How much do you smoke? (weedstrut related)



  • I don't smoke, period. Never understood the appeal of cigarettes and the few times I tried weed it didn't do shit so I never saw the point. So, I don't touch any of the flammables. I've never even really been tempted to get into smoking weed just judging by some of the people I know that smoke it. I know cats who can't function without waking and baking and that just seemed really sad to me. Guys who feel like they can't enjoy doing things unless they're high, things like that...always just struck me as kind of pathetic.

    Weed heads are pathetic but a lifelong virgin who lives with his parents is... ???

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    I got high in 1987 and did some really bad things.

    Yeah, it is a great way to give up

  • I don't smoke, period. Never understood the appeal of cigarettes and the few times I tried weed it didn't do shit so I never saw the point. So, I don't touch any of the flammables. I've never even really been tempted to get into smoking weed just judging by some of the people I know that smoke it. I know cats who can't function without waking and baking and that just seemed really sad to me. Guys who feel like they can't enjoy doing things unless they're high, things like that...always just struck me as kind of pathetic.
    don't confuse general use with addiction. that's like comparing someone who drinks a glass of wine a day to a person who can't get out of bed without an "eye opener". my sister smokes weed a few times a week, and she's 27 with a PhD in Neurology.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I smoke pretty much every day. Im also addicted to cigarettes, but im planning on quitting that pretty soon. But weed is not the same type of addiction at all. I went home to atlanta for christmas for 10 days and didnt think about weed once. I couldnt do that with cigarettes without getting all aggy and serious withdraw.

    Weed is great, just dont abuse it. The minute something becomes neccesary for you to get through your daily like, you have a mental addiction. But thats your fault, dont blame that on the WEED man!!

  • montymonty 420 Posts
    heh..... my connect just called - said she came across some killer.... but i still have most of the ounce i copped about a month ago, so i passed.

    i smoke when i want to eliminate distractions - FOCUS - and i want to do that when i'm making music.

    been doing it for 50 years. it does effect different people differently, and i get along perfectly well with folks who don't smoke while i'm blasted. it's normal for me.

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    i smoke when i want to eliminate distractions - FOCUS - and i want to do that when i'm making music.

    been doing it for 50 years. it does effect different people differently, and i get along perfectly well with folks who don't smoke while i'm blasted. it's normal for me.

    this is all true for me. but i also can't remember a time i totally got through being high and back to sober without drinking coffee or anything. about 3-4 hours after smoking, depending on the activities, i am out!

  • you guys have been smoking for 50 years?

    dude what are you guys like 65 years old?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    ive never smoked in my life and ive lived in hawaii all my life

  • montymonty 420 Posts
    you guys have been smoking for 50 years?

    dude what are you guys like 65 years old?

  • none anymore...shit makes me parenoid!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    THAT much

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    THAT much THAT I double

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

    im high

  • I've never smoked an entire cig in my life, they make me want to puke.

    I've smoked pounds of weed throughout my life though. I blaze 3 times a week on average - usually only kush.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    Because of possible drug testing for new jobs, my last puff was the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I guess I've got about six or seven weeks going now. If my next job doesn't test, I'll probably go back to puffing.

    I was pretty much smoking every single day (just in the evenings though) up until then. I haven't missed it terribly. Well, I did on New Year's because I think drinking's a hassle, and being sober around all of my drunk friends is also a hassle. Would've loved to have just burned one and chilled.

    Weed and headphones are like chocolate and peanut butter, if you have dope records.

  • I've smoked 3 times in the past month and a half after nearly 10 years of potheadom. It got to where I needed to smoke just to function and get through my day.

    Quitting has downright been one of the most difficult things for me. I am going through some real shitty physical withdrawls, fucking sucks. I have no appetite and have lost 18lbs in that month and a half. I've been getting about 4 hours of sleep a day. It's been a little easier lately, but for me the addiction was no joke. I hope to be able to get to the point where I can have a smoke maybe once or twice a year on a very speical ocassion.

  • I don't smoke, period. Never understood the appeal of cigarettes and the few times I tried weed it didn't do shit so I never saw the point. So, I don't touch any of the flammables. I've never even really been tempted to get into smoking weed just judging by some of the people I know that smoke it. I know cats who can't function without waking and baking and that just seemed really sad to me. Guys who feel like they can't enjoy doing things unless they're high, things like that...always just struck me as kind of pathetic.

    Weed heads are pathetic but a lifelong virgin who lives with his parents is... ???

    I'd take this to PMs but some bitches have it set not to accept them. So...fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I'm a virgin...boohoo. Deal with it. If it was a conscious choice would I still be a loser because of it? I live with my parents...and? You know why I live with my parents? Of course you don't but it doesn't stop you from being a dick in public does it? I live with my parents because originally I moved in to save up money after graduating college. Then a year after I moved in my mom was in a car wreck and almost died. She was in a coma for 3 weeks, had to have skin grafts, her left arm broke in 2 places and had to be plated up, there was nerve damage... Months of physical and mental rehabilitation and then finally she was home, sleeping downstairs in a hospital bed in the living room because walking up stairs was a major chore and just simply walking taxed her to the point that she had to sleep a lot.

