me and a friend got into a little trouble, and that was the end of that. good and nerdy times, up into wee hours of the morning, drankin on Mountain Dew.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I used a program called bluebeep... the readme.txt had the 1-800 number to call and the tones to use... shit was dope. I cranked the Soundblaster and my stereo so loud I didn't even need to put the phone up to the speaker... haha...

    Another scam in Australia was that you used be able to dial "199" then hang the handset up, it would ring back, telephone company technicians used to use it to test the phone was working... anyhow if you picked the handset up, hung it up for a milisecond, then picked it up again, it would lock the phone up **BUT** the handset would still work and have an open dialtone. So we rolled down to Tandy (Radio Shack) to pick up a "tone dialler" (a device used to generate phone tones for people who used to use Voice Mail boxes back when rotary phones were still around)... and we held that shit up on the handset with the open dialton and could call as long as we wanted anywhere!!!! That shit worked for like 5 years!! People were getting suspect near my house tho, cuz the phone would ring back constantly hahah...

    I remember one time I scanned a whole range of 1-800 numbers for Voice Mail boxes...


    Yeah, thats what I was talking about above. There was even a code to put in that would make it so the phone would never stop ringin' until it was unplugged.

    We use to do it on payphones all the time.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    ..and i cant forget the fake ID shit.

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts

    This was what I was busted for.

    I was heavy into that shit for most of highschool and before. Just kept pushing and pushing till eventually I got caught. My biggest success was that I wrote a set of script files for my phoneprogram (I forget the name), that would automatically try a huge number of common passwords. So I'd put on my wardialing program, which would dial exchanges all night and all day while i was at school. Then I'd get home from school and have a list of computers that the wardialer found. I'd feed that list into my phone prog, and my scripts would check them out for simple passwords. Usually based on whether they were a well known system (like Unix, VAX or System75s). System75s were like gold back then. They were the computers that controlled companies PBX's. So you take control of that and you can charge free phone calls to the System75. Long distance BBSing for free. sweet.

    I got caught for the Circuit Court of Appeals sytem (as it says in the article), but I definately had all the passwords for it. They were in an unencrypted text file sitting in the directory of one of the users! It was a sweet system, cause certain users were all menu driven, so I could actually look through the sytem just like they would. Unfortunately it was so cool I went back one too many times and someone noticed a 'last login' had changed. I didn't cover my tracks, so...whatcanyoudo.

    They put a DNR on my line and recorded all my activity for a month. Caught me making thousands and thousands of phone calls (wardialing). Caught me breaking into Sheraton Hotels. Which was a SWEET unix system. This was pre-internet days, and all Sheraton hotels were connected via a network. So you get into one unix system and you can get into them all. HUNDREDS of hotels too. And each one had the credit card numbers and information of the new guests that checked in that day in an unencrypted file. So that was 300 or so virgin credit card numbers PER DAY I could get access to. I never used them myself, tho. They also caught me breaking into bank computers (technically bank fraud), wire fraud, computer fraud...oh you name it they had a charge for it.

    But my dad worked with the FBI alot at his job at the National Archives, so they knew him and came to bust me before my 18th birthday. Most the charges were just dropped cause i was a minor. They could have waited a month, and busted me post-18, in which case I would have definately gone to jail.

    When they busted me I was downstairs with my girlfriend at the time, making out on the couch. I never got ass then, but we dry humped like mad. My brother comes rushing in (luckily she had put her shirt back on), and was like "The cops are at the door!". I freaked....haha. I had picked up my girl, so she didn't have her car with her. She got driven home by the feds. That must have been an interesting conversation with her parents. My dad was called, and he was on the golf course. He comes home, and rather than being mad, he was practically laughing and all proud of me.

    The feds sent in a dude from washington to interview me for some task force or something, and he was like "I never want to see your name on my desk again, unless its on a job application". haha


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Now thats a muthafukkin' story.

    Did you get banned from puter or phone use? What was ur sentence?

    Where's the pic of you? Mugshot??

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts much as I want to share, that ish in my past. I just did a search in google and I still see people talking about me and ish and it's been 15+ years. Really, I was lucky I was young. Two cats did 1-2 years, a next man got deported. Hell, I even found someone talking about me on some site just now, and it's been over 15 years since the shit hit the fan.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    MoSS, were you down with those d00ds with the shop by the eaton centre? Or that lil flea market plaza (Shit can't remember the name) just north of Dundas on the east side of yonge?I can remember them gettin busted around 92.

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    MoSS, were you down with those d00ds with the shop by the eaton centre? Or that lil flea market plaza (Shit can't remember the name) just north of Dundas on the east side of yonge?I can remember them gettin busted around 92.

    Man...yup...they got their titles from me... I was online with Japan 5-6 hours a night from 90-93. They key to all of this was I had a friend who worked for EA, so I'd get all the BETA SEGA and SNES 1-2 months before it hit the store. We were the first to hack SF2 on the SNES. We supplied it back to Japan.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    Oh yeah, Razor 1911 that group was KILLIN' it for a long time there... I remember when Doom2 came out... I got it as a 0 hour ware off that KILLER BBS -- MIRAGE (RZR1911HQ) and couriered it to a shitload of other bbs'... that was the ware of the year and lots of Sysops upped my ratio... I hated that shit on the Razor 1911 HQ it was like a 1:1 ratio... they hated people for uploading lame shit too... and using calling cards and blueboxing from Australia meant the line was real shit and everything took so long, tons of errors etc... so I had to use Zmodem instead of Ymodem-G... lame...