    My dad is essentially legally blind and doesn't drive anymore, and being that my mom was layed up who the fuck had to do the grocery shopping? Who the hell had to drive my mom to the doctor's appointments? Who had to deal with a lot of the stuff going on around the house? Who? Oh yeah, that's right, ME. I don't know if your rude offensive ass has ever had to deal with anything as catastrophic happening to an immediate family member but they don't just bounce back in a month from something like that. Three years later my mom is *still* having surgeries done to correct things due to the car wreck. Now, my mom's well enough that she can drive again and my parents don't need me around the house to do simple chores for them anymore but it still took a good couple years to get to that point so it isn't like I've just been freeloading here for 4 years since I graduated college. I'll move out in the next few months but it's my own goddamn business and if you don't like it then keep it to yourself you prick. Go smoke a bowl you fucking moron. Are you this rude to everybody in public you dick?

    And to everybody else... Sorry about doing this in public, I know it's but like I said, dude's PMs are disabled.

  • Heavy. Very confucian of you (I mean that seriously).

    I smoke probably two or three times a week, depending on what I've got. Usually smoke hash, 'cause that's what's usually going around. Would like to smoke weed more, but that stuff is EXPENSIVE up here. Nothing beats a good White Widow blend and a forest-berry smoothie. Mmmmm...

    - J

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I cant remember the last day i wasnt stoned! I think i had weed all trough 2005. Man thats bad! I think i have a problem.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Used to start the day with a bong back in my teens. Slowed down a lot at Uni and these days tend to just have a joint or two in an evening in with my girl or with my friends at the end of a night out.

    Considering I lost about half my youth to sitting in darkened rooms smoking it's kind of lost a lot of it's appeal to me these days.

    Can't smoke heavily and work the next day anymore, shit deadens my brain. To be honest would rather spend a night getting drunk these days anyway.

    Still smoke way too much tobacco though.

  • I don't smoke, period. Never understood the appeal of cigarettes and the few times I tried weed it didn't do shit so I never saw the point. So, I don't touch any of the flammables. I've never even really been tempted to get into smoking weed just judging by some of the people I know that smoke it. I know cats who can't function without waking and baking and that just seemed really sad to me. Guys who feel like they can't enjoy doing things unless they're high, things like that...always just struck me as kind of pathetic.

    Weed heads are pathetic but a lifelong virgin who lives with his parents is... ???

    I'd take this to PMs but some bitches have it set not to accept them. So...fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I'm a virgin...boohoo. Deal with it. If it was a conscious choice would I still be a loser because of it? I live with my parents...and? You know why I live with my parents? Of course you don't but it doesn't stop you from being a dick in public does it? I live with my parents because originally I moved in to save up money after graduating college. Then a year after I moved in my mom was in a car wreck and almost died. She was in a coma for 3 weeks, had to have skin grafts, her left arm broke in 2 places and had to be plated up, there was nerve damage... Months of physical and mental rehabilitation and then finally she was home, sleeping downstairs in a hospital bed in the living room because walking up stairs was a major chore and just simply walking taxed her to the point that she had to sleep a lot.

    My dad is essentially legally blind and doesn't drive anymore, and being that my mom was layed up who the fuck had to do the grocery shopping? Who the hell had to drive my mom to the doctor's appointments? Who had to deal with a lot of the stuff going on around the house? Who? Oh yeah, that's right, ME. I don't know if your rude offensive ass has ever had to deal with anything as catastrophic happening to an immediate family member but they don't just bounce back in a month from something like that. Three years later my mom is *still* having surgeries done to correct things due to the car wreck. Now, my mom's well enough that she can drive again and my parents don't need me around the house to do simple chores for them anymore but it still took a good couple years to get to that point so it isn't like I've just been freeloading here for 4 years since I graduated college. I'll move out in the next few months but it's my own goddamn business and if you don't like it then keep it to yourself you prick. Go smoke a bowl you fucking moron. Are you this rude to everybody in public you dick?

    And to everybody else... Sorry about doing this in public, I know it's but like I said, dude's PMs are disabled.

    Listen brother, we've all got problems. I am world famous but can't embrace my gay lover in public, I've had a severe weight problem all of my life (just look at my various album covers), and I recently died from complications of a major stroke. YOU try managing a chain of Bar-B-Que restaurants with all of that on your plate.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    I live in Vermont.

  • man...i miss herb.

    it's gonna be a looooong 30 years without it.

  • I live in a drum circle.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    I live in a drum circle.

    Do I detect another Vermont Hippy joke. You have no idea how street I am son.

    Find my picture.

  • Nah, that's me, dog.
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