    I used to do a bit of couriering for HYBRiD (towards the end of their legacy), I did a bit of shit for German group aFL (Alpha Flight)... + some other groups...

    Anyone remember iNC, ThG? The P.I.T.S. BBS, the ACiD packs... man, I could just go on forever with this shit... people on the net these days just don't know about that old shit... such great times...

    I pulled out an old text file a couple of years back which had a few virgin AT&T calling cards I got from an operator who would write them down for me at work when people would place calls... those shits still worked about 8 years after the fact!! Felt a bit weird using them... just tried they worked and forgot about fuckin' with it... i'd probably get busted quick... back in the day, that shit didn't matter, you would just go rank. I remember when AT&T threatened that they were going to use VOICE PRINTING to catch dudes using fraudulant cards...

    I miss those days sometimes... 24oo baud, 2 nodes and shit, Celerity BBS...


  • I never really got into phreaking, but when I was in university, we were able to get free phone calls by messing with the pay phone in the dorm. Basically, we removed the cover from the mic part of the phone. There's a red wire and a black wire connected to the mic. We held the contacts of the wires against that metal thing that you hang the phone up on, I guess it shorted out the circuit somehow, and then you could dial for free. Local, long distance, no charge.

    No one ever got caught, but the phone company must have figured out what we were doing since they came by and put a ton of epoxy on the phone so you couldn't remove the cover.

    Are people still into phreaking, or have digital networks changed the game completely?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Ahhh right. Damn, I wish I would have known you back then... I use to walk down from starsound to pick up shit. I was down with some C64 BBS and had that shit on lock. But never had any console hookups. Rackin' stuff off to the burb kids was nice...

    HA... I have no idea how we never talked before SS. Especially since we have some good friends in common.


  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    Now thats a muthafukkin' story.

    Did you get banned from puter or phone use? What was ur sentence?

    Where's the pic of you? Mugshot??

    Not a mugshot....just my high school pic. I got booked, and held in the drunk tank to scare me, thats all. Ended up getting a misdemeanor and a big fine.

    I was never into warez heavy tho, just hacking & phreaking. And definately more into hacking. Although back then the two were hand and hand. I remember being on these huge coast to coast teleconference calls where dudes would just kill time and 3way prank call people, junk like that. Best part of that was when this kid 'silver fox' from new york told us about this new local hiphop group 'Wu Tang Clan' that was gonna take over everything, and realizing a year later that we had heard their first single on a telecom call way back.


  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Wow.. just when I think this place couldn't get any geekier you go and do something like this. My closest call was with my friend James in the 7th grade. We were at a public library, and we were trying to get into the DMV's system to remove a mark on his brother tim's record. After about an hour 3 LVPD roll in talking to the security guards of the library. I uninstalled the hard drive, and took it with me. We darted off, and watched as they swooped the computer we were at, and interrogated the librarian. I went home, and wiped it clean, came back and left it at the book dropoff.

    I was big into hacking from 93-99. Never got into phreaking. I was mostly trying to using unix and exploits to get into as much shit as possible. My high school computers were cake. Grade changing, and test deleting was pie. Of course I got greedy, and remotely connected my home computer to the school computers. In typing class I was playing Doom or Quake eventually I let the teacher in on it.

    I thought I was fairly obvious to our computer administrators, but security was pretty lax. I aced every computer class they taught. They eventually gave me cybercorp access to fix the computers for the teachers, and I would catch would be hackers, and kids trying to get past the internet filter (bessie?). I always used it as an excuse to leave lame classes or go home early. I never got caught, just kinda grew out of the lifestyle.

    I still nerd out to 2600, and that cheeseball movie hackers.

    - spidey

  • girgir 329 Posts
    plaese to post #/codez for soulstrut conf.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    the cafe i work at is called cafe 2600 because of the street address and i always have dumbfucks coming in asking if we're with the "society." i give them a dumbfounded look and just say i dont know what they're talking about.

  • dj_pidj_pi 335 Posts
    I got busted here at Michigan State when they had uncapped T3 lines and I was running a huge warez ftp server. Aparently they said I was sending 10 gigs of info a day and receiving 10 gigs of info a day. I still get any movie/album/game/program I ever wanted for free.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    just when I think this place couldn't get any geekier you go and do something like this.
    just when I think this place couldn't get any geekier you go and do something like this.
    just when I think this place couldn't get any geekier you go and do something like this.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    heroine addicted snuffy nosed pouty lipped elf look is hott!

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts

    in grade 10 computer class we learned programming on Turing. One day our teacher told us how to compose music on it (ie just type in "A" to play an A note)

    the next day i had a friend transcribe the "Come As you are" riff by Nirvana into notes so i could type that shit into Turing. So that was my program...and it also scrolled a jester in ascii characters over and over because I liked Jesters. Then i learned how to make an infinite loop.

    The next day we had a supply teacher, so before the end of class i installed my program on all the computers (there were like 40 in the room). and turned off all the screens and ran the program.

    As we left we could see the supply teacher freaking out "where the hell is that coming from" running towards all the different computers. Now I'm no anjelina jolie, but that was funny.

    ps: remember having to run a program called cshow (cshow.exe) just to look at .gifs and jpegs? man people on the net take a lot of shit for granted.
